
Bidders - Technical attribute service

Use the read-only Technical Attribute Service to see what technical attributes are registered in the Xandr system and can apply to creatives. Technical attributes describe features of the creative such as whether it is an image, flash, video, is expandable, etc. Creatives are tagged with technical attributes, and ad profiles can be configured to include / exclude particular technical attributes.


HTTP Method Endpoint Description
DELETE https://api.adnxs.com/technical-attribute?id=TECHNICAL_ATTRIBUTE_ID To delete a technical attribute (admin only)
GET https://api.adnxs.com/technical-attribute To view all technical attributes
GET https://api.adnxs.com/technical-attribute?id=TECHNICAL_ATTRIBUTE_ID To view information about a particular technical attribute
POST https://api.adnxs.com/technical-attribute To add a technical attribute (admin only)
PUT https://api.adnxs.com/technical-attribute?id=TECHNICAL_ATTRIBUTE_ID To modify a technical attribute (admin only)

JSON fields

Parameter Type Description
id int The ID of the technical attribute
last_activity string When the technical attribute was last modified.
name string Technical attribute name.


View all technical attributes

curl -b cookies -c cookies "https://api.adnxs.com/technical-attribute"
            "last_activity":"2010-05-19 21:43:24"
            "last_activity":"2010-05-19 21:43:24"
            "last_activity":"2010-05-19 21:43:24"
            "last_activity":"2010-05-19 21:43:24"
            "last_activity":"2010-05-19 21:43:24"
            "last_activity":"2010-05-19 21:43:24"
            "last_activity":"2010-05-19 21:43:25"