
Business process: Planning transportation for inbound loads


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Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

When you order items from a vendor for delivery to your warehouse, you might want to arrange the transport of the items yourself. This topic provides an overview of how to use Microsoft Dynamics AX to plan the transportation and the receipt of the inbound load.

The following illustration shows the business process flow for planning transportation for an inbound load. The numbers correspond to the tasks that are described later in this topic.

Process flow for inbound load transportation

Use the information in the following table to learn how to plan transportation for an inbound load.



1. Create or modify an inbound load

Use a purchase order to create an inbound load. You can also modify an existing inbound load.

2. Assign a rate and route to a load

Assign a rate, route, and shipping carrier.

3. Consolidate multiple shipments into a load

Optional: Consolidate shipments that are shipped to one or more destinations in the same route.

4. Confirm a load for shipping

Confirm an inbound load to prepare to receive the shipment from the vendor.

5. Plan appointments for a load

Plan when to receive the load from a vendor at the inbound dock.

6. Register driver check-in and check-out for an appointment

Register a driver check-in and check-out to complete the delivery appointment.

See also

Business process: Planning and processing outbound loads for shipping