

sp_helpsubscriberinfo (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Managed Instance

Displays information about a Subscriber. This stored procedure is executed at the Publisher on any database.

Transact-SQL syntax conventions


    [ [ @subscriber = ] N'subscriber' ]
    [ , [ @publisher = ] N'publisher' ]
[ ; ]


[ @subscriber = ] N'subscriber'

The name of the Subscriber. @subscriber is sysname, with a default of %, which returns all information.

[ @publisher = ] N'publisher'

The name of the Publisher. @publisher is sysname, and defaults to the name of the current server.

@publisher shouldn't be specified, except when it's an Oracle Publisher.

Result set

Column name Data type Description
publisher sysname Name of the Publisher.
subscriber sysname Name of the Subscriber.
type tinyint Type of Subscriber:

0 = SQL Server database 1 = ODBC data source
login sysname Login ID for SQL Server Authentication.
password sysname Password for SQL Server Authentication.
commit_batch_size int Not supported.
status_batch_size int Not supported.
flush_frequency int Not supported.
frequency_type int Frequency with which the Distribution Agent is run:

1 = One time
2 = On demand
4 = Daily
8 = Weekly
16 = Monthly
32 = Monthly relative
64 = Autostart
128 = Recurring
frequency_interval int Value applied to the frequency set by frequency_type.
frequency_relative_interval int Date of the Distribution Agent used when frequency_type is set to 32 (monthly relative):

1 = First
2 = Second
4 = Third
8 = Fourth
16 = Last
frequency_recurrence_factor int Recurrence factor used by frequency_type.
frequency_subday int How often to reschedule during the defined period:

1 = Once
2 = Second
4 = Minute
8 = Hour
frequency_subday_interval int Interval for frequency_subday.
active_start_time_of_day int Time of day when the Distribution Agent is first scheduled, formatted as HHmmss.
active_end_time_of_day int Time of day when the Distribution Agent stops being scheduled, formatted as HHmmss.
active_start_date int Date when the Distribution Agent is first scheduled, formatted as yyyyMMdd.
active_end_date int Date when the Distribution Agent stops being scheduled, formatted as yyyyMMdd.
retryattempt int Not supported.
retrydelay int Not supported.
description nvarchar(255) Text description of the Subscriber.
security_mode int Implemented security mode:

0 = SQL Server Authentication
1 = Windows Authentication
frequency_type2 int Frequency with which the Merge Agent is run:

1 = One time
2 = On demand
4 = Daily
8 = Weekly
16 = Monthly
32 = Monthly relative
64 = Autostart
128 = Recurring
frequency_interval2 int Value applied to the frequency set by frequency_type.
frequency_relative_interval2 int Date of the Merge Agent used when frequency_type is set to 32(monthly relative):

1 = First
2 = Second
4 = Third
8 = Fourth
16 = Last
frequency_recurrence_factor2 int Recurrence factor used by frequency_type.
frequency_subday2 int How often to reschedule during the defined period:

1 = Once
2 = Second
4 = Minute
8 = Hour
frequency_subday_interval2 int Interval for frequency_subday.
active_start_time_of_day2 int Time of day when the Merge Agent is first scheduled, formatted as HHmmss.
active_end_time_of_day2 int Time of day when the Merge Agent stops being scheduled, formatted as HHmmss.
active_start_date2 int Date when the Merge Agent is first scheduled, formatted as yyyyMMdd.
active_end_date2 int Date when the Merge Agent stops being scheduled, formatted as yyyyMMdd.

Return code values

0 (success) or 1 (failure).


sp_helpsubscriberinfo is used in snapshot replication, transactional replication, and merge replication.


Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role, the db_owner fixed database role, or the publication access list for the publication can execute sp_helpsubscriberinfo.