

In grammar, person refers to the point of view represented by a statement and determines which pronoun to use.

In general, use second-person pronouns (you, your)

In second person, you write as though you're speaking to the reader. The second person often uses the personal pronoun you or your, but sometimes the word you is implied. It supports a friendly, human tone and helps avoid passive voice by focusing the discussion on the reader. Omit you can whenever the sentence works without it.

In product UI, avoid using you and your in ways that sound like we're commanding people to do something rather than providing options for them to make their own choices.

However, when AI-generated content is used, we should use past tense (to express action done behind the scenes) by explicitly saying “for you” or by using words that convey uncertainty or subjectivity (to express that a judgment was applied that may or may not be correct).

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Suggested for you

Use singular first-person pronouns sparingly (I, me, my)

In first person, you write as though you’re speaking from the reader’s point of view. Marketing and support documentation should never use first person singular. However, it may be used inside our product experiences. First-person singular pronouns can be used in product UI to show someone’s control over an action in checkbox, button, or toggle labels.

Notify me when a new Bluetooth device tries to connect to my computer

Remember my password

I agree to the terms of service

Exception In rare cases, it’s OK to use “my” in navigation or filter labels if you need to distinguish a person’s content from other content that may be presented in the same visual space. image

Exception Cortana is a persona, so the use of I is appropriate.

Avoid plural first person (we, us)

First-person plural, which often uses the pronoun we, can feel like a daunting corporate presence—the opposite of Microsoft's modern voice. It's OK to use phrasing like we recommend if it helps you avoid awkward phrasing like it's recommended, but write around it if you can. Try to keep the focus on the customer, not Microsoft. It’s OK to use we in privacy and security settings where you need to make clear Microsoft is the speaker.

Notify scheduled default setting is the easiest way to keep your computer up to date. (Instead of We recommend that you use the scheduled default setting ....)

Change your password (Instead of We recommend that you change your password.)

We protect your privacy at every step.

That didn’t work. Try again. (Instead of We weren’t able to run the Solution Checker. Try running it again.)

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