
Digital signing of retail transactions for Norway based on fiscal integration framework


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users by admins, makers, or analysts - Feb 4, 2022

Business value

This new capability makes the implementation of Dynamics 365 Commerce easier for customers in Norway because the digital signing functionality that is required to be compliant with local cash regulations is now based on the fiscal integration framework.

Feature details

According to local cash register regulations in Norway, any retail sale must be digitally signed, and an excerpt from the signature must be printed in the customer's receipt for the sale. The sample of digital signing of retail transactions for Norway now takes advantage of the fiscal integration framework, which means it supports all of the built-in fiscal integration capabilities. The sample is included in the Retail SDK and must be configured and built in order to be used. The functionality enables fiscal registration of sales by means of digital signing in various cash-and-carry sales and customer order scenarios, as well as fiscal registration of audit events of various types. The digital signing capabilities leverage user-defined certificate profiles and allow using certificates stored either in Azure Key Vault or local storage.

The fiscal integration framework enables multinational retailers to build common point of sale (POS) solutions that are compliant with different local fiscal regulations in the countries or regions that they operate in.

See also

Cash register functionality for Norway (docs)