Globalize modules by using the CultureInfoFormatter class
This article describes how to globalize modules using the CultureInfoFormatter class in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce.
Globalization of an online site should include not only string localization, but also number, date, and currency formatting for the various languages and regions that your website serves.
The Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce Online Software Development Kit (SDK) provides a CultureInfoFormatter class that helps meet typical globalization requirements for the format of numbers, currencies, dates, and times.
Access the CultureInfoFormatter class in a module view file
An instance of the CultureInfoFormatter class is automatically created and can be accessed in the module view through the this.props.context object. The following example shows how to use the CultureInfoFormatter methods to format currency.
public render(): JSX.Element | null {
// this.props.context.cultureFormatter contains an initialized formatter
// with locale of 'en-US' in this example
const intlFormatter = this.props.context.cultureFormatter
// expected output: $ 34.12
Construct an instance of the CultureInfoFormatter class
The constructor of the CultureInfoFormatter class takes one argument, lang-locale.
The lang-locale argument must be a valid BCP-47 language tag. A default value, 'en-US', is used if no language tag is specified. Language tags aren't case-sensitive, but by convention the locale is capitalized.
import {CultureInfoFormatter} from '@msdyn365-commerce/core';
// Default constructor will use 'en-US' for locale
let intlFormatter = new CultureInfoFormatter();
// Constructs a new intl formatter using the French language as spoken in France
intlFormatter = new CultureInfoFormatter('fr-FR');
// Constructs a new intl formatter using the English language as spoken in Great Britain
intlFormatter = new CultureInfoFormatter('en-GB');
CultureInfoFormatter class formatting functions
The CultureInfoFormatter class provides the following formatting functions:
- Currency formatting
- Date formatting
- Time formatting
- Number formatting
Currency formatting
To format currency according to the conventions for a specific locale, use the formatCurrency() method as shown the following example.
* Returns a localized currency formatted version of a price.
* @param price Either a string or number representing the price that will be localized and formatted
* @param currencyCode Optional argument. The three letter currency code that will be used for formatting the currency.
* If the currency code is not provided the locale will be used to determine the best fit currency code.
formatCurrency(price: string | number, currencyCode?: string): string;
The currencyCode argument is optional. If provided, it must be in the ISO 4217 format. If the currencyCode argument isn't provided, the formatter uses the locale to determine the best currency code to use.
Currency formatting examples
import {CultureInfoFormatter} from '@msdyn365-commerce/core';
// Set locale to fr-FR
let cultureInfoFormatter = new CultureInfoFormatter('fr-FR');
// Using a string argument for the price
cultureInfoFormatter.formatCurrency('34.12', 'eur');
// expected output: "34,12 €"
// Using a number argument for the price and letting the formatter find
// the best currency code to use from the locale given
// expected output: "34,12 €"
cultureInfoFormatter = new CultureInfoFormatter('en-IN');
cultureInfoFormatter.formatCurrency(34.12, 'inr');
// expected output: ₹ 34.12
Date formatting
To format a date according to the conventions for a specific locale, use the formatDate() method as shown the following examples.
SDK version 1.27.7 and greater
* Returns a localized formatted version of a date
* @param date Date object or valid date string representing the date that will be localized and formatted
* @param options An optional argument that controls the formatting.
public formatDate = (date: Date | string, options?: IDateFormatOptions): string
SDK versions earlier than 1.27.7
* Returns a localized formatted version of a date
* @param date Date object representing the date that will be localized and formatted
* @param options An optional argument that controls the formatting.
formatDate(date: Date, options?: IDateFormatOptions): string;
The options argument is optional. It lets you control the localization and formatting. For more information about date formatting properties, see IDateFormatOptions.
Date formatting examples
import {CultureInfoFormatter} from '@msdyn365-commerce/core';
const testDate = new Date(2012, 11, 20, 3, 0, 0); // 12/20/2012 (in US format-mm/dd/yyyy)
let cultureInfoFormatter = new CultureInfoFormatter('en-US');
// Basic format with no options
// expected output: "12/20/2012"
// Set lang-locale to English as spoken in Great Britain
cultureInfoFormatter = new CultureInfoFormatter('en-GB');
// expected output: "20/12/2012"
// Set lang-locale to German as spoken in Germany
cultureInfoFormatter = new CultureInfoFormatter('de-DE');
let options: IDateFormatOptions = <IDateFormatOptions>{};
options = { weekday: 'long', year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' };
// expected output: "Donnerstag, 20. Dezember 2012"
Time formatting
To format a time according to the conventions for a specific locale, use the formatTime() method as shown the following examples.
SDK version 1.27.7 and greater
* Returns a localized formatted version of a time
* @param time Date object or valid date string representing the time that will be localized and formatted
* @param options An optional argument that controls the formatting
public formatTime = (time: Date | string, options?: ITimeFormatOptions): string
SDK versions earlier than 1.27.7
* Returns a localized formatted version of a time
* @param time Date object representing the time that will be localized and formatted
* @param options An optional argument that controls the formatting
formatTime(time: Date, options?: ITimeFormatOptions): string;
The options argument is optional. It lets you control the localization and formatting. For more information about time formatting properties, see ITimeFormatOptions.
Time formatting examples
import {CultureInfoFormatter} from '@msdyn365-commerce/core';
const testDate = new Date(2012, 11, 20, 13, 34, 23); // 1:34:23 PM in en-US Format
let cultureInfoFormatter = new CultureInfoFormatter('en-US');
let options: ITimeFormatOptions = <ITimeFormatOptions>{};
options.hour12 = false;
// Format time with 24 hour time
cultureInfoFormatter.formatTime(testDate, options);
cultureInfoFormatter = new CultureInfoFormatter('fr-FR');
options = <ITimeFormatOptions>{};
options.second = 'numeric';
cultureInfoFormatter.formatTime(testDate, options);
// expected output: "13:34:23"
Number formatting
To format a number according to the conventions for a specific locale, use the formatNumber() method as shown the following example.
* Returns a localized formatted version of a number
* @param value The number that will be localized and formatted
* @param options An optional argument that controls the formatting.
formatNumber(value: number, options?: INumberFormatOptions): string;
The options argument is optional. It lets you control the localization and formatting. For more information about number formatting properties, see INumberFormatOptions.
Number formatting examples
import {CultureInfoFormatter} from '@msdyn365-commerce/core';
let cultureInfoFormatter = new CultureInfoFormatter('en-US');
// expected output: "123,456,789"
// expected output: "1,234,567.89"
// German language uses comma as decimal separator and period for thousands
cultureInfoFormatter = new CultureInfoFormatter('de-DE');
// expected output: "1.234.567,89"
const options: INumberFormatOptions = <INumberFormatOptions>{}; = 'percent';
(cultureInfoFormatter.formatNumber(0.7842, options);
// expected output: "78,42 %"
// Setting the language to Arabic formats numbers using Arabic numerals
cultureInfoFormatter = new CultureInfoFormatter('ar-EG');
// expected output: "١٬٢٣٤٬٥٦٧٫٨٩"
Formatting options
This section covers the formatting options and property details for ITimeFormatOptions, IDateFormatOptions, and INumberFormatOptions interfaces.
interface ITimeFormatOptions {
localeMatcher?: 'best fit' | 'lookup';
formatMatcher?: 'basic' | 'best fit';
hourCycle?: 'h11' | 'h12' | 'h23' | 'h24';
timeZone?: string;
hour12?: boolean;
hour?: 'numeric' | '2-digit';
minute?: 'numeric' | '2-digit';
second?: 'numeric' | '2-digit';
timeZoneName?: 'short' | 'long';
Property details
Name | Type | Allowed values | Description |
localeMatcher | enum | 'best fit' or 'lookup' | Specifies the algorithm to use to match and find the locale. The 'lookup' matcher follows the lookup algorithm specified in BCP-47. The 'best fit' matcher lets the runtime provide a locale at least as well-suited to the request as the result of the lookup algorithm, although it might be a better fit than that result. |
formatMatcher | enum | 'basic' or 'best-fit' | Specifies the format matching algorithm to use, and when it's used. The default value is 'best fit'. |
hourCycle | enum | 'h11', 'h12', 'h23', or 'h24' | Specifies the hour cycle to use. |
timeZone | string | Time zone names, as defined by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) time zone database. | Specifies the time zone to use. The default value is the runtime's default time zone. If the environment lacks native internationalization support and internationalization is polyfilled, this option isn't supported because internationalization polyfill doesn't support time zones. |
hour12 | boolean | 'true' or 'false' | Specifies whether 12-hour time is used instead of 24-hour time. This option overrides the hourCycle property, and its default value depends on the locale. |
hour | enum | 'numeric' or '2-digit' | Specifies the representation of the hour. The '2-digit' value forces hours to be shown as two digits. |
minute | enum | 'numeric' or '2-digit' | Specifies the representation of the minute. The '2-digit' value forces minutes to be shown as two digits. |
second | enum | 'numeric' or '2-digit' | Specifies the representation of the second. The '2-digit' value forces seconds to be shown as two digits. |
timeZoneName | enum | 'short' or 'long' | Specifies the representation of the time zone name. The 'short' value shows the three-character abbreviation for the time zone. The 'long' value shows the full name. |
interface IDateFormatOptions extends ITimeFormatOptions {
weekday?: 'narrow' | 'short' | 'long';
year: 'numeric' | '2-digit';
month?: 'numeric' | '2-digit' | 'narrow' | 'short' | 'long';
day?: 'numeric' | '2-digit';
All properties provided in ITimeFormatOptions interface can be used in IDateFormatOptions interface since the time object is a subcomponent of the date object.
Property details
Name | Type | Allowed values | Description |
weekday | enum | 'narrow', 'short', or 'long' | Specifies the representation of the day. The 'narrow' value shows the one-character or two-character representation of the day. The 'short' value shows the three-character representation. The 'long' value shows the full name. |
year | enum | 'numeric' or '2-digit' | Specifies the representation of the year. The '2-digit' value shows the two most significant digits of the year (for example, the year 2018 is shown as 18). The 'numeric' value shows the whole year. |
month | enum | 'numeric', '2-digit', 'narrow', 'short', or 'long' | Specifies the representation of the month. The 'numeric' value shows the numeric representation of the month (for example, April is shown as 4). The '2-digit' value shows the two-digit numeric representation (for example, April is shown as 04). The 'narrow' value shows the two-character representation (for example, April is shown as AP). The 'short' value shows the three-character representation (for example, April is shown as Apr). The 'long' value shows the full name. |
day | enum | 'numeric' or '2-digit' | Specifies the representation of the day. The '2-digit' value forces days to be shown as two digits. |
No default value is defined for each date/time component property. However, if all component properties are undefined, the 'numeric' value is assumed for the year, month, and day property.
export interface INumberFormatOptions {
localeMatcher?: 'best fit' | 'lookup';
style?: 'decimal' | 'percent' | 'currency';
currency?: string;
minimumIntegerDigits?: number;
minimumFractionDigits?: number;
maximumFractionDigits?: number;
minimumSignificantDigits?: number;
maximumSignificantDigits?: number;
Property details
Name | Type | Allowed values | Description |
localeMatcher | enum | 'best fit' or 'lookup' | Specifies the algorithm to use to match and find the locale. The 'lookup' matcher follows the lookup algorithm that's specified in BCP-47. The 'best fit' matcher lets the runtime provide a locale that's at least as well-suited to the request as the result of the lookup algorithm, although it might be a better fit than that result. |
style | enum | 'decimal', 'percent', or 'currency' | Specifies the formatting style to use. Use the 'decimal' value for plain number formatting, the 'currency' value for currency formatting, and the 'percent' value for percentage formatting. The default value is 'decimal'. |
currency | string | Three-character ISO 4217 currency codes | Specifies the currency to use in currency formatting. There is no default value. If the style property is set to 'currency', the currency property must be provided. |
minimumIntegerDigits | number | Any integer value between 1 and 21 | Specifies the minimum number of integer digits to use. The default value is 1. |
minimumFractionDigits | number | Any integer value between 0 and 20 | Specifies the minimum number of fraction digits to use. The default value for number and percentage formatting is 0 (zero). The default value for currency formatting is provided by the ISO 4217 standard. |
maximumFractionDigits | number | Any integer value between 0 and 20 | Specifies the maximum number of fraction digits to use. |
minimumSignificantDigits | number | Any integer value between 1 and 21 | Specifies the minimum number of significant digits to use. The default value is 1. |
maximumSignificantDigits | number | Any integer value between 1 and 21 | Specifies the maximum number of significant digits to use. The default value is 21. |
Additional resources
Extend a module definition file
Interactive components overview
Mock the signed-in state during local development