
Get images from your custom view


On October 30, 2020, the Bing Search APIs moved from Azure AI services to Bing Search Services. This documentation is provided for reference only. For updated documentation, see the Bing search API documentation. For instructions on creating new Azure resources for Bing search, see Create a Bing Search resource through the Azure Marketplace.

Bing Custom Images Search lets you enrich your custom search experience with images. Similar to web results, custom search supports searching for images in your instance's list of websites. You can get the images using the Bing Custom Images Search API or through the Hosted UI feature. Using the Hosted UI feature is simple to use and recommended for getting your search experience up and running in short order. For information about configuring your Hosted UI to include images, see Configure your hosted UI experience.

If you want more control over displaying the search results, you can use the Bing Custom Images Search API. Because calling the API is similar to calling the Bing Image Search API, checkout Bing Image Search for examples calling the API. But before you do that, familiarize yourself with the Custom Images Search API reference content. The main differences are the supported query parameters (you must include the customConfig query parameter) and the endpoint you send requests to.