
Partner Center Analytics - Resources

Applies to: Partner Center | Partner Center operated by 21Vianet | Partner Center for Microsoft Cloud for US Government

The Analytics API allows you to programmatically access data that is being presented in the User Experience.


CSP program: Azure usage analytics

The following scenario shows you how to use the Analytics API to retrieve all your Partner Center Azure usage analytics information.

This scenario returns your analytics information in a collection of Azure usage resources.

Azure usage resource

Represents all of the analytical data for Azure usage.

Property Type Description
CustomerTenantId string The customer tenant identifier.
customerName string The customer name.
subscriptionId string The subscription identifier.
subscriptionName string The subscription name.
usageDate string The usage date.
resourceLocation string The location of the data center, Western Europe, for example.
meterCategory string The meter category, data management, for example.
meterSubcategory string The meter subcategory, for example, geo redundant.
meterUnit string The meter unit, such as gigabytes or hours.
reservationOrderId string The reservation order for an Azure VM Reserved Instance.
reservationId string Reserved instances under a specific RI order.
serviceType string Indicates the virtual machine type. For example, Standard_E4s_v3.
quantity long Indicates the numbers used in the meter unit.

CSP program: indirect resellers analytics

The following scenario shows you how to use the Analytics API to retrieve all your Partner Center indirect resellers analytics information.

This scenario returns your analytics information in a collection of indirect resellers resources.

Indirect resellers resource

Represents all of the analytical data for indirect resellers.

Property Type Description
partnerTenantId string The Tenant ID of the partner for which you want to retrieve indirect resellers data.
id string Indirect reseller ID.
name string The Name of the partner for which you want to retrieve indirect resellers data.
market string The Market of the partner for which you want to retrieve indirect resellers data.
firstSubscriptionCreationDate string in UTC date time format The creation date of the first subscription based on which you want to retrieve indirect resellers data.
latestSubscriptionCreationDate string in UTC date time format The creation date of the latest subscription.
firstSubscriptionEndDate string in UTC date time format First time any subscription was ended.
latestSubscriptionEndDate string in UTC date time format Latest date when any subscription was ended.
firstSubscriptionSuspendedDate string in UTC date time format First time any subscription was suspended.
latestSubscriptionSuspendedDate string in UTC date time format Latest date when any subscription was suspended.
firstSubscriptionDeprovisionedDate string in UTC date time format First time any subscription was deprovisioned.
latestSubscriptionDeprovisionedDate string in UTC date time format Latest date when any subscription was deprovisioned.
subscriptionCount double Subscription count for all value added resellers
licenseCount double License count for all value added resellers
indirectResellerCount double Indirect resellers count

CSP program: subscription analytics

The following scenarios show you how to use the Analytics API to retrieve all your Partner Center subscription analytics information, filter it with a search query, or group it by dates or terms.

All of these scenarios return your analytics information in a collection of Subscription resources.

Subscription resource

Represents all of the analytical data for a subscription.

Property Type Description
customerTenantId string A GUID-formatted string that identifies the customer tenant.
customerName string The name of the customer.
customerMarket string The country/region that the customer does business in.
id string The subscription identifier.
status string The subscription status: "ACTIVE", "SUSPENDED", or "DEPROVISIONED".
productName string The name of the product.
subscriptionType string The subscription type. Note: This field is case-sensitive. Supported values are: "Office", "Azure", "Microsoft365", "Dynamics", "EMS".
autoRenewEnabled boolean A value indicating whether the subscription is renewed automatically.
partnerId string The PartnerID. For a direct reseller, this parameter will be the PartnerID of the partner. For an indirect reseller, this parameter will be the PartnerID of the indirect reseller.
friendlyName string The name of the subscription.
partnerName string Name of the partner for whom the subscription was purchased
providerName string When subscription transaction is for the indirect reseller, provider name is the indirect provider who bought the subscription.
effectiveStartDate string in UTC date time format The date the subscription starts.
commitmentEndDate string in UTC date time format The date the subscription ends.
currentStateEndDate string in UTC date time format The date that the current status of the subscription will change.
trialToPaidConversionDate string in UTC date time format The date that the subscription converts from trial to paid. The default value is null.
trialStartDate string in UTC date time format The date that the trial period for the subscription started. The default value is null.
trialEndDate string in UTC date time format The date that the trial period for the subscription ends. The default value is null.
lastUsageDate string in UTC date time format The date that the subscription was last used. The default value is null.
deprovisionedDate string in UTC date time format The date that the subscription was deprovisioned. The default value is null.
lastRenewalDate string in UTC date time format The date that the subscription was last renewed. The default value is null.
licenseCount number The total number of licenses.
subscriptionCount number The number of subscriptions. Note: This value will only appear in the response of an aggregation query.

Search analytics


CSP program membership isn't required to get search analytics.

The following scenario shows you how to use the Analytics API to retrieve all your Partner Center search analytics information.

This scenario returns your analytics information in a collection of Search resources.

Search resource

Represents all of the analytical data for a search.

Property Type Description
companyName string The billing company name.
contactButtonClicked Boolean Indicates if the contact button was clicked.
keywordCountry string The country/region specified in the search.
detailsViewed Boolean Indicates if search details were viewed.
keywordIndustryFocus string The industry to search within, for example, healthcare.
partnerId string The PartnerID. For a direct reseller, this parameter will be the PartnerID of the partner. For an indirect reseller, this parameter will be the PartnerID of the indirect reseller.
partnerMarket string Locale where the partner conducts business.
keywordProduct string The product specified in the search.
referralSubmitted Boolean Indicates if a referral was submitted.
searchDate string in UTC date time format Date when the search query occurred.
keywordSearchText string The text specified in the search.
searchResultPageViews long Number of times the partner came up in the search result. Part of a response only on aggregation.
contactClicks long Number of times the contact button was clicked. Part of a response only on aggregation.
referralCount long Number of referrals generated from the search. Part of a response only on aggregation.
profileViews long Number of times the partner profile was viewed. Part of a response only on aggregation.

Referrals analytics


CSP program membership isn't required to get referrals analytics.

The following scenario shows you how to use the Analytics API to retrieve all your Partner Center referrals analytics information.

This scenario returns your analytics information in a collection of Referrals resources.


Referrals analytics aren't available to the Partner Center operated by 21Vianet.

Referrals resource

Represents all of the analytical data for a referral.

Property Type Description
id string The customer tenant identifier.
status string Indicates if the referral led to a customer.
customerMarket string The country/region that the customer does business in.
customerName string The name of the customer.
customerOrgSize string A range indicating the number of employees in the customer's organization. For example, "10to50employees".
acceptedDate string in UTC date time format The date that the referral was accepted.
acknowledgedDate string in UTC date time format The date that the referral was acknowledged.
archivedDate string in UTC date time format The date that the referral was archived.
declinedDate string in UTC date time format The date that the referral was declined.
expiredDate string in UTC date time format The date that the referral expired.
lostDate string in UTC date time format The date that the referral was lost.
missedDate string in UTC date time format The date that the referral was missed.
createdDate string in UTC date time format The date that the referral was created.
skippedDate string in UTC date time format The date that the referral was skipped.
wonDate string in UTC date time format The date that the referral was won.
partnerMarket string The country/region that the partner does business in.