

Sign in to Azure PowerShell interactively

Interactive logins to Azure offer a more intuitive and flexible user experience. Interactive login with Azure PowerShell allows users to authenticate to Azure directly through the PowerShell interface, which is useful for ad-hoc management tasks and for environments that require manual sign-in, such as those with multi-factor authentication (MFA). This method simplifies access for script testing, learning, and on-the-fly management without needing to pre-configure service principals or other noninteractive authentication methods.


Interactive login

Azure PowerShell's default login authentication method uses a web browser and access token to sign in.

  1. To sign in interactively, use the Connect-AzAccount cmdlet, which uses an interactive browser-based login prompt by default.


    If Azure PowerShell can open your default browser, it initiates authorization code flow and opens the default browser to load an Azure sign-in page. Otherwise, it initiates device code flow which instructs you to open a browser page at microsoft.com/devicelogin and enter the code displayed in your PowerShell session.

  2. Sign in with your Azure account credentials in the browser.

If you have access to multiple subscriptions, you're signed in to the first subscription Azure returns. Commands run against this subscription by default. To change your active subscription for a session, use the Set-AzContext cmdlet. To change your active subscription and have it persist between sessions on the same system, use the Select-AzContext cmdlet.


Your credentials are shared among multiple PowerShell sessions as long as you remain signed in. For more information, see Azure PowerShell context objects.

Device code authentication

If no web browser is available or it fails to open, you can force device code flow instead of a browser control by specifying the UseDeviceAuthentication parameter.

Connect-AzAccount -UseDeviceAuthentication

Sign in to a different tenant

If your account is associated with more than one tenant, sign-in requires the Tenant parameter to be specified when connecting. This parameter works with any sign-in method. When logging in, this parameter value can either be the Azure object ID of the tenant (Tenant ID) or the fully qualified domain name of the tenant. Due to limitations of the current API, you must use a tenant ID instead of a tenant name when connecting with a business-to-business (B2B) account.

Connect-AzAccount -Tenant '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'

Sign in to a national cloud

National clouds (also known as sovereign clouds) are physically isolated instances of Azure designed to ensure data residency, sovereignty, and compliance requirements are honored within geographical boundaries. For accounts in a national cloud, set the environment when you sign in using the Environment parameter. This parameter works with any sign-in method. For example, if your account is in Azure China 21Vianet, use the following command:

Connect-AzAccount -Environment AzureChinaCloud

You can get a list of available environments by running the following command:

Get-AzEnvironment | Select-Object -Property Name

Web Account Manager (WAM)

Azure PowerShell now offers preview support for Web Account Manager (WAM). WAM is a Windows 10+ component that acts as an authentication broker. An authentication broker is an application that runs on a user's machine that manages the authentication handshakes and token maintenance for connected accounts.

Using WAM offers several benefits:


Signing in using WAM is an opt-in preview feature.

Once enabled, the previous browser-based user interface is replaced with a smoother experience similar to Windows built-in apps. To enable WAM, run the following commands.

Update-AzConfig -EnableLoginByWam $true

At the current stage of development, there are a few known limitations to WAM:

  • WAM is available on Windows 10 and later, and on Windows Server 2019 and later. On Mac, Linux, and earlier versions of Windows, Azure PowerShell automatically defaults to a browser.
  • Microsoft Accounts (for example, @outlook.com or @live.com) aren't currently supported. We're working with the Microsoft Identity team to bring the support later.

See also