

Tutorial: Use the ComWrappers API

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to properly subclass the ComWrappers type to provide an optimized and AOT-friendly COM interop solution. Before starting this tutorial, you should be familiar with COM, its architecture, and existing COM interop solutions.

In this tutorial, you'll implement the following interface definitions. These interfaces and their implementations will demonstrate:

  • Marshalling and unmarshalling types across the COM/.NET boundary.
  • Two distinct approaches to consuming native COM objects in .NET.
  • A recommended pattern for enabling custom COM interop in .NET 5 and beyond.

All source code used in this tutorial is available in the dotnet/samples repository.


In the .NET 8 SDK and later versions, a source generator is provided to automatically generate a ComWrappers API implementation for you. For more information, see ComWrappers source generation.

C# definitions

interface IDemoGetType
    string? GetString();

interface IDemoStoreType
    void StoreString(int len, string? str);

Win32 C++ definitions

IDemoGetType : public IUnknown
    HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetString(_Outptr_ wchar_t** str) = 0;

IDemoStoreType : public IUnknown
    HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE StoreString(int len, _In_z_ const wchar_t* str) = 0;

Overview of the ComWrappers design

The ComWrappers API was designed to provide the minimal interaction needed to accomplish COM interop with the .NET 5+ runtime. This means that many of the niceties that exist with the built-in COM interop system are not present and must be built up from basic building blocks. The two primary responsibilities of the API are:

  • Efficient object identification (for example, mapping between an IUnknown* instance and a managed object).
  • Garbage Collector (GC) interaction.

These efficiencies are accomplished by requiring wrapper creation and acquisition to go through the ComWrappers API.

Since the ComWrappers API has so few responsibilities, it stands to reason that most of the interop work should be handled by the consumer – this is true. However, the additional work is largely mechanical and can be performed by a source-generation solution. As an example, the C#/WinRT tool chain is a source-generation solution that's built on top of ComWrappers to provide WinRT interop support.

Implement a ComWrappers subclass

Providing a ComWrappers subclass means giving enough information to the .NET runtime to create and record wrappers for managed objects being projected into COM and COM objects being projected into .NET. Before we look at an outline of the subclass, we should define some terms.

Managed Object Wrapper – Managed .NET objects require wrappers to enable usage from a non-.NET environment. These wrappers are historically called COM Callable Wrappers (CCW).

Native Object Wrapper – COM objects that are implemented in a non-.NET language require wrappers to enable usage from .NET. These wrappers are historically called Runtime Callable Wrappers (RCW).

Step 1 – Define methods to implement and understand their intent

To extend the ComWrappers type, you must implement the following three methods. Each of these methods represents the user's participation in the creation or deletion of a type of wrapper. The ComputeVtables() and CreateObject() methods create a Managed Object Wrapper and Native Object Wrapper, respectively. The ReleaseObjects() method is used by the runtime to make a request for the supplied collection of wrappers to be "released" from the underlying native object. In most cases, the body of the ReleaseObjects() method can simply throw NotImplementedException, since it's only called in an advanced scenario involving the Reference Tracker framework.

// See referenced sample for implementation.
class DemoComWrappers : ComWrappers
    protected override unsafe ComInterfaceEntry* ComputeVtables(object obj, CreateComInterfaceFlags flags, out int count) =>
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    protected override object? CreateObject(IntPtr externalComObject, CreateObjectFlags flags) =>
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    protected override void ReleaseObjects(IEnumerable objects) =>
        throw new NotImplementedException();

To implement the ComputeVtables() method, decide which managed types you'd like to support. For this tutorial, we'll support the two previously defined interfaces (IDemoGetType and IDemoStoreType) and a managed type that implements the two interfaces (DemoImpl).

class DemoImpl : IDemoGetType, IDemoStoreType
    string? _string;
    public string? GetString() => _string;
    public void StoreString(int _, string? str) => _string = str;

For the CreateObject() method, you'll also need to determine what you'd like to support. In this case, though, we only know the COM interfaces we're interested in, not the COM classes. The interfaces being consumed from the COM side are the same as the ones we're projecting from the .NET side (that is, IDemoGetType and IDemoStoreType).

We won't implement ReleaseObjects() in this tutorial.

Step 2 – Implement ComputeVtables()

Let's start with the Managed Object Wrapper – these wrappers are easier. You'll build a Virtual Method Table, or vtable, for each interface in order to project them into the COM environment. For this tutorial, you'll define a vtable as a sequence of pointers, where each pointer represents an implementation of a function on an interface – order is very important here. In COM, every interface inherits from IUnknown. The IUnknown type has three methods defined in the following order: QueryInterface(), AddRef(), and Release(). After the IUnknown methods come the specific interface methods. For example, consider IDemoGetType and IDemoStoreType. Conceptually, the vtables for the types would look like the following:

IDemoGetType    | IDemoStoreType
QueryInterface  | QueryInterface
AddRef          | AddRef
Release         | Release
GetString       | StoreString

Looking at DemoImpl, we already have an implementation for GetString() and StoreString(), but what about the IUnknown functions? How to implement an IUnknown instance is beyond the scope of this tutorial, but it can be done manually in ComWrappers. However, in this tutorial, you'll let the runtime handle that part. You can get the IUnknown implementation using the ComWrappers.GetIUnknownImpl() method.

It might seem like you've implemented all the methods, but unfortunately, only the IUnknown functions are consumable in a COM vtable. Since COM is outside of the runtime, you'll need to create native function pointers to your DemoImpl implementation. This can be done using C# function pointers and the UnmanagedCallersOnlyAttribute. You can create a function to insert into the vtable by creating a static function that mimics the COM function signature. Following is an example of the COM signature for IDemoGetType.GetString() – recall from the COM ABI that the first argument is the instance itself.

public static int GetString(IntPtr _this, IntPtr* str);

The wrapper implementation of IDemoGetType.GetString() should consist of marshalling logic and then a dispatch to the managed object being wrapped. All the state for dispatch is contained within the provided _this argument. The _this argument will actually be of type ComInterfaceDispatch*. This type represents a low-level structure with a single field, Vtable, that will be discussed later. Further details of this type and its layout are an implementation detail of the runtime and should not be depended upon. In order to retrieve the managed instance from a ComInterfaceDispatch* instance, use the following code:

IDemoGetType inst = ComInterfaceDispatch.GetInstance<IDemoGetType>((ComInterfaceDispatch*)_this);

Now that you have a C# method that can be inserted into a vtable, you can construct the vtable. Note the use of RuntimeHelpers.AllocateTypeAssociatedMemory() for allocating memory in a way that works with unloadable assemblies.

    out IntPtr fpQueryInterface,
    out IntPtr fpAddRef,
    out IntPtr fpRelease);

// Local variables with increment act as a guard against incorrect construction of
// the native vtable. It also enables a quick validation of final size.
int tableCount = 4;
int idx = 0;
var vtable = (IntPtr*)RuntimeHelpers.AllocateTypeAssociatedMemory(
    IntPtr.Size * tableCount);
vtable[idx++] = fpQueryInterface;
vtable[idx++] = fpAddRef;
vtable[idx++] = fpRelease;
vtable[idx++] = (IntPtr)(delegate* unmanaged<IntPtr, IntPtr*, int>)&ABI.IDemoGetTypeManagedWrapper.GetString;
Debug.Assert(tableCount == idx);
s_IDemoGetTypeVTable = (IntPtr)vtable;

The allocation of vtables is the first part of implementing ComputeVtables(). You should also construct comprehensive COM definitions for types that you're planning to support – think DemoImpl and what parts of it should be usable from COM. Using the constructed vtables, you can now create a series of ComInterfaceEntry instances that represent the complete view of the managed object in COM.

s_DemoImplDefinitionLen = 2;
int idx = 0;
var entries = (ComInterfaceEntry*)RuntimeHelpers.AllocateTypeAssociatedMemory(
    sizeof(ComInterfaceEntry) * s_DemoImplDefinitionLen);
entries[idx].IID = IDemoGetType.IID_IDemoGetType;
entries[idx++].Vtable = s_IDemoGetTypeVTable;
entries[idx].IID = IDemoStoreType.IID_IDemoStoreType;
entries[idx++].Vtable = s_IDemoStoreVTable;
Debug.Assert(s_DemoImplDefinitionLen == idx);
s_DemoImplDefinition = entries;

The allocation of vtables and entries for the Managed Object Wrapper can and should be done ahead of time since the data can be used for all instances of the type. The work here could be performed in a static constructor or a module initializer, but it should be done ahead of time so the ComputeVtables() method is as simple and quick as possible.

protected override unsafe ComInterfaceEntry* ComputeVtables(object obj, CreateComInterfaceFlags flags,
out int count)
    if (obj is DemoImpl)
        count = s_DemoImplDefinitionLen;
        return s_DemoImplDefinition;

    // Unknown type
    count = 0;
    return null;

Once you've implemented the ComputeVtables() method, the ComWrappers subclass will be able to produce Managed Object Wrappers for instances of DemoImpl. Be aware that the returned Managed Object Wrapper from the call to GetOrCreateComInterfaceForObject() is of type IUnknown*. If the native API that's being passed to the wrapper requires a different interface, a Marshal.QueryInterface() for that interface must be performed.

var cw = new DemoComWrappers();
var demo = new DemoImpl();
IntPtr ccw = cw.GetOrCreateComInterfaceForObject(demo, CreateComInterfaceFlags.None);

Step 3 – Implement CreateObject()

Constructing a Native Object Wrapper has more implementation options and a great deal more nuance than constructing a Managed Object Wrapper. The first question to address is how permissive the ComWrappers subclass will be in supporting COM types. To support all COM types, which is possible, you'll need to write a substantial amount of code or employ some clever uses of Reflection.Emit. For this tutorial, you'll only support COM instances that implement both IDemoGetType and IDemoStoreType. Since you know there is a finite set and have restricted that any supplied COM instance must implement both interfaces, you could provide a single, statically defined wrapper; however, dynamic cases are common enough in COM that we'll explore both options.

Static Native Object Wrapper

Let's look at the static implementation first. The static Native Object Wrapper involves defining a managed type that implements the .NET interfaces and can forward the calls on the managed type to the COM instance. A rough outline of the static wrapper follows.

// See referenced sample for implementation.
class DemoNativeStaticWrapper
    : IDemoGetType
    , IDemoStoreType
    public string? GetString() =>
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public void StoreString(int len, string? str) =>
        throw new NotImplementedException();

To construct an instance of this class and provide it as a wrapper, you must define some policy. If this type is used as a wrapper, it would seem that since it implements both interfaces, the underlying COM instance should implement both interfaces too. Given that you're adopting this policy, you'll need to confirm this through calls to Marshal.QueryInterface() on the COM instance.

int hr = Marshal.QueryInterface(ptr, ref IDemoGetType.IID_IDemoGetType, out IntPtr IDemoGetTypeInst);
if (hr != 0)
    return null;

hr = Marshal.QueryInterface(ptr, ref IDemoStoreType.IID_IDemoStoreType, out IntPtr IDemoStoreTypeInst);
if (hr != 0)
    return null;

return new DemoNativeStaticWrapper()
    IDemoGetTypeInst = IDemoGetTypeInst,
    IDemoStoreTypeInst = IDemoStoreTypeInst

Dynamic Native Object Wrapper

Dynamic wrappers are more flexible because they provide a way for types to be queried at run time instead of statically. In order to provide this support, you'll utilize IDynamicInterfaceCastable – further details can be found here. Observe that DemoNativeDynamicWrapper only implements this interface. The functionality that the interface provides is a chance to determine what type is supported at run time. The source for this tutorial does a static check during creation but that is simply for code sharing since the check could be deferred until a call is made to DemoNativeDynamicWrapper.IsInterfaceImplemented().

// See referenced sample for implementation.
internal class DemoNativeDynamicWrapper
    : IDynamicInterfaceCastable
    public RuntimeTypeHandle GetInterfaceImplementation(RuntimeTypeHandle interfaceType) =>
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public bool IsInterfaceImplemented(RuntimeTypeHandle interfaceType, bool throwIfNotImplemented) =>
        throw new NotImplementedException();

Let's look at one of the interfaces that DemoNativeDynamicWrapper will dynamically support. The following code provides the implementation of IDemoStoreType using the default interface methods feature.

unsafe interface IDemoStoreTypeNativeWrapper : IDemoStoreType
    public static void StoreString(IntPtr inst, int len, string? str);

    void IDemoStoreType.StoreString(int len, string? str)
        var inst = ((DemoNativeDynamicWrapper)this).IDemoStoreTypeInst;
        StoreString(inst, len, str);

There are two important things to note in this example:

  1. The DynamicInterfaceCastableImplementationAttribute attribute. This attribute is required on any type that is returned from a IDynamicInterfaceCastable method. It has the added benefit of making IL trimming easier, which means AOT scenarios are more reliable.
  2. The cast to DemoNativeDynamicWrapper. This is part of the dynamic nature of IDynamicInterfaceCastable. The type that's returned from IDynamicInterfaceCastable.GetInterfaceImplementation() is used to "blanket" the type that implements IDynamicInterfaceCastable. The gist here is the this pointer isn't what it pretends to be because we are permitting a case from DemoNativeDynamicWrapper to IDemoStoreTypeNativeWrapper.

Forward calls to the COM instance

Regardless of which Native Object Wrapper is used, you need the ability to invoke functions on a COM instance. The implementation of IDemoStoreTypeNativeWrapper.StoreString() can serve as an example of employing unmanaged C# function pointers.

public static void StoreString(IntPtr inst, int len, string? str)
    IntPtr strLocal = Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemUni(str);
    int hr = ((delegate* unmanaged<IntPtr, int, IntPtr, int>)(*(*(void***)inst + 3 /* IDemoStoreType.StoreString slot */)))(inst, len, strLocal);
    if (hr != 0)

Let's examine the dereferencing of the COM instance to access its vtable implementation. The COM ABI defines that the first pointer of an object is to the type's vtable and, from there, the desired slot can be accessed. Let's assume the address of the COM object is 0x10000. The first pointer-sized value should be the address of the vtable – in this example 0x20000. Once you're at the vtable, you look for the fourth slot (index 3 in zero-based indexing) to access the StoreString() implementation.

COM instance
0x10000  0x20000

VTable for IDemoStoreType
0x20000  <Address of QueryInterface>
0x20008  <Address of AddRef>
0x20010  <Address of Release>
0x20018  <Address of StoreString>

Having the function pointer then allows you to dispatch to that member function on that object by passing the object instance as the first parameter. This pattern should look familiar based on the function definitions of the Managed Object Wrapper implementation.

Once the CreateObject() method is implemented, the ComWrappers subclass will be able to produce Native Object Wrappers for COM instances that implement both IDemoGetType and IDemoStoreType.

IntPtr iunk = ...; // Get a COM instance from native code.
object rcw = cw.GetOrCreateObjectForComInstance(iunk, CreateObjectFlags.UniqueInstance);

Step 4 – Handle Native Object Wrapper lifetime details

The ComputeVtables() and CreateObject() implementations covered some wrapper lifetime details, but there are further considerations. While this can be a short step, it can also significantly increase the complexity of the ComWrappers design.

Unlike the Managed Object Wrapper, which is controlled by calls to its AddRef() and Release() methods, the lifetime of a Native Object Wrapper is nondeterministically handled by the GC. The question here is, when does the Native Object Wrapper call Release() on the IntPtr that represents the COM instance? There are two general buckets:

  1. The Native Object Wrapper's Finalizer is responsible for calling the COM instance's Release() method. This is the only time when it's safe to call this method. At this point, it's been correctly determined by the GC that there are no other references to the Native Object Wrapper in the .NET runtime. There can be complexity here if you're properly supporting COM Apartments; for more information, see the Additional considerations section.

  2. The Native Object Wrapper implements IDisposable and calls Release() in Dispose().


The IDisposable pattern should only be supported if, during the CreateObject() call, the CreateObjectFlags.UniqueInstance flag was passed in. If this requirement is not followed, it's possible for disposed Native Object Wrappers to be reused after being disposed.

Using the ComWrappers subclass

You now have a ComWrappers subclass that can be tested. To avoid creating a native library that returns a COM instance that implements IDemoGetType and IDemoStoreType, you'll use the Managed Object Wrapper and treat it as a COM instance – this must be possible in order to pass it COM anyways.

Let's create a Managed Object Wrapper first. Instantiate a DemoImpl instance and display its current string state.

var demo = new DemoImpl();

string? value = demo.GetString();
Console.WriteLine($"Initial string: {value ?? "<null>"}");

Now you can create an instance of DemoComWrappers and a Managed Object Wrapper that you can then pass into a COM environment.

var cw = new DemoComWrappers();

IntPtr ccw = cw.GetOrCreateComInterfaceForObject(demo, CreateComInterfaceFlags.None);

Instead of passing the Managed Object Wrapper to a COM environment, pretend you just received this COM instance, so you'll create a Native Object Wrapper for it instead.

var rcw = cw.GetOrCreateObjectForComInstance(ccw, CreateObjectFlags.UniqueInstance);

With the Native Object Wrapper, you should be able to cast it to one of the desired interfaces and use it as a normal managed object. You can examine the DemoImpl instance and observe the impact of operations on the Native Object Wrapper that's wrapping a Managed Object Wrapper that's in turn wrapping the managed instance.

var getter = (IDemoGetType)rcw;
var store = (IDemoStoreType)rcw;

string msg = "hello world!";
store.StoreString(msg.Length, msg);
Console.WriteLine($"Setting string through wrapper: {msg}");

value = demo.GetString();
Console.WriteLine($"Get string through managed object: {value}");

msg = msg.ToUpper();
demo.StoreString(msg.Length, msg.ToUpper());
Console.WriteLine($"Setting string through managed object: {msg}");

value = getter.GetString();
Console.WriteLine($"Get string through wrapper: {value}");

Since your ComWrapper subclass was designed to support CreateObjectFlags.UniqueInstance, you can clean up the Native Object Wrapper immediately instead of waiting for a GC to occur.

(rcw as IDisposable)?.Dispose();

COM Activation with ComWrappers

The creation of COM objects is typically performed via COM Activation – a complex scenario outside the scope of this document. In order to provide a conceptual pattern to follow, we introduce the CoCreateInstance() API, used for COM Activation, and illustrate how it can be used with ComWrappers.

Assume you have the following C# code in your application. The below example uses CoCreateInstance() to activate a COM class and the built-in COM interop system to marshal the COM instance to the appropriate interface. Note the use of typeof(I).GUID is limited to an assert and is a case of using reflection which can impact if the code is AOT-friendly.

public static I ActivateClass<I>(Guid clsid, Guid iid)
    Debug.Assert(iid == typeof(I).GUID);
    int hr = CoCreateInstance(ref clsid, IntPtr.Zero, /*CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER*/ 1, ref iid, out object obj);
    if (hr < 0)
    return (I)obj;

private static extern int CoCreateInstance(
    ref Guid rclsid,
    IntPtr pUnkOuter,
    int dwClsContext,
    ref Guid riid,
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] out object ppObj);

Converting the above to use ComWrappers involves removing the MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface) from the CoCreateInstance() P/Invoke and performing the marshalling manually.

static ComWrappers s_ComWrappers = ...;

public static I ActivateClass<I>(Guid clsid, Guid iid)
    Debug.Assert(iid == typeof(I).GUID);
    int hr = CoCreateInstance(ref clsid, IntPtr.Zero, /*CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER*/ 1, ref iid, out IntPtr obj);
    if (hr < 0)
    return (I)s_ComWrappers.GetOrCreateObjectForComInstance(obj, CreateObjectFlags.None);

private static extern int CoCreateInstance(
    ref Guid rclsid,
    IntPtr pUnkOuter,
    int dwClsContext,
    ref Guid riid,
    out IntPtr ppObj);

It is also possible to abstract away factory-style functions like ActivateClass<I> by including the activation logic in the class constructor for a Native Object Wrapper. The constructor can use the ComWrappers.GetOrRegisterObjectForComInstance() API to associate the newly constructed managed object with the activated COM instance.

Additional considerations

Native AOT – Ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation provides improved startup cost as JIT compilation is avoided. Removing the need for JIT compilation is also often required on some platforms. Supporting AOT was a goal of the ComWrappers API, but any wrapper implementation must be careful not to inadvertently introduce cases where AOT breaks down, such as using reflection. The Type.GUID property is an example of where reflection is used, but in a non-obvious way. The Type.GUID property uses reflection to inspect the type's attributes and then potentially the type's name and containing assembly in order to generate its value.

Source generation – Most of the code that's needed for COM interop and a ComWrappers implementation can likely be autogenerated by some tooling. Source for both types of wrappers could be generated given the proper COM definitions – for example, Type Library (TLB), IDL, or a Primary Interop Assembly (PIA).

Global registration – Since the ComWrappers API was designed as a new phase of COM interop, it needed to have some way to partially integrate with the existing system. There are globally impacting static methods on the ComWrappers API that permit registration of a global instance for various support. These methods are designed for ComWrappers instances that are expecting to provide comprehensive COM interop support in all cases – akin to the built-in COM interop system.

Reference Tracker support – This support is primary used for WinRT scenarios and represents an advanced scenario. For most ComWrapper implementations, either a CreateComInterfaceFlags.TrackerSupport or CreateObjectFlags.TrackerObject flag should throw a NotSupportedException. If you'd like to enable this support, perhaps on a Windows or even non-Windows platform, it is highly recommended to reference the C#/WinRT tool chain.

Aside from the lifetime, type system, and functional features that are discussed previously, a COM-compliant implementation of ComWrappers requires additional considerations. For any implementation that will be used on the Windows platform, there are the following considerations:

  • Apartments – COM's organizational structure for threading is called "Apartments" and has strict rules that must be followed for stable operations. This tutorial does not implement apartment-aware Native Object Wrappers, but any production-ready implementation should be apartment-aware. To accomplish this, we recommend using the RoGetAgileReference API introduced in Windows 8. For versions prior to Windows 8, consider the Global Interface Table.

  • Security – COM provides a rich security model for class activation and proxied permission.