

Walkthrough of service contracts for service items

This walkthrough demonstrates several core processes:

  • Creation of Service Items through Sales
  • Creating and Invoicing for a Service Contract
  • Creating a Service Order for a Service Contract
  • Assign a Resource based on Skill and Zone
  • Complete the time entry for the Service Order
  • Post and Invoice the Contract Service Order

Creation of service items


Susan, the order processor, posts a sales order selling an Item configured to generate a Service Item.


  1. Check that Item has Service Item Group selected.

    1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Items, and then choose the related link.
    2. Select the item S-100 and open it.
    3. Check the value in the Service Item Group field.
  2. Post the Sales Order to create the Service Item for the Customer.

    1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Sales Orders, and then choose the related link.
    2. Select the order for customer 10000. The External Orders No. is SVC-1.
    3. Choose the Post action to ship the item to the customer.


  • A Service Item is created for Customer 10000

Invoicing a service contract


Charles, the service manager, then creates a Service Contract to invoice for regular maintenance visits.

  1. Create the Service Contract for the new Service Item

    1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Service Contracts, and then choose the related link.
    2. Choose the New action.
    3. In the confirmation dialog, choose Yes to create contract using template.
    4. Select Non-Prepaid Contract - Monthly.
    5. On the Service FastTab, in the Service Order Type, enter MAINTEN.
    6. In the Lines, enter the following information:
    Service Item No. Line Value
    SV000001 6000
    1. Choose the Sign Contract action and confirm the signing.
    2. Choose Yes to confirm creation of a Service Invoice. You receive a confirmation message with the Service Invoice number.
  2. Post the Service Invoice

    1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Service Invoices, and then choose the related link.
    2. Locate the Service Invoice and choose the Post action.


  • A Signed Service Contract is created, with Ledger Entries
  • A Posted Service Invoice is created

Create a service order for a service contract and assign resources


Charles, the service manager, creates the Service Orders for regular maintenance orders under Service Contract, then review the Dispatch Board to assign them.


  1. Run the Service Orders that fulfill the obligations of active Service Contracts.

    1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Create Contract Service Orders, and then choose the related link.
    2. Enter the beginning and ending dates of the month in the Starting Date and Ending Date fields in the Options FastTab
    3. Choose OK to confirm creation of Service Orders. You receive a confirmation message with number of created Service Orders.
  2. Review the Orders awaiting assignment via the Dispatch Board

    1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Dispatch Board, and then choose the related link.
    2. The Dispatch Board shows all open Service Orders, along with the No. of Allocations to show if the Service Orders are assigned to a Resource.
    3. Choosing the Show Documents action to open a Service Order. You see that the Service Item Lines FactBox shows which Resources are skilled at working with this item.
  3. Assign a Resource to the Service Order

    1. From the Service Order, choose the Line action Resource Allocations
    2. Enter the following information for the Resource Allocation
    Service Item No. Resource No. Allocation Date Allocated Hours
    SV000001 RESOURCE1 t 1
    1. The Allocation is changed to a Status to Active.
    2. Refreshing the Dispatch Board shows the No of Allocations changed from 0 to 1 for the Service Order.


  • Service Orders are created for the Service Contracts
  • The Service Orders are allocated to a resource to complete the work

Complete the time entry for the service order and post the service order


The service technician registers their time directly against the Service Order, then mark order as finished.


Time Entry for Service Orders can be entered via Time Sheets. For more information, see [link to Timesheet if this note makes sense].


  1. Locate the Service Order and enter the time into the Service Line

    1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Service Orders, and then choose the related link.
    2. Locate the Service Order to enter time for.
    3. Choose the Line action Service Line.
    4. Enter the following information
    Type No. Quantity Qty.to Consume
    Resource RESOURCE1 2 2
  2. On the Service Order, Post the consumption

    1. Choose the Post action to complete the Service Order, select the Ship and Consume action, and then choose the OK button.


  • Service Ledger Entries are created associated with the Service Item, Service Contract, and Resource

See also

Introduction to Contoso Coffee Demo Data
About Production Orders