อ่านในภาษาอังกฤษ แก้ไข



Creates connections to Remote Desktop Session Host servers or other remote computers and edits an existing Remote Desktop Connection (.rdp) configuration file.


mstsc.exe [<connectionfile>] [/v:<server>[:<port>]] [/g:<gateway>] [/admin] [/f <fullscreen>] [/w:<width> /h:<height>] [/public] [/multimon] [/l] [/restrictedadmin] [/remoteguard] [/prompt] [/shadow:<sessionid>] [/control] [/noconsentprompt]
mstsc.exe /edit <connectionfile> 


Parameter Description
<connectionfile> Specifies the name of an .rdp file for the connection.
/v:<server>[:<port>] Specifies the remote computer and, optionally, the port number to which you want to connect.
/g:<gateway> Specifies the RD Gateway server to use for the connection. This parameter is only read if the endpoint PC is specified with /v.
/admin Connects you to a session for administering the server.
/f Starts Remote Desktop Connection in full-screen mode.
/w:<width> Specifies the width of the Remote Desktop window.
/h:<height> Specifies the height of the Remote Desktop window.
/public Runs Remote Desktop in public mode. In public mode, passwords and bitmaps aren't cached.
/multimon Configures the Remote Desktop Services session monitor layout to be identical to the current client-side configuration.
/l Enumerates the monitor attached to the local PC and the ID associated with each monitor. The monitor ID can be used to populate the selected monitors RDP file setting.
/edit <connectionfile> Opens the specified .rdp file for editing.
/restrictedAdmin This mode won't send your credentials to the remote PC, which can protect you if you connect to a compromised device. Connections made from the remote PC might not be authenticated by other PCs, which impact application functionality and compatibility. The /admin parameter is implied.
/remoteGuard This mode prevents credentials from being sent to the remote PC, which can help protect your credentials if you connect to a compromised device. Unlike Restricted Administrator mode, Remote Guard also supports connections made from the remote PC by redirecting all requests back to your device.
/prompt Prompts you for your credentials when you connect to the remote PC.
/shadow:<sessionID> Specifies the ID of the session to shadow.
/control Allows control of the session when shadowing.
/noConsentPrompt Allows shadowing without user consent.
/? Displays help at the command prompt.


  • Default.rdp is stored for each user as a hidden file in the user's Documents folder.

  • User created .rdp files are saved by default in the user's Documents folder, but can be saved anywhere.

  • To span across monitors, the monitors must use the same resolution and must be aligned horizontally (that is, side-by-side). There's currently no support for spanning multiple monitors vertically on the client system.


To connect to a session in full-screen mode, type:

mstsc /f


mstsc /v:computer1 /f

To assign width/height, type:

mstsc /v:computer1 /w:1920 /h:1080

To open a file called filename.rdp for editing, type:

mstsc /edit filename.rdp