

Return Codes ODBC

Each function in ODBC returns a code, known as its return code, which indicates the overall success or failure of the function. Program logic is generally based on return codes.

For example, the following code calls SQLFetch to retrieve the rows in a result set. It checks the return code of the function to determine if the end of the result set was reached (SQL_NO_DATA), if any warning information was returned (SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO), or if an error occurred (SQL_ERROR).

SQLHSTMT    hstmt;  
while ((rc=SQLFetch(hstmt)) != SQL_NO_DATA) {  
   if (rc == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {  
      // Call function to display warning information.  
   } else if (rc == SQL_ERROR) {  
      // Call function to display error information.  
   // Process row.  

The return code SQL_INVALID_HANDLE always indicates a programming error and should never be encountered at run time. All other return codes provide run-time information, although SQL_ERROR may indicate a programming error.

The following table defines the return codes.

Return code Description
SQL_SUCCESS Function completed successfully. The application calls SQLGetDiagField to retrieve additional information from the header record.
SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO Function completed successfully, possibly with a nonfatal error (warning). The application calls SQLGetDiagRec or SQLGetDiagField to retrieve additional information.
SQL_ERROR Function failed. The application calls SQLGetDiagRec or SQLGetDiagField to retrieve additional information. The contents of any output arguments to the function are undefined.
SQL_INVALID_HANDLE Function failed due to an invalid environment, connection, statement, or descriptor handle. This indicates a programming error. No additional information is available from SQLGetDiagRec or SQLGetDiagField. This code is returned only when the handle is a null pointer or is the wrong type, such as when a statement handle is passed for an argument that requires a connection handle.
SQL_NO_DATA No more data was available. The application calls SQLGetDiagRec or SQLGetDiagField to retrieve additional information. One or more driver-defined status records in class 02xxx may be returned. Note: In ODBC 2.x, this return code was named SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND.
SQL_NEED_DATA More data is needed, such as when parameter data is sent at execution time or additional connection information is required. The application calls SQLGetDiagRec or SQLGetDiagField to retrieve additional information, if any.
SQL_STILL_EXECUTING A function that was started asynchronously is still executing. The application calls SQLGetDiagRec or SQLGetDiagField to retrieve additional information, if any.