

App profile manager JavaScript API Reference

The app profile manager JavaScript API Reference includes methods and properties to manage tabs and sessions in Customer Service workspace.


You must have App Profile user or Productivity tools user security roles to use the app profile manager APIs. More information: Security roles

Session management

The following methods and properties allow you to manage sessions in Customer Service workspace.

Method Description
getFocusedSession Returns the session object of the session that is in focus.
getAllSessions Returns the unique identifier of all sessions.
getSession Returns the session object for the specified session ID.
createSession Creates a session based on a session template and returns the unique identifier of the session.
canCreateSession Returns a Boolean value indicating whether a new session can be created.
close Closes a session.
focus Sets the focus on a session.
requestFocus Shows a notification indicator on a given session if the session is not in focus.
Property Description
sessionId The ID of a given session.
isDefault Boolean value indicating if a session is the Home session.
canClose Boolean value indicating whether a session can be closed.
title The text label of a session.

Tab management

The following methods and properties allow you to manage tabs in Customer Service workspace.

Method Description
getFocusedTab Returns the tab object of the tab that is in focus.
getAllTabs Returns the unique identifier of all tabs for a session.
getTab Returns the tab object of the specified tab ID.
createTab Creates a tab in a focused session and returns the unique identifier of the tab.
canCreateTab Returns a Boolean value indicating whether a new tab can be created for a session.
closeTab Closes the tab object for a tab ID.
focusTab Sets the focus on the tab object for a tab ID.
refreshTab Refreshes the tab object for a tab ID.
Property Description
tabId The ID of a tab.
canClose Boolean value indicating whether a tab can be closed.
title The text label of a tab.

Context management

The following method allows you to manage the session context in Customer Service workspace.

Method Description
updateContext Sets the automation dictionary and enables providers to add, modify, and remove values of slugs; the updated values are then available for invoking macros in the future.

Client-side events

Event Description
ON_SESSION_SWITCH Invoked when the session is switched.
ON_SESSION_CLOSED Invoked when a session is closed.