

Member Object (ADO MD)

Represents a member of a level in a cube, the children of a member of a level, or a member of a position along an axis of a cellset.


The properties of a Member differ depending on the context in which it is used. A Member of a Level in a CubeDef has a Children property that returns the Members on the next lower level in the hierarchy from the current Member. For a Member of a Position, the Children collection is always empty. Also, the Type property applies only to Members of a Level.

A Member of Position has two properties that are useful when displaying the Cellset: DrilledDown and ParentSameAsPrev. An error will occur if these properties are accessed on a Member of a Level.

With the collections and properties of a Member object of a Level, you can do the following:

  • Identify the Member with the Name and UniqueName properties.

  • Return a string to use when displaying the Member with the Caption property.

  • Return a meaningful string that describes a measure or formula Member with the Description property.

  • Determine the nature of the Member with the Type property.

  • Obtain information about the Level of the Member with the LevelDepth and LevelName properties.

  • Obtain related Members in a Hierarchy with the Parent and Children properties.

  • Count the children of a Member with the ChildCount property.

  • Use the standard ADO Properties collection to obtain additional information about the Level object.

With the collections and properties of a Member of a Position along an Axis, you can do the following:

  • Identify the Member with the Name and UniqueName properties.

  • Return a string to use when displaying the Member with the Caption property.

  • Return a meaningful string that describes a measure or formula Member with the Description property.

  • Obtain information about the Level of the Member with the LevelDepth and LevelName properties.

  • Count the children of a Member with the ChildCount property.

  • Use the DrilledDown property to determine whether there is at least one child on the Axis immediately following this Member.

  • Use the ParentSameAsPrev property to determine whether the parent of this Member is the same as the parent of the immediately preceding Member.

  • Use the standard ADO Properties collection to obtain additional information about the Level object.

The Properties collection contains provider-supplied properties. The following table lists properties that might be available. The actual property list may differ depending upon the implementation of the provider. See the documentation for your provider for a more complete list of available properties.

Name Description
CatalogName The name of the catalog to which this cube belongs.
ChildrenCardinality The number of children that the member has.
CubeName The name of the cube.
Description A meaningful description of the member.
DimensionUniqueName The unambiguous name of the dimension.
HierarchyUniqueName The unambiguous name of the hierarchy.
LevelNumber The distance between the level and the root of the hierarchy.
LevelUniqueName The unambiguous name of the level.
MemberCaption A label or caption associated with the member.
MemberGUID The GUID of the member.
MemberName The name of the member.
MemberOrdinal The ordinal number of the member.
MemberType The type of the member.
MemberUniqueName The unambiguous name of the member.
ParentCount The count of the number of parents that this member has.
ParentLevel The level number of the member's parent.
ParentUniqueName The unambiguous name of the member's parent.
SchemaName The name of the schema to which this cube belongs.

This section contains the following topic.

See Also

Catalog Example (VB)
Members Collection (ADO MD)
Properties Collection (ADO)