

PrintQueueIndexedProperty Enum


Specifies the properties that are initialized when a PrintQueue object is constructed.

public enum class PrintQueueIndexedProperty
public enum PrintQueueIndexedProperty
type PrintQueueIndexedProperty = 
Public Enum PrintQueueIndexedProperty


AveragePagesPerMinute 9

The speed of the print queue.

Comment 2

A comment specific to the print queue.

DefaultPrintTicket 19

The default print ticket object.

DefaultPriority 6

The default priority.

Description 4

The description of the queue.

HostingPrintServer 15

The host print server.

Location 3

The location of the physical printer.

Name 0

The name of the print queue.

NumberOfJobs 10

The number of jobs in the print queue.

Priority 5

The priority of the print queue relative to other print queues serving the same printer.

QueueAttributes 11

The attributes of the print queue.

QueueDriver 12

The printer driver for the queue.

QueuePort 13

The printer port used by the print queue.

QueuePrintProcessor 14

The print processor for the print queue.

QueueStatus 16

The current status of the queue.

SeparatorFile 17

The path to the separator file.

ShareName 1

The share name of the queue.

StartTimeOfDay 7

The time of day that the queue begins printing its jobs.

UntilTimeOfDay 8

The time of day that the queue stops printing jobs.

UserPrintTicket 18

The print ticket for the user.

Applies to