

View analytic information about access keys

The Analytics dashboard in Permissions Management provides details about identities, resources, and tasks that you can use make informed decisions about granting permissions, and reducing risk on unused permissions.

  • Users: Tracks assigned permissions and usage of various identities.
  • Groups: Tracks assigned permissions and usage of the group and the group members.
  • Active Resources: Tracks active resources (used in the last 90 days).
  • Active Tasks: Tracks active tasks (performed in the last 90 days).
  • Access Keys: Tracks the permission usage of access keys for a given user.
  • Serverless Functions: Tracks assigned permissions and usage of the serverless functions.


Currently, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) do not provide significant information about access keys to return access keys data. Access Keys analytics are currently only available for Amazon Web Services (AWS) accounts.

This article describes how to view usage analytics about access keys.

Create a query to view access keys

When you select Access keys, the Analytics dashboard provides a high-level overview of tasks used by various identities.

  1. On the main Analytics dashboard, select Access Keys from the drop-down list at the top of the screen.

    The following components make up the Access Keys dashboard:

    • Authorization System Type: Select AWS.
    • Authorization System: Select from a List of accounts and Folders.
    • Key Status: Select All, Active, or Inactive.
    • Key Activity State: Select All, how long the access key has been used, or Not Used.
    • Key Age: Select All or how long ago the access key was created.
    • Task Type: Select All tasks, High Risk Tasks or, for a list of tasks where users have deleted data, select Delete Tasks.
    • Search: Enter criteria to find specific tasks.
  2. Select Apply to display the criteria you've selected.

    Select Reset Filter to discard your changes.

View the results of your query

The Access Keys table displays the results of your query.

  • Access Key ID: Provides the ID for the access key.
    • To view details about the access keys, select the down arrow to the left of the ID.
  • The Owner name.
  • The Account number.
  • The Permission Creep Index (PCI): Provides the following information:
    • Index: A numeric value assigned to the PCI.
    • Since: How many days the PCI value has been at the displayed level.
  • Tasks Displays the number of Granted and Executed tasks.
  • Resources: The number of resources used.
  • Access Key Age: How old the access key is, in days.
  • Last Used: How long ago the access key was last accessed.

Apply filters to your query

There are many filter options within the Active Tasks screen, including filters by Authorization System, filters by User and filters by Task. Filters can be applied in one, two, or all three categories depending on the type of information you're looking for.

Apply filters by authorization system type

  1. From the Authorization System Type dropdown, select AWS.

  2. Select Apply to run your query and display the information you selected.

    Select Reset Filter to discard your changes.

Apply filters by authorization system

  1. From the Authorization System Type dropdown, select AWS.

  2. From the Authorization System dropdown, select accounts from a List of accounts and Folders.

  3. Select Apply to run your query and display the information you selected.

    Select Reset Filter to discard your changes.

Apply filters by key status

  1. From the Authorization System Type dropdown, select AWS.

  2. From the Authorization System dropdown, select from a List of accounts and Folders.

  3. From the Key Status dropdown, select the type of key: All, Active, or Inactive.

  4. Select Apply to run your query and display the information you selected.

    Select Reset Filter to discard your changes.

Apply filters by key activity status

  1. From the Authorization System Type dropdown, select AWS.

  2. From the Authorization System dropdown, select from a List of accounts and Folders.

  3. From the Key Activity State dropdown, select All, the duration for how long the access key has been used, or Not Used.

  4. Select Apply to run your query and display the information you selected.

    Select Reset Filter to discard your changes.

Apply filters by key age

  1. From the Authorization System Type dropdown, select AWS.

  2. From the Authorization System dropdown, select from a List of accounts and Folders.

  3. From the Key Age dropdown, select All or how long ago the access key was created.

  4. Select Apply to run your query and display the information you selected.

    Select Reset Filter to discard your changes.

Apply filters by task type

  1. From the Authorization System Type dropdown, select AWS.

  2. From the Authorization System dropdown, select from a List of accounts and Folders.

  3. From the Task Type dropdown, select All tasks, High Risk Tasks or, for a list of tasks where users have deleted data, select Delete tasks.

  4. Select Apply to run your query and display the information you selected.

    Select Reset Filter to discard your changes.

Export the results of your query

  • To view a report of the results of your query as a comma-separated values (CSV) file, select Export, and then select CSV or CSV (Detailed).

Next steps