

Create a Subscription for a Non-SQL Server Subscriber

Applies to: SQL Server

This topic describes how to create a subscription for a non-SQL Server Subscriber in SQL Server by using SQL Server Management Studio or Transact-SQL. Transactional and snapshot replication support publishing data to non- SQL Server Subscribers. For information about supported Subscriber platforms, see Non-SQL Server Subscribers.

In This Topic

Using SQL Server Management Studio

To create a subscription for a non- SQL Server Subscriber:

  1. Install and configure the appropriate client software and OLE DB provider(s) on the SQL Server Distributor. For more information, see Oracle Subscribers and IBM Db2 Subscribers.

  2. Create a publication using the New Publication Wizard. For more information about creating publications, see Create a Publication and Create a Publication from an Oracle Database. Specify the following options in the New Publication Wizard:

    • On the Publication Type page, select Snapshot publication or Transactional publication.

    • On the Snapshot Agent page, clear Create a snapshot immediately.

      You create the snapshot after the publication is enabled for non-SQL Server Subscribers to ensure that the Snapshot Agent generates a snapshot and initialization scripts that are suitable for non-SQL Server Subscribers.

  3. Enable the publication for non-SQL Server Subscribers using the Publication Properties - <PublicationName> dialog box. See Publication Properties, Subscription Options for more information about this step.

  4. Create a subscription using the New Subscription Wizard. This topic provides more information about this step.

  5. (Optional) Change the pre_creation_cmd article property to retain tables at the Subscriber. This topic provides more information about this step.

  6. Generate a snapshot for the publication. This topic provides more information about this step.

  7. Synchronize the subscription. For more information, see Synchronize a Push Subscription.

To enable a publication for non-SQL Server Subscribers

  1. Connect to the Publisher in SQL Server Management Studio, and then expand the server node.

  2. Expand the Replication folder, and then expand the Local Publications folder.

  3. Right-click the publication, and then click Properties.

  4. On the Subscription Options page, select a value of True for the option Allow non-SQL Server Subscribers. Selecting this option changes a number of properties so that the publication is compatible with non-SQL Server Subscribers.


    Selecting True sets the value of the pre_creation_cmd article property to 'drop'. This setting specifies that replication should drop a table at the Subscriber if it matches the name of the table in the article. If you have existing tables at the Subscriber that you want to keep, use the sp_changearticle stored procedure for each article; specify a value 'none' for pre_creation_cmd: sp_changearticle @publication= 'MyPublication', @article= 'MyArticle', @property='pre_creation_cmd', @value='none'.

  5. Select OK. You will be prompted to create a new snapshot for the publication. If you do not want to create one at this time, use the steps described in the next "how to" procedure at a later time.

To create a subscription for a non-SQL Server Subscriber

  1. Expand the Replication folder, and then expand the Local Publications folder.

  2. Right-click the appropriate publication, and then click New Subscriptions.

  3. On the Distribution Agent Location page, ensure Run all agents at the Distributor is selected. Non-SQL Server Subscribers do not support running agents at the Subscriber.

  4. On the Subscribers page, click Add Subscriber and then click Add Non-SQL Server Subscriber.

  5. In the Add Non-SQL Server Subscriber dialog box, select the type of Subscriber.

  6. Enter a value in Data source name:

    • For Oracle, this is the transparent network substrate (TNS) name you configured.

    • For IBM, this can be any name. It is typical to specify the network address of the Subscriber.

    The data source name entered in this step and the credentials specified in step 9 are not validated by this wizard. They are not used by replication until the Distribution Agent runs for the subscription. Ensure that all values have been tested by connecting to the Subscriber using a client tool (such as sqlplus for Oracle). For more information, see Oracle Subscribers and IBM Db2 Subscribers.

  7. Select OK. On the Subscribers page of the wizard, the Subscriber is now displayed in the Subscriber column with a read-only (default destination) in the Subscription Database column:

    • For Oracle, a server has at most one database, so it is not necessary to specify the database.

    • For IBM Db2, the database is specified in the Initial Catalog property of the DB2 connection string, which can be entered in the Additional connection options field described later in this process.

  8. On the Distribution Agent Security page, click the properties button () next to the Subscriber to access the Distribution Agent Security dialog box.

  9. In the Distribution Agent Security dialog box:

    • In the Process account, Password, and Confirm password fields, enter the Microsoft Windows account and password under which the Distribution Agent should run and make local connections to the Distributor.

      The account requires these minimum permissions: member of the db_owner fixed database role in the distribution database; member of the publication access list (PAL); read permissions on the snapshot share; and read permission on the install directory of the OLE DB provider. For more information about the PAL, see Secure the Publisher.

    • Under Connect to the Subscriber, in the Login, Password, and Confirm password fields, enter the login and password that should be used to connect to the Subscriber. This login should already be configured and should have sufficient permissions to create objects in the subscription database.

    • In the Additional connection options field, specify any connection options for the Subscriber in the form of a connection string (Oracle does not require additional options). Each option should be separated by a semi-colon. The following is an example of a DB2 connection string (line breaks are for readability):

      Provider=DB2OLEDB;Initial Catalog=MY_SUBSCRIBER_DB;Network Transport Library=TCP;Host CCSID=1252;  
      PC Code Page=1252;Network Address=MY_SUBSCRIBER;Network Port=50000;Package Collection=MY_PKGCOL;  
      Default Schema=MY_SCHEMA;Process Binary as Character=False;Units of Work=RUW;DBMS Platform=DB2/NT;  
      Persist Security Info=False;Connection Pooling=True;  

      Most of the options in the string are specific to the DB2 server you are configuring, but the Process Binary as Character option should always be set to False. A value is required for the Initial Catalog option to identify the subscription database.

  10. On the Synchronization Schedule page, select a schedule for the Distribution Agent from the Agent Schedule menu (the schedule is typically Run continuously).

  11. On the Initialize Subscriptions page, specify whether the subscription should be initialized and, if so, when it should be initialized:

    • Clear Initialize only if you have created all objects and added all required data in the subscription database.

    • Select Immediately from the drop-down list in the Initialize When column to have the Distribution Agent transfer snapshot files to the Subscriber after this wizard is completed. Select At first synchronization to have the agent transfer the files the next time it is scheduled to run.

  12. On the Wizard Actions page, optionally script the subscription. For more information, see Scripting Replication.

To retain tables at the Subscriber

  • By default, enabling a publication for non-SQL Server Subscribers sets the value of the pre_creation_cmd article property to 'drop'. This setting specifies that replication should drop a table at the Subscriber if it matches the name of the table in the article. If you have existing tables at the Subscriber that you want to keep, use the sp_changearticle stored procedure for each article; specify a value 'none' for pre_creation_cmd. sp_changearticle @publication= 'MyPublication', @article= 'MyArticle', @property='pre_creation_cmd', @value='none'.

To generate a snapshot for the publication

  1. Expand the Replication folder, and then expand the Local Publications folder.

  2. Right-click the publication, and then click View Snapshot Agent Status.

  3. In the View Snapshot Agent Status - <Publication> dialog box, click Start.

When the Snapshot Agent finishes generating the snapshot, a message is displayed, such as "[100%] A snapshot of 17 article(s) was generated."

Using Transact-SQL

You can create push subscriptions to non- SQL Server Subscribers programmatically using replication stored procedures.


When possible, prompt users to enter security credentials at runtime. If you must store credentials in a script file, you must secure the file to prevent unauthorized access.

To create a push subscription for a transactional or snapshot publication to a non-SQL Server Subscriber

  1. Install the most recent OLE DB provider for the non-SQL Server Subscriber at both the Publisher and Distributor. For the replication requirements for an OLE DB provider, see Non-SQL Server Subscribers, Oracle Subscribers, IBM Db2 Subscribers.

  2. At the Publisher on the publication database, verify that the publication supports non-SQL Server Subscribers by executing sp_helppublication (Transact-SQL).

    • If the value of enabled_for_het_sub is 1, non-SQL Server Subscribers are supported.

    • If the value of enabled_for_het_sub is 0, execute sp_changepublication (Transact-SQL), specifying enabled_for_het_sub for @property and true for @value.


      Before changing enabled_for_het_sub to true, you must drop any existing subscriptions to the publication. You cannot set enabled_for_het_sub to true when the publication also supports updating subscriptions. Changing enabled_for_het_sub will affect other publication properties. For more information, see Non-SQL Server Subscribers.

  3. At the Publisher on the publication database, execute sp_addsubscription (Transact-SQL). Specify @publication, @subscriber, a value of (default destination) for @destination_db, a value of push for @subscription_type, and a value of 3 for @subscriber_type (specifies an OLE DB provider).

  4. At the Publisher on the publication database, execute sp_addpushsubscription_agent (Transact-SQL). Specify the following:

    • The @subscriber and @publication parameters.

    • A value of (default destination) for @subscriber_db,

    • The properties of the non-SQL Server data source for @subscriber_provider, @subscriber_datasrc, @subscriber_location, @subscriber_provider_string, and @subscriber_catalog.

    • The Microsoft Windows credentials under which the Distribution Agent at the Distributor runs for @job_login and @job_password.


    Connections made using Windows Integrated Authentication always use the Windows credentials specified by @job_login and @job_password. The Distribution Agent always makes the local connection to the Distributor using Windows Integrated Authentication. By default, the agent will connect to the Subscriber using Windows Integrated Authentication.

    • A value of 0 for @subscriber_security_mode and the OLE DB provider login information for @subscriber_login and @subscriber_password.

    • A schedule for the Distribution Agent job for this subscription. For more information, see Specify Synchronization Schedules.


    When creating a push subscription at a Publisher with a remote Distributor, the values supplied for all parameters, including job_login and job_password, are sent to the Distributor as plain text. You should encrypt the connection between the Publisher and its remote Distributor before executing this stored procedure. For more information, see Enable Encrypted Connections to the Database Engine (SQL Server Configuration Manager).