
2022Logo Visual Studio 2022 version 17.5 Release Notes


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Visual Studio 2022 version 17.5 Releases

Visual Studio 2022 Blog

The Visual Studio 2022 Blog is the official source of product insight from the Visual Studio Engineering Team. You can find in-depth information about the Visual Studio 2022 releases in the following posts:

  • Visual Studio 2022 version 17.5 Released

  • We’ve addressed a number of your top-reported bugs in this release and added new features based on your suggestions in Developer Community. Thank you for your continued feedback. Here’s a list of your suggestion we are shipping as part of this preview.

Developer Community Suggestions: You asked, we listened!

Take a look at the list of all Developer Community Suggestions that shipped as part of 17.5

17.5.4 Visual Studio 2022 version 17.5.4

released April 11 2023

Issues Addressed in this release of 17.5.4

  • This change fixes a crash when invalid input is sent to the driver used during PGO training for kernel mode drivers.
  • Fixed MSVC template operator resolution with ISO C++17 and ISO C++20
  • MSVC ASAN will ignore mapped-memory files when Rtl* memory functions are used to manipulate that memory.
  • Updates .NET MAUI to 7.0.81 (SR4), see https://aka.ms/dotnet-maui-releases for release notes.
  • Updates .NET iOS to, see release notes.
  • Updates .NET Android to
  • Addresses a fix in the configuration API that could lead to a double free vulnerability.
  • VSIXInstaller has been updated to prevent trust warning from being hidden in the UI.

Security Advisories Addressed

Developer Community Highlights

17.5.3 Visual Studio 2022 version 17.5.3

released March 21st 2023

Issues Addressed in this release of 17.5.3

  • Removal of integrated Edge Developer Tools for ASP.NET web workload
  • Fixed ASAN performance regression regarding large amounts of threads accessing the same heap concurrently. Also, changed the windows_hook_legacy_allocators option default value to true.
  • MSVC C++ Toolset updated to 14.35.32216.01
  • While editing Razor files, add caching of some of the computed editing constructs to improve performance.
  • Fixes a bug where a MultiLine TextBox in a VB-WinForms Project gets deleted, when the Text property contains more than one line (which get separated by vbCrLf on code generation in InitializeComponent).
  • Fixes a bug where extremely large Forms or UserControls in the WinForms Out-Of-Process Designer take a very long time to save. Please note, that Forms/UserControls > 3,000 lines of code will be in certain cases differently formatted or not be subject to namespace/this (Me in Visual Basic) reduction. Consider refactoring parts of very big forms into dedicated UserControls, and use those UserControls inside bigger Forms for performance improvements and easier maintenance.
  • Fixes a bug where VB-Tick-Comments inside of InitializeComponent will now wrap correctly into individual lines, when a previous line ended with a quotation or a double-quotation character.
  • Fixes a bug where renaming a WithEvents defined Control field of the Code-behind Designer file in Visual Basic will no longer lead to multiply defined/handled events.

Developer Community Highlights

17.5.2 Visual Studio 2022 version 17.5.2

released March 14th 2023

Issues Addressed in this release of 17.5.2

  • Fixed a Razor compiler optimization bug in tag helper lookup that broke ViewComponent tag helpers in a number of cases.
  • This adds @bind:after support into the 17.5 release. This was originally added in 17.4 but was not correctly ported to the 17.5 code base.
  • In the All-In-One Search experience, the Preview Panel will be read-only for all results. We appreciate your patience as we work on ironing out details and fixing issues with the preview editing experience.
  • Updates to mingit and Git for Windows package to v2.39.2, which addresses CVE-2023-22490
  • Removal of integrated Edge Developer Tools for ASP.NET web workload

Security Advisories Addressed

Developer Community Highlights

17.5.1 Visual Studio 2022 version 17.5.1

released February 28th, 2023

Issues Addressed in this release of 17.5.1

Developer Community Highlights

17.5.0 Visual Studio 2022 version 17.5

released February 21st, 2023

Developer Community Highlights

Summary of What's New in this Release of Visual Studio 2022 version 17.5

ASP.NET Output in the Integrated Terminal

  • ASP.NET Core applications launched in Visual Studio now redirect output to the Integrated Terminal Tool Window instead of an external console Window.

Build container images without a Dockerfile

  • With .NET 7, it is now possible to build and publish container images using just the .NET SDK. You do not need a Dockerfile and you can target any .NET runtime you want, including previous versions.

Colorize Tabs By Regular Expression

  • Visually distinguish different files based on path-matching rules you define.


  • std::move, std::forward, std::move_if_noexcept, and std::forward_like will now not produce function calls in generated code, even in debug mode. This is to avoid named casts causing unneccesary overhead in debug builds. /permissive- or a flag which implies it (e.g. /std:c++20 or std:c++latest) is required.
  • Added [[msvc::intrinsic]] to support the above item. This can be applied to non-recursive functions consisting of a single cast, which take only one parameter.
  • Added support for Linux Console in the Integrated Terminal which allows for terminal I/O.
  • Added initial experimental support for C11 atomic primitives (<stdatomic.h>). This experimental feature can be enabled with the /experimental:c11atomics flag in /std:c11 mode or later.
  • Added new set of experimental high-confidence checks to the Lifetime Checker for reduced noise.
  • Enabled a new preview feature, Remote File Explorer, to view the file directory on your remote machines within VS, as well as upload and download files to it.
  • Changed versioning of CMake executables shipped with Visual Studio to match Kitware versions.
  • Added support for Hot Reload to the CMake Project template.
  • Go To Definition for C++ will now use more subtle indicator of the operation taking more time, replacing the modal dialog from previous versions.
  • Started rollout of an experiment providing additional smart results in the C++ autocompletion and member list. This functionality was previously known as Predictive IntelliSense but now is using a new presentation method.
  • We now ship a native Arm64 Clang toolset with our LLVM workload, allowing native compilation on Arm64 machines.
  • Added localization to the Image Watch Extension (Note: this Extension is available in the Marketplace, and is not bundled through the Visual Studio Installer).
  • Added support for opening a Terminal window into the currently running Developer Container.
  • Made several improvements to IntelliSense macro expansion. Notably, we enabled recursive expansion in more contexts, and we added options to the pop up to copy the expansion to the clipboard or expand the macro inline.
  • Concurrent monitoring is now supported in the Serial Monitor. Concurrent monitoring allows you to monitor multiple ports at the same time, side by side! Simply press the plus button in order to open another Serial Monitor and get started.
  • You can now view properties from base classes modified in an Unreal Blueprint asset without leaving Visual Studio. Double-click in a Blueprint reference for a C++ class or property to open the UE Asset Inspector in Visual Studio.
  • Enabled running DevContainers on a remote Linux machine.
  • Enabled selection of multiple targets to build in the CMake Targets view.
  • Added support for CMakePresets.json version 5. See the CMake documentation for information of new features.
  • Enabled Test Explorer to build and test multiple CMake targets in parallel.
  • Added "Open container in terminal" option to Dev Containers.
  • Implemented standard library features:
    • P2508R1basic_format_string, format_string, wformat_string
    • P2322R6 ranges::fold_left, ranges::fold_right, etc.
    • P2321R2 views::zip (does not include zip_transform, adjacent, and adjacent_transform)

These notes used to say that Brace Pair Colorization was available in this release. Unfortunately this has been delayed until 17.6. You can download 17.6 Preview 1 today to try it out.

Code Search and Navigation

All-In-One Search

  • All-In-One Search combines code (Ctrl+T) and IDE feature (Ctrl+Q) search capabilities in one UI.
  • Code search (Ctrl+T) quickly navigates you to files, types, and members across your solution.
  • Feature search (Ctrl+Q) provides easy access to the various tools, options, templates, and components available in Visual Studio.
  • In the Code Search tab, the Preview Panel gives you a peek at the surrounding context to the selected result without needing to open it. You can even make tweaks to your code right in the search window.
  • Learn more about All-In-One Search here.
  • We are planning to gradually turn on this new search experience. You can enable/disable the experience manually: Tools > Manage Preview Features > "New Visual Studio Search experience (restart required)".

Debugging and Diagnostics

  • Text visualizer is enabled with additional tooling and string manipulation options such as URL Encode and Decode, Base64 Encode and Decode,JWT Decode etc.


  • The text visualizer and quick watch window now provide full theming support for dark, blue, and light VS themes.


  • The parallel and call stack windows will have indicator icons drawing attention to critical scenarios such as deadlock thread or blocked thread.


  • The Managed Memory window will now show new auto insight for snapshots/dumps called Duplicate strings.
  • The new tab ”Insights” in Managed Memory window will show the list of strings that get allocated multiple times on the heap. Along with the total wasted memory i.e. number of instances minus one time the size of the string.


  • You can also go to instances by clicking “View Instances” button which shows a similar instance view as of the Memory window. It also shows the retention graph for the string objects.


Performance Enhancements

  • Faster solution load for large solutions: Visual Studio has added a new feature called "Build Acceleration" that improves incremental build performance. "Build Acceleration" directs Visual Studio to only build projects that had modifications while skipping projects that were unchanged.
    Enabling Build Acceleration can reduce incremental build times by up to 80% for SDK-style .NET projects. Faster-solution-load For further details and instructions on enabling/disabling Build Acceleration, please visit the following link: https://aka.ms/vs-build-acceleration

  • External Sources Decompilation: Decompiling large .NET modules in 17.5 is up to 10 times faster, making debugging and troubleshooting issues more efficient.


  • Threads Window: The response time of the threads window is 2 times faster than in 17.4 and scales efficiently with large numbers of threads.


  • Code coverage: New static instrumentation option added for faster performance compared to dynamic instrumentation.


Quick Add new files

  • Add new files to your projects without searching for a template.


  • Visual Studio now supports editing Markdown (.md) files.
  • To get started, open any file with a .md file extension.
  • Preview the processed HTML with the Preview button at the top left of the editor window. Shift+F7 can also be used to open the Preview. Use Ctrl+Alt+Up to move keyboard focus to the Preview button and press space bar to toggle the preview.
  • In some cases, the new markdown editor may not be enabled automatically. If you can't open your .md files, can't locate the Preview button, or don't see adornments in the editor, check that the “Markdown language service” preview feature in the Preview Features page of Tools\Options is enabled.
  • Note that if you're using an extension to edit markdown files today, you may need to bring up the context menu on the .md file and explicitly choose “Open With…”, then select your preferred option.

SQL Server 2022

  • Use new T-SQL syntax introduced for SQL Server 2022

Spell Checker

Visual Studio editor shows that an identifier DetailChekkForIssues has a misspelled word and provides alternate spellings for "Chekk"

  • Visual Studio now has spell checking available for C++, C# and markdown files. This feature is in the preview stage and can be enabled by checking the "Text spell checker" option in the Preview Features. The feature can also be toggled from either the "Toggle Text Spell Checker" command under Edit\Advanced or from a button in the main toolbar. For C++ spell checking, the "C++ spelling tagger" must also be checked.
  • By default, the spell checker will use the en-us dictionary, flag misspelled words as warnings and will scan for misspelled words in comments, strings and identifiers. This behavior can be modified with an .editorconfig file.
  • The following properties can be used to control the spell checker in editorconfig:
spelling_languages = _language_,_language_,etc...
spelling_checkable_types = strings,identifiers,comments
spelling_error_severity = error OR warning OR information OR hint
spelling_exclusion_path = absolute OR relative path to exclusion dictionary (File must be UTF16 with BOM encoding)

Example for .editorconfig:

spelling_languages = en-us,fr-fr
spelling_checkable_types = identifiers,comments
spelling_error_severity = error
spelling_exclusion_path = .\exclusion.dic

Setup and Updates

  • You can now easily configure and add components to an offline layout by using an exported *.vsconfig file.
  • An option to always update on close is now available via the Tools Options Product Updates dialog. This makes it easier to automaticall stay updated and secure. For more information, please visit the blog post.
  • Visual Studio has added audio cues to the Installer! The audio cue alerts the user that the operation was finished on the installer or that there was an error by playing a sound. This includes install, update, modify, and many other operations done by installer or any error dialogs while trying requested operation. This feature is on by default, and user can turn it off by following the instruction outlined here: Disable Sounds in the Installer
  • Visual Studio is now available via Windows Packet Manager tool

Teams Toolkit Updates

  • New Microsoft Teams App > Workflow bot project template makes it simpler to get started with creating a sequential workflow of tasks like an approval process or ticketing system.
  • The previewed features and project template changes in 17.5 Preview 2 and Preview 3 include breaking changes for any previously created Microsoft Teams App projects and will not be included in 17.5 GA. Instead, we will continue previewing those feature changes throughout the 17.6 previews and collect feedback.

Windows authentication broker

  • Get enhanced security and fewer prompts by enabling the Windows authentication broker.

Feedback and suggestions

We would love to hear from you! You can Report a Problem or Suggest a Feature Feedback Icon by using the Send Feedback icon in the upper right-hand corner of either the installer or the Visual Studio IDE, or from Help > Send Feedback. You can track your issues by using Visual Studio Developer Community, where you add comments or find solutions. You can also get free installation help through our Live Chat support.


Take advantage of the insights and recommendations available in the Developer Tools Blogs site to keep you up-to-date on all new releases and include deep dive posts on a broad range of features.

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Known Issues

.NET Runtime

See all open issues and available workarounds in Visual Studio 2022 by following the below links.