
Predefined key combinations

Supported Editions
✅ IoT Enterprise LTSC
✅ IoT Enterprise
✅ Enterprise LTSC
✅ Enterprise
✅ Education

This topic lists a set of key combinations that are predefined by a keyboard filter. You can list the value of the WEKF_PredefinedKey.Id to get a complete list of key combinations defined by a keyboard filter.

You can use the values in the WEKF_PredefinedKey.Id column to configure the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) class WEKF_PredefinedKey.

Accessibility keys

The following table contains predefined key combinations for accessibility:

Key combination WEKF_PredefinedKey.Id Blocked behavior
Left Alt + Left Shift + Print Screen LShift+LAlt+PrintScrn Open High Contrast.
Left Alt + Left Shift + Num Lock LShift+LAlt+NumLock Open Mouse Keys.
Windows logo key + U Win+U Open Ease of Access Center.

Application keys

The following table contains predefined key combinations for controlling application state:

Key combination WEKF_PredefinedKey.Id Blocked behavior
Alt + F4 Alt+F4 Close application.
Ctrl + F4 Ctrl+F4 Close window.
Windows logo key + F1 Win+F1 Open Windows Help.

Shell keys

The following table contains predefined key combinations for general UI control:

Key combination WEKF_PredefinedKey.Id Blocked behavior
Alt + Spacebar Alt+Space Open shortcut menu for the active window.
Ctrl + Esc Ctrl+Esc Open the Start screen.
Ctrl + Windows logo key + F Ctrl+Win+F Open Find Computers.
Windows logo key + Break Win+Break Open System dialog box.
Windows logo key + E Win+E Open Windows Explorer.
Windows + F Win+F Open Search.
Windows logo key + P Win+P Cycle through Presentation Mode. Also blocks the Windows logo key + Shift + P and the Windows logo key + Ctrl + P key combinations.
Windows logo key + R Win+R Open Run dialog box.
Alt + Tab Alt+Tab Switch task. Also blocks the Alt + Shift + Tab key combination.
Ctrl + Tab Ctrl+Tab Switch window.
Windows logo key + Tab Win+Tab Cycle through Microsoft Store apps. Also blocks the Windows logo key + Ctrl + Tab and Windows logo key + Shift + Tab key combinations.
Windows logo key + D Win+D Show desktop.
Windows logo key + M Win+M Minimize all windows.
Windows logo key + Home Win+Home Minimize or restore all inactive windows.
Windows logo key + T Win+T Set focus on taskbar and cycle through programs.
Windows logo key + B Win+B Set focus in the notification area.
Windows logo key + Minus Sign Win+- Zoom out.
Windows logo key + Plus Sign Win++ Zoom in.
Windows logo key + Esc Win+Esc Close Magnifier application.
Windows logo key + Up Arrow Win+Up Maximize the active window.
Windows logo key + Down Arrow Win+Down Minimize the active window.
Windows logo key + Left Arrow Win+Left Snap the active window to the left half of screen.
Windows logo key + Right Arrow Win+Right Snap the active window to the right half of screen.
Windows logo key + Shift + Up Arrow Win+Shift+Up Maximize the active window vertically.
Windows logo key + Shift + Down Arrow Win+Shift+Down Minimize the active window.
Windows logo key + Shift + Left Arrow Win+Shift+Left Move the active window to left monitor.
Windows logo key + Shift + Right Arrow Win+Shift+Right Move the active window to right monitor.
Windows logo key + Spacebar Win+Space Switch layout.
Windows logo key + O Win+O Lock device orientation.
Windows logo key + Page Up Win+PageUp Move a Microsoft Store app to the left monitor.
Windows logo key + Page Down Win+PageDown Move a Microsoft Store app to right monitor.
Windows logo key + Period Win+. Snap the current screen to the left or right gutter. Also blocks the Windows logo key + Shift + Period key combination.
Windows logo key + C Win+C Activate Cortana in listening mode (after user has enabled the shortcut through the UI).
Windows logo key + I Win+I Open Settings charm.
Windows logo key + K Win+K Open Connect charm.
Windows logo key + H Win+H Start dictation.
Windows logo key + Q Win+Q Open Search charm.
Windows logo key + W Win+W Open Windows Ink workspace.
Windows logo key + Z Win+Z Open app bar.
Windows logo key + / Win+/ Open input method editor (IME).
Windows logo key + J Win+J Swap between snapped and filled applications.
Windows logo key + Comma Win+, Peek at the desktop.
Windows logo key + V Win+V Cycle through toasts in reverse order.

Modifier keys

The following table contains predefined key combinations for modifier keys (such as Shift and Ctrl):

Key combination WEKF_PredefinedKey.Id Blocked key
Alt Alt Both Alt keys
Application Application Application key
Ctrl Ctrl Both Ctrl keys
Shift Shift Both Shift keys
Windows logo key Windows Both Windows logo keys

Security keys

The following table contains predefined key combinations for OS security:

Key combination WEKF_PredefinedKey.Id Blocked behavior
Ctrl + Alt + Delete Ctrl+Alt+Del Open the Windows Security screen.
Ctrl + Shift + Esc Shift+Ctrl+Esc Open Task Manager.
Windows logo key + L Win+L Lock the device.

Extended shell keys

The following table contains predefined key combinations for extended shell functions (such as automatically opening certain apps):

Key combination WEKF_PredefinedKey.Id Blocked key
LaunchMail LaunchMail Start Mail key
LaunchMediaSelect LaunchMediaSelect Select Media key
LaunchApp1 LaunchApp1 Start Application 1 key
LaunchApp2 LaunchApp2 Start Application 2 key

Browser keys

The following table contains predefined key combinations for controlling the browser:

Key combination WEKF_PredefinedKey.Id Blocked key
BrowserBack BrowserBack Browser Back key
BrowserForward BrowserForward Browser Forward key
BrowserRefresh BrowserRefresh Browser Refresh key
BrowserStop BrowserStop Browser Stop key
BrowserSearch BrowserSearch Browser Search key
BrowserFavorites BrowserFavorites Browser Favorites key
BrowserHome BrowserHome Browser Start and Home key

Media keys

The following table contains predefined key combinations for controlling media playback:

Key combination WEKF_PredefinedKey.Id Blocked key
VolumeMute VolumeMute Volume Mute key
VolumeDown VolumeDown Volume Down key
VolumeUp VolumeUp Volume Up key
MediaNext MediaNext Next Track key
MediaPrev MediaPrev Previous Track key
MediaStop MediaStop Stop Media key
MediaPlayPause MediaPlayPause Play/Pause Media key

Microsoft Surface keyboard keys

The following table contains predefined key combinations for Microsoft Surface devices:

Key combination WEKF_PredefinedKey.Id Blocked key
Left Alt + Windows logo key AltWin Share key
Left Ctrl + Windows logo key CtrlWin Devices key
Left Shift + Windows logo key ShiftWin Search key
F21 F21 Settings key

Keyboard filter