

sp_helpmergearticleconflicts (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: SQL Server

Returns the articles in the publication that have conflicts. This stored procedure is executed at the Publisher on the publication database, or at the Subscriber on the merge subscription database.

Transact-SQL syntax conventions


    [ [ @publication = ] N'publication' ]
    [ , [ @publisher = ] N'publisher' ]
    [ , [ @publisher_db = ] N'publisher_db' ]
[ ; ]


[ @publication = ] N'publication'

The name of the merge publication. @publication is sysname, with a default of %, which returns all articles in the database that have conflicts.

[ @publisher = ] N'publisher'

The name of the Publisher. @publisher is sysname, with a default of NULL.

[ @publisher_db = ] N'publisher_db'

The name of the publisher database. @publisher_db is sysname, with a default of NULL.

Result set

Column name Data type Description
article sysname Name of the article.
source_owner sysname Owner of the source object.
source_object nvarchar(386) Name of the source object.
conflict_table nvarchar(258) Name of the table storing the insert or update conflicts.
guidcolname sysname Name of the rowguidcol for the source object.
centralized_conflicts int Specifies whether conflict records are stored on the given Publisher.

If the article has only delete conflicts and no conflict_table rows, the name of the conflict_table in the result set is NULL.

Return code values

0 (success) or 1 (failure).


sp_helpmergearticleconflicts is used in merge replication.


Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role and the db_owner fixed database role can execute sp_helpmergearticleconflicts.