


Applies to: SQL Server


Attribute Value
Product Name SQL Server
Event ID 208
Component SQLEngine
Symbolic Name SQ_BADOBJECT
Message Text Invalid object name '%.*ls'.


The specified object cannot be found.

Possible Causes

This error can be caused by one of the following problems:

  • The object is not specified correctly.

  • The object does not exist in the current database or in the specified database.

  • The object exists, but could not be exposed to the user. For example, the user might not have permissions on the object or the object is created within an EXECUTE statement but accessed outside the scope of the EXECUTE statement.

User Action

Verify the following information and correct the statement as appropriate.

  • The object name is spelled correctly.

  • The current database context is correct. If a database name for the object is not specified, the object must exist in the current database. For more information about setting the database context, see USE (Transact-SQL).

  • The object exists in the system tables. To verify whether a table or other schema-scoped object exists, query the sys.objects catalog view. If the object is not in the system tables, the object has been deleted, or the user does not have permissions to view the object metadata. For more information about permissions to view object metadata, see Metadata Visibility Configuration.

  • The object is contained in the default schema of the user. If it is not, the object must be specified using the two-part format schema_name.object_name. Note that scalar-valued functions must always be invoked by using at least a two-part name.

  • The case sensitivity of the database collation.

    When a database uses a case-sensitive collation, the object name must match the case of the object in the database. For example, when an object is specified as MyTable in a database with a case sensitive collation, queries that refer to the object as mytable or Mytable will cause error 208 to return because the object names do not match.

    You can verify the database collation by running the following statement.

    SELECT collation_name FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'database_name';  

    The abbreviation CS in the collation name indicates the collation is case sensitive. For example, Latin1_General_CS_AS is a case sensitive, accent sensitive collation. CI indicates a case insensitive collation.

  • The user has permission to access the object. To verify the permissions the user has on the object, use the Has_Perms_By_Name system function.

See Also

USE (Transact-SQL)
Metadata Visibility Configuration