
Style your emails with Copilot for Customer Insights - Journeys


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Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Sep 1, 2023 - -

Business value

Jumpstart your email creation process with Copilot for Customer Insights - Journeys. Copilot uses AI to quickly interpret styles from a website and apply them to your email. Effortlessly style email elements including buttons, text, and more. Save valuable time so you can focus on crafting compelling content instead of picking colors and font sizes.

Feature details

With Copilot for Customer Insights - Journeys, you can:

  • Simply add your website URL to get design elements such as fonts, font size, and color palette.
  • Fine-tune and adjust elements to match your campaign or brand guidelines.

Style email

See also

Copilot: style your emails with AI-assisted themes (docs)