

Request that a specified streaming client device update its touch control state and then show a specified touch layout. All state updates happen before the new touch layout is displayed.


HRESULT XGameStreamingShowTouchControlsWithStateUpdateOnClient(  
         XGameStreamingClientId client,  
         const char* layout,  
         size_t operationCount,  
         const XGameStreamingTouchControlsStateOperation* operations  


client   _In_
Type: XGameStreamingClientId

The streaming client device to update state and show the touch controls on.

layout   _In_opt_z_
Type: char*

Name of the touch control layout to display or nullptr to display the standard layout.

operationCount   _In_
Type: size_t

Size of the array of operations being passed.

operations   _In_reads_opt_(operationCount)
Type: XGameStreamingTouchControlsStateOperation*

Array of all the state variable updates that are being requested.

Return value


Returns S_OK if successful; otherwise, returns an error code.

Potential Errors

Error Code Error Value Reason for Error
E_GAMESTREAMING_NOT_INITIALIZED 0x89245400 The XGameStreaming runtime has not been initialized. Call XGameStreamingInitialize before calling other APIs.
E_GAMESTREAMING_CLIENT_NOT_CONNECTED 0x89245401 The specified client is not connected.
E_INVALIDARG 0x80070057 A specified operation does not have data that matches the data type specified in the operations XGameStreamingTouchControlsStateValueKind


This API should be used when the game would like to show a particular touch layout that also requires some state updates that may affect its rendering. Use this API if you would like to both update the state of variables that are referenced in a new touch layout AND switch to the touch layout on a specified streaming client devices. This API makes sure that all state updates are made before the new layout is displayed.

If you would like to affect all streaming client devices use XGameStreamingShowTouchControlsWithStateUpdate.

If the game only needs to change the layout, the game should use XGameStreamingShowTouchControlLayoutOnClient instead.

If the state updates can affect the current layout or other layouts and updates should happen regardless of a specific touch layout change, the game should use XGameStreamingUpdateTouchControlsStateOnClient instead.


// In this example, the player has just selected a specific building in an strategy game 
// and the game wants to populate the two building specific action slots with the appropriate imagery
// before selecting the layouts
// Assumes passing in game structure that refers to the selected building and a game function to get the image
// assets for a particular building capability and the client to be updated

void GameStreamingClientManager::UpdateBuildingStateAndControls(const BuildingProperties& building, XGameStreamingClientId clientId)

    std::vector<XGameStreamingTouchControlsStateOperation> updateOperations;
    // update the image for the first two building slots   
    XGameStreamingTouchControlsStateOperation buildingCapability1Image;
    buildingCapability1Image.operationKind = XGameStreamingTouchControlsStateOperationKind::Replace;
    buildingCapability1Image.path = "/buildingCapability1Image";
    buildingCapability1Image.valueKind = XGameStreamingTouchControlsStateValueKind::String;
    buildingCapability1Image.stringValue =  GetImageName(building.capability[0].id);        

    XGameStreamingTouchControlsStateOperation buildingCapability2Image;
    buildingCapability2Image.operationKind = XGameStreamingTouchControlsStateOperationKind::Replace;
    buildingCapability2Image.path = "/buildingCapability2Image";
    buildingCapability2Image.valueKind = XGameStreamingTouchControlsStateValueKind::String;
    buildingCapability2Image.stringValue =  GetImageName(building.capability[1].id);        
    // enable the second slot if the building is of level 3 or above, otherwise the third slot will be disabled
    XGameStreamingTouchControlsStateOperation buildingCapability2Enabled;
    buildingCapability2Enabled.operationKind = XGameStreamingTouchControlsStateOperationKind::Replace;
    buildingCapability2Enabled.path = "/buildingCapability2IsEnabled";
    buildingCapability2Enabled.valueKind = XGameStreamingTouchControlsStateValueKind::Boolean;
    buildingCapability2Enabled.booleanValue =  building.level >= 3;
    // Switch to the building layout with the state update being sent as well
    XGameStreamingShowTouchControlsWithStateUpdateOnClient(clientId, "building", updateOperations.size(), updateOperations.data());


Header: XGameStreaming.h

Library: xgameruntime.lib Supported Platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also
