

This API returns a null-terminated opaque string that uniquely identifies the streaming session of the specified client.


HRESULT XGameStreamingGetSessionId(
        XGameStreamingClientId client,
        size_t sessionIdSize,
        char* sessionId,
        size_t* sessionIdUsed


client   _In_
Type: XGameStreamingClientId

The streaming client that is being queried.

sessionIdSize   _In_
Type: size_t

The size of the sessionId buffer.

sessionId   _Out_writes_bytes_to_(sessionIdSize, *sessionIdUsed)
Type: char*

The buffer that will populated with the session id of the specified client.

sessionIdUsed   _Out_opt_
Type: size_t*

The size in bytes of the value returned in the sessionId buffer (including null terminator).

Return value


Returns S_OK if successful; otherwise, returns an error code.

Potential Errors

Error Code Error Value Reason for Error
E_GAMESTREAMING_NOT_INITIALIZED 0x89245400 The XGameStreaming runtime has not been initialized. Call XGameStreamingInitialize before calling other APIs.
E_GAMESTREAMING_CLIENT_NOT_CONNECTED 0x89245401 The specified client is not connected.
E_GAMESTREAMING_NO_DATA 0x89245402 The requested data is not available. The data may be available later.
E_NOT_SUFFICIENT_BUFFER 0x7A sessionId is not large enough to hold the session id and null terminating character.

For a list of error codes, see Error Codes.


The string written to sessionId will never be larger than SessionIdMaxBytes, thus it can be pre-allocated. The layout/contents of a sessionId may change at a later date, and thus should only be interpreted as an opaque string. As with other client property APIs, it's recommended to use XGameStreamingRegisterClientPropertiesChanged to register a callback for changes to the sessionId.


// Register for client properties changed notifications 
void GameStreamingClientManager::OnClientConnected(XGameStreamingClientId client)
    XGameStreamingClientPropertiesChangedRegistrationToken token = {0};
            client, m_taskQueue, this, &OnClientPropertiesChanged, &token);

void GameStreamingClientManager::OnClientPropertiesChanged(
    void* context,
    XGameStreamingClientId client,
    uint32_t updatedPropertiesCount,
    XGameStreamingClientProperty* updatedProperties)
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < updatedPropertiesCount; ++i)
        switch (updatedProperties[i])
        case XGameStreamingClientProperty::SessionId:
            // allocate memory for sessionId
            char sessionId[SessionIdMaxBytes];

            // get session id of the client
            size_t bytesUsed = 0;
            HRESULT hr = XGameStreamingGetSessionId(client, _countof(sessionId), sessionId, &bytesUsed);

            if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
                // Game logic to use session id
            else if (hr == E_GAMESTREAMING_NO_DATA) {
                // Game logic to handle no data for client
                // Default error case
                LogFormat(L"XGameStreamingGetSessionId failed %x", hr);


            // A characteristic we are not tracking - do nothing


Header: xgamestreaming.h
Library: xgameruntime.lib
Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also

XGameStreaming XGameStreamingRegisterClientPropertiesChanged