

Rules and Display Definition Reference

Rules and Display definitions are used to define a credential. You can read more about it in How to customize your credentials.

rulesModel type

Property Type Description
attestations idTokenAttestation and/or idTokenHintAttestation and/or verifiablePresentationAttestation and/or selfIssuedAttestation defines the attestation flow(s) to be used for gathering claims to issue in the verifiable credential.
validityInterval number represents the lifespan of the credential in seconds
vc vcType verifiable credential types for this contract

The attestation type example in JSON. Notice that selfIssued is a single instance while the others are collections. For examples of how to use the attestation type, please the Sample JSON rules definitions in the How-to guides.

"attestations": {
  "idTokens": [],
  "idTokenHints": [],
  "presentations": [],
  "selfIssued": {}

idTokenAttestation type

When you sign in the user from within Authenticator, you can use the returned ID token from the OpenID Connect compatible provider as input.

Property Type Description
mapping claimMapping (optional) rules to map input claims into output claims in the verifiable credential
configuration string (url) location of the identity provider's configuration document
clientId string client ID to use when obtaining the ID token
redirectUri string redirect uri to use when obtaining the ID token; MUST BE vcclient://openid/
scope string space delimited list of scopes to use when obtaining the ID token
required boolean (default false) indicating whether this attestation is required or not
trustedIssuers optional string (array) a list of DIDs allowed to issue the verifiable credential for this contract. This property is only used for specific scenarios where the id_token_hint can come from another issuer

idTokenHintAttestation type

This flow uses the ID Token Hint, which is provided as payload through the Request REST API. The mapping is the same as for the ID Token attestation.

Property Type Description
mapping claimMapping (optional) rules to map input claims into output claims in the verifiable credential
required boolean (default false) indicating whether this attestation is required or not. Request Service API will fail the call if required claims are not set in the createPresentationRequest payload.
trustedIssuers optional string (array) a list of DIDs allowed to issue the verifiable credential for this contract. This property is only used for specific scenarios where the id_token_hint can come from another issuer

verifiablePresentationAttestation type

When you want the user to present another verifiable credential as input for a new issued verifiable credential. The wallet will allow the user to select the verifiable credential during issuance.

Property Type Description
mapping claimMapping (optional) rules to map input claims into output claims in the verifiable credential
credentialType string (optional) required credential type of the input
required boolean (default false) indicating whether this attestation is required or not
trustedIssuers string (array) a list of DIDs allowed to issue the verifiable credential for this contract. The service will default to your issuer under the covers so no need to provide this value yourself.

selfIssuedAttestation type

When you want the user to enter information themselves. This type is also called self-attested input.

Property Type Description
mapping claimMapping (optional) rules to map input claims into output claims in the verifiable credential
required boolean (default false) indicating whether this attestation is required or not

claimMapping type

Property Type Description
inputClaim string the name of the claim to use from the input
outputClaim string the name of the claim in the verifiable credential
indexed boolean (default false) indicating whether the value of this claim is used for searching; only one clientMapping object is indexable for a given contract
required boolean (default false) indicating whether this mapping is required or not
type string (optional) type of claim

vcType type

Property Type Description
type string (array) a list of verifiable credential types this contract can issue

Example rules definition:

  "attestations": {
    "idTokenHints": [
        "mapping": [
            "outputClaim": "givenName",
            "required": false,
            "inputClaim": "given_name",
            "indexed": false
            "outputClaim": "familyName",
            "required": false,
            "inputClaim": "family_name",
            "indexed": false
        "required": false
  "validityInterval": 2592000,
  "vc": {
    "type": [

displayModel type

Property Type Description
locale string the locale of this display
credential displayCredential the display properties of the verifiable credential
consent displayConsent supplemental data when the verifiable credential is issued
claims displayClaims array labels for the claims included in the verifiable credential

displayCredential type

Property Type Description
title string title of the credential
issuedBy string the name of the issuer of the credential
backgroundColor number (hex) background color of the credential in hex format, for example, #FFAABB
textColor number (hex) text color of the credential in hex format, for example, #FFAABB
description string supplemental text displayed alongside each credential
logo displayCredentialLogo the logo to use for the credential

displayCredentialLogo type

Property Type Description
uri string (url) url of the logo.
description string the description of the logo


Microsoft recommends that you use widely supported image formats, such as .PNG, .JPG, or .BMP, to reduce file format errors.

displayConsent type

Property Type Description
title string title of the consent
instructions string supplemental text to use when displaying consent

displayClaims type

Property Type Description
label string the label of the claim in display
claim string the name of the claim to which the label applies. For the JWT-VC format, the value needs to have the vc.credentialSubject. prefix.
type string the type of the claim
description string (optional) the description of the claim

Example display definition:

  "locale": "en-US",
  "card": {
    "backgroundColor": "#FFA500",
    "description": "This is your Verifiable Credential",
    "issuedBy": "Contoso",
    "textColor": "#FFFF00",
    "title": "Verifiable Credential Expert",
    "logo": {
      "description": "Default VC logo",
      "uri": "https://didcustomerplayground.blob.core.windows.net/public/VerifiedCredentialExpert_icon.png"
  "consent": {
    "instructions": "Please click accept to add this credentials",
    "title": "Do you want to accept the verified credential expert dentity?"
  "claims": [
      "claim": "vc.credentialSubject.givenName",
      "label": "Name",
      "type": "String"
      "claim": "vc.credentialSubject.familyName",
      "label": "Surname",
      "type": "String"

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