

Choose and save tones using the ms-tonepicker URI scheme

This topic describes how to use the ms-tonepicker: URI scheme. This URI scheme can be used to:

  • Determine if the tone picker is available on the device.
  • Display the tone picker to list available ringtones, system sounds, text tones, and alarm sounds; and get a tone token which represents the sound the user selected.
  • Display the tone saver, which takes a sound file token as input and saves it to the device. Saved tones are then available via the tone picker. Users can also give the tone a friendly name.
  • Convert a tone token to its friendly name.

ms-tonepicker: URI scheme reference

This URI scheme does not pass arguments via the URI scheme string, but instead passes arguments via a ValueSet. All strings are case-sensitive.

The sections below indicate which arguments should be passed to accomplish the specified task.

Task: Determine if the tone picker is available on the device

var status = await Launcher.QueryUriSupportAsync(new Uri("ms-tonepicker:"),     

if (status != LaunchQuerySupportStatus.Available)
    // the tone picker is not available

Task: Display the tone picker

The arguments you can pass to display the tone picker are as follows:

Parameter Type Required Possible values Description
Action string yes "PickRingtone" Opens the tone picker.
CurrentToneFilePath string no An existing tone token. The tone to show as the current tone in the tone picker. If this value is not set, the first tone on the list is selected by default.
This is not, strictly speaking, a file path. You can get a suitable value for CurrenttoneFilePath from the ToneToken value returned from the tone picker.
TypeFilter string no "Ringtones", "Notifications", "Alarms", "None" Selects which tones to add to the picker. If no filter is specified then all tones are displayed.

The values that are returned in LaunchUriResults.Result:

Return values Type Possible values Description
Result Int32 0-success.
7-invalid parameters.
8 - no tones match the filter criteria.
255 - specified action is not implemented.
The result of the picker operation.
ToneToken string The selected tone's token.
The string is empty if the user selects default in the picker.
This token can be used in a toast notification payload, or can be assigned as a contact’s ringtone or text tone. The parameter is returned in the ValueSet only if Result is 0.
DisplayName string The specified tone’s friendly name. A string that can be shown to the user to represent the selected tone. The parameter is returned in the ValueSet only if Result is 0.

Example: Open the tone picker so that the user can select a tone

LauncherOptions options = new LauncherOptions();
options.TargetApplicationPackageFamilyName = "Microsoft.Tonepicker_8wekyb3d8bbwe";

ValueSet inputData = new ValueSet() {
    { "Action", "PickRingtone" },
    { "TypeFilter", "Ringtones" } // Show only ringtones

LaunchUriResult result = await Launcher.LaunchUriForResultsAsync(new Uri("ms-tonepicker:"), options, inputData);

if (result.Status == LaunchUriStatus.Success)
     Int32 resultCode =  (Int32)result.Result["Result"];
     if (resultCode == 0)
         string token = result.Result["ToneToken"] as string;
         string name = result.Result["DisplayName"] as string;
           // handle failure

Task: Display the tone saver

The arguments you can pass to display the tone saver are as follows:

Parameter Type Required Possible values Description
Action string yes "SaveRingtone" Opens the picker to save a ringtone.
ToneFileSharingToken string yes SharedStorageAccessManager file sharing token for the ringtone file to save. Saves a specific sound file as a ringtone. The supported content types for the file are mpeg audio and x-ms-wma audio.
DisplayName string no The specified tone’s friendly name. Sets the display name to use when saving the specified ringtone.

The values that are returned in LaunchUriResults.Result:

Return values Type Possible values Description
Result Int32 0-success.
1-cancelled by user.
2-Invalid file.
3-Invalid file content type.
4-file exceeds maximum ringtone size (1MB in Windows 10).
5-File exceeds 40 second length limit.
6-File is protected by digital rights management.
7-invalid parameters.
The result of the picker operation.

Example: Save a local music file as a ringtone

LauncherOptions options = new LauncherOptions();
options.TargetApplicationPackageFamilyName = "Microsoft.Tonepicker_8wekyb3d8bbwe";

ValueSet inputData = new ValueSet() {
    { "Action", "SaveRingtone" },
    { "ToneFileSharingToken", SharedStorageAccessManager.AddFile(myLocalFile) }

LaunchUriResult result = await Launcher.LaunchUriForResultsAsync(new Uri("ms-tonepicker:"), options, inputData);

if (result.Status == LaunchUriStatus.Success)
     Int32 resultCode = (Int32)result.Result["Result"];

     if (resultCode == 0)
         // no issues
          switch (resultCode)
             case 2:
              // The specified file was invalid
              case 3:
              // The specified file's content type is invalid
              case 4:
              // The specified file was too big
              case 5:
              // The specified file was too long
              case 6:
              // The file was protected by DRM
              case 7:
              // The specified parameter was incorrect

Task: Convert a tone token to its friendly name

The arguments you can pass to get the friendly name of a tone are as follows:

Parameter Type Required Possible values Description
Action string yes "GetToneName" Indicates that you want to get the friendly name of a tone.
ToneToken string yes The tone token The tone token from which to obtain a display name.

The values that are returned in LaunchUriResults.Result:

Return value Type Possible values Description
Result Int32 0-The picker operation succeeded.
7-Incorrect parameter (for example, no ToneToken provided).
9-Error reading the name for the specified token.
10-Unable to find specified tone token.
The result of the picker operation.
DisplayName string The tone's friendly name. Returns the selected tone's display name. This parameter is only returned in the ValueSet if Result is 0.

Example: Retrieve a tone token from Contact.RingToneToken and display its friendly name in the contact card.

using (var connection = new AppServiceConnection())
    connection.AppServiceName = "ms-tonepicker-nameprovider";
    connection.PackageFamilyName = "Microsoft.Tonepicker_8wekyb3d8bbwe";
    AppServiceConnectionStatus connectionStatus = await connection.OpenAsync();
    if (connectionStatus == AppServiceConnectionStatus.Success)
        var message = new ValueSet() {
            { "Action", "GetToneName" },
            { "ToneToken", token)
        AppServiceResponse response = await connection.SendMessageAsync(message);
        if (response.Status == AppServiceResponseStatus.Success)
            Int32 resultCode = (Int32)response.Message["Result"];
            if (resultCode == 0)
                string name = response.Message["DisplayName"] as string;
                // handle failure
            // handle failure