

Create a basic table report (SSRS tutorial)

In this tutorial, you use the Report Designer tool in Visual Studio / SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT). You create a SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) paginated report. The report contains a query table, created from data in the AdventureWorks2022 database.

As you progress in this tutorial, you're going to learn how to:

  • create a report project.
  • set up a data connection.
  • define a query.
  • add a table data region.
  • format the report.
  • group and total fields.
  • preview the report.
  • optionally publish the report.


Your system must have the following components installed to take this tutorial:

  • Microsoft SQL Server database engine.
  • SQL Server 2016 Reporting Services or later (SSRS).
  • The AdventureWorks2022 database. For more information, see Adventure Works Sample Databases.
  • SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio along with the Reporting Services extension installed to enable access to the Report Designer.

You must also have read-only permissions to retrieve data from the AdventureWorks2022 database.

Estimated time to complete the tutorial: 30 minutes.

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