
Bidders - User service

Here "user" refers to people or groups using Xandr's APIs. The User Service will allow you to manage who has access to Xandr's APIs. Users are classified as by a user type of either bidder or member.

  • Bidder users can be created by other bidder users.
  • A bidder-user can create and update member-users as well as update its own user info.
  • A member-user can update its own user info.
  • Each new username associated with a particular bidder must be unique.


HTTP Method Endpoint Description
GET https://api.adnxs.com/user View all the users that you have created.
GET https://api.adnxs.com/user/USER_ID View a particular user.
POST https://api.adnxs.com/user (user JSON) Add a user.
PUT https://api.adnxs.com/user/USER_ID (user JSON) Modify an existing user.

To delete an existing user:
DELETE https://api.adnxs.com/user/USER_ID

JSON structure

Field Required Type Description
id yes (on update) int Internal ID associated with the user.
active no Bool Currently you cannot delete a user. For now, set to active to "false"
username yes (on add) string(50) Name of the user. User names must be unique.

Note: After a user is created, the username cannot be changed.
password yes (on add) string Password for the user.
email yes string Email of the user. (Note that a user can be created without an email, but this will cause problems later when trying to update the user.)
user_type yes enum('bidder','member') Type of user being added.
read_only no Boolean Users with read_only field set to true can not add, modify, or delete resources.
entity_id yes (on add) int ID of the entity the user belongs to (member or bidder). If the user_type is "bidder" this is the bidder ID. If the user_type is "member" this is the member ID.
entity_name no string Name of the entity the user belongs to (member or bidder).
first_name no string User's first name
last_name no string User's last name
phone no string User's phone contact
publisher_id no string This field is only used for Displaywords
advertiser_id no string This field is only used for Displaywords
advertiser_access no array of objects The advertiser(s) that the user can access, if user_type is "member_advertiser".
publisher_access no array of objects The publisher(s) that the user can access, if user_type is "member_publisher".
api_login no Boolean True if the user has access to the API. Default is False.
This is an admin-only field. If you create a new user who needs API access, contact customer support to request that this value be set to True.
custom_data no string Any information relevant to the user.
send_safety_budget_notifications no Boolean If true, the user will receive email notifications when the daily safety budget threshold is approached. For more details, see the daily_budget field on the Member Service.
timezone no string The user's timezone.
entity_reporting_decimal_type no string Whether number values are separated by a comma or a decimal in reports. If this field is set to decimal, the value returned would be formatted like this: 1234.56. Whereas, if this field is set to comma, the value returned would be formatted like this: 1234.56.
Possible values:
- decimal
- comma
reporting_decimal_type no string The character used for decimals in reporting. Possible values:
- "comma"
- "decimal" (period)
This setting can be overridden at the report level (see reporting_decimal_type in the Report Service).
decimal_mark no string The character used to represent a decimal mark, such as "period" for a value of 12.7.
thousand_seperator no string The character used to separate thousands in numeric values, such as "comma" for the value 1,276.
last_modified no date The date the any of the user settings were last modified.
is_developer no Boolean Read-only. This flag gives a user rights to access certain developer-focused services such as the Plugin and Plugin Instance services, which are used by apps. It is set to true by a Xandr admin on a case-by-case basis.
role_id no int The ID of the role associated with this user.
password_expires_on no date The date the user password expires.
password_last_changed_on no date The date the user's password was last changed.


Authentication token

Authentication is always the first step when using the API Services. The authentication token can then be written to our cookie file for future use. Please see Authentication Service for more detailed instructions.

Create a user profile text file

To give API access to "TestUser," you will create a text file in JSON format with the username and password of the user, and the ID of either a member or bidder to which this user will belong. Below we have used the "cat" command to output an example user JSON file.

$ cat user
          "email": "user1@examplecompany.com",
          "user_type": "bidder"

Guidelines for creating your password

When creating your password, please create a complex password with the following:

  • 10 or more characters
  • 64 or fewer characters
  • At least one capital letter (A–Z)
  • At least one lowercase letter (a–z)
  • At least one digit (0–9)
  • At least one special character (such as #, $, ? %, &)

Add a new user to the Imp Bus cache

Now we will input the user file. We have used cookies to authenticate ourselves.

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST --data-binary @user https://api.adnxs.com/user

Retrieve user information from the Imp Bus cache

We know from the output of the above command that the user we just added has been assigned ID #59 by the Imp Bus. We can use that ID to view information about this particular user. To see all users that we have created, we would leave off the user ID.

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies https://api.adnxs.com/user/59
  "response": {
    "status": "OK",
    "count": 1,
    "start_element": null,
    "num_elements": null,
    "user": {
      "id": 59,
      "active": true,
      "first_name": null,
      "last_name": null,
      "phone": null,
      "username": "TestUser",
      "email": "user1@examplecompany.com",
      "user_type": "bidder",
      "read_only": false,
      "api_login": false,
      "entity_id": 7,
      "publisher_id": null,
      "advertiser_id": null,
      "custom_data": null,
      "send_safety_budget_notifications": false,
      "entity_name": "Platform Services Test Bidder",
      "timezone": null,
      "entity_reporting_decimal_type": null,
      "reporting_decimal_type": null,
      "decimal_mark": "period",
      "thousand_separator": "comma",
      "last_modified": "2017-02-16 19:06:47",
      "is_developer": false,
      "role_id": null,
      "languages": null,
      "advertiser_access": null,
      "publisher_access": null
    "dbg": {

Request API access

Notice in the returned code above the api_login field. This field can only be changed by a Xandr administrator. The final step in giving a user access to the API is to contact customer support and request that the api_login flag for the user be set to true. Be sure to include username or ID in the request.

API Services