
Quickstart: Create an Azure Database for MySQL using a simple Azure CLI command - az mysql up (preview)

APPLIES TO: Azure Database for MySQL - Single Server


Azure Database for MySQL single server is on the retirement path. We strongly recommend that you upgrade to Azure Database for MySQL flexible server. For more information about migrating to Azure Database for MySQL flexible server, see What's happening to Azure Database for MySQL Single Server?


The az mysql up Azure CLI command is in preview.

Azure Database for MySQL is a managed service that enables you to run, manage, and scale highly available MySQL databases in the cloud. The Azure CLI is used to create and manage Azure resources from the command-line or in scripts. This quickstart shows you how to use the az mysql up command to create an Azure Database for MySQL server using the Azure CLI. In addition to creating the server, the az mysql up command creates a sample database, a root user in the database, opens the firewall for Azure services, and creates default firewall rules for the client computer. This helps to expedite the development process.


If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.

This article requires that you're running the Azure CLI version 2.0 or later locally. To see the version installed, run the az --version command. If you need to install or upgrade, see Install Azure CLI.

You'll need to login to your account using the az login command. Note the id property from the command output for the corresponding subscription name.

az login

If you have multiple subscriptions, choose the appropriate subscription in which the resource should be billed. Select the specific subscription ID under your account using az account set command. Substitute the subscription ID property from the az login output for your subscription into the subscription ID placeholder.

az account set --subscription <subscription id>

Create an Azure Database for MySQL server

To use the commands, install the db-up extension. If an error is returned, ensure you have installed the latest version of the Azure CLI. See Install Azure CLI.

az extension add --name db-up

Create an Azure Database for MySQL server using the following command:

az mysql up

The server is created with the following default values (unless you manually override them):

Setting Default value Description
server-name System generated A unique name that identifies your Azure Database for MySQL server.
resource-group System generated A new Azure resource group.
sku-name GP_Gen5_2 The name of the sku. Follows the convention {pricing tier}_{compute generation}_{vCores} in shorthand. The default is a General Purpose Gen5 server with 2 vCores. See our pricing page for more information about the tiers.
backup-retention 7 How long a backup should be retained. Unit is days.
geo-redundant-backup Disabled Whether geo-redundant backups should be enabled for this server or not.
location westus2 The Azure location for the server.
ssl-enforcement Enabled Whether SSL should be enabled or not for this server.
storage-size 5120 The storage capacity of the server (unit is megabytes).
version 5.7 The MySQL major version.
admin-user System generated The username for the administrator login.
admin-password System generated The password of the administrator user.


For more information about the az mysql up command and its additional parameters, see the Azure CLI documentation.

Once your server is created, it comes with the following settings:

  • A firewall rule called "devbox" is created. The Azure CLI attempts to detect the IP address of the machine the az mysql up command is run from and allows that IP address.
  • "Allow access to Azure services" is set to ON. This setting configures the server's firewall to accept connections from all Azure resources, including resources not in your subscription.
  • The wait_timeout parameter is set to 8 hours
  • An empty database named "sampledb" is created
  • A new user named "root" with privileges to "sampledb" is created


Azure Database for MySQL communicates over port 3306. When connecting from within a corporate network, outbound traffic over port 3306 may not be allowed by your network's firewall. Have your IT department open port 3306 to connect to your server.

Get the connection information

After the az mysql up command is completed, a list of connection strings for popular programming languages is returned to you. These connection strings are pre-configured with the specific attributes of your newly created Azure Database for MySQL server.

You can use the az mysql show-connection-string command to list these connection strings again.

Clean up resources

Clean up all resources you created in the quickstart using the following command. This command deletes the Azure Database for MySQL server and the resource group.

az mysql down --delete-group

If you would just like to delete the newly created server, you can run az mysql down command.

az mysql down

Next steps