
Digital Platform API - Platform Member service

This is a read-only service that shows you public information about the other Xandr platform members that you can buy from and sell to. It also shows information about data providers.


HTTP Method Endpoint Description
GET https://api.appnexus.com/platform-member View all members that have exposed their information.
GET https://api.appnexus.com/platform-member?active=1 View only active members that have exposed their information.
GET https://api.appnexus.com/platform-member?id=MEMBER_ID View a specific member.

JSON fields

Field Type Description
active Boolean If true, the member is active.
bidder object The ID and name of the bidder that that member uses to buy impressions.
contact_info object The contact and additional info for the member.
daily_imps_any_audit_status int The number of daily impressions through inventory that has any audit status, to include: unaudited, Xandr-reviewed, seller-reviewed, and both Xandr-and-seller-reviewed.
daily_imps_appnexus_reviewed int The number of daily impressions through inventory that has been audited by Xandr.
daily_imps_appnexus_seller_reviewed int The number of daily impressions through inventory that has one of these three audit statuses: seller-reviewed, Xandr-reviewed, and both Xandr-and-seller-reviewed.
daily_imps_self_audited int Deprecated.
daily_imps_unaudited int Deprecated.
daily_imps_verified int Deprecated.
default_discrepancy_pct double The percent that Xandr deducts from each bid for certain external supply partners based on past discrepancies between what Xandr and the supply partner recorded as won impressions.
description string The description of the member.
email string The email address to use to contact the member.
has_resold Boolean If true, the member has exposed inventory for resale to other members. You can use the Inventory Resold Service to view information about the exposed inventory.
id int The ID of the member.
is_iash_compliant Boolean If true, the member is IASH compliant.
last_modified timestamp The date and time when the member entry was last modified.
name string The name of the member.
primary_type enum The type of member, which indicates the primary type of transactions this member performs with Xandr. Possible values:
- "network"
- "buyer"
- "seller"
- "data_provider"
platform_exposure enum The visibility of the member on the platform. Possible values:
- "public" - The member name is shown.
- "private" - Only the member ID is shown.
- "hidden" - The member is not shown by this service at all.
seller_member_groups object The ID, name, display order of the groups of seller members along with date and time when the entries were created and last modified.
seller_type enum The selling relationship between the member and Xandr. Possible values:
- "platform" - Xandr charges the member for selling inventory based on the member's contract.
- "partner" - Xandr does not charge the member for selling but rather charges buyers, based on their contracts when they buy this member's inventory.
visibility_rules object The level of detail included in the member's bid requests if primary_type is "seller". See Visibility Rules below for details.

Visibility rules

Field Type Description
expose_publishers Boolean Not Used. The seller always sends publisher IDs in bid requests.

For select customers only: If false, the seller does not send publisher IDs in bid requests.
expose_tags Boolean Not Used. This field is not available to most customers. Placement IDs are always passed in your bid requests.

For select customers only: If true, the seller sends placement IDs in bid requests.
expose_age Boolean If true, the seller sends the age of users in bid requests.
expose_gender Boolean If true, the seller sends the gender of users in bid requests.
expose_universal_categories Boolean Not Used.
expose_custom_categories enum The visibility of custom content categories in the seller's bid requests. Possible values:
- "none" - No custom categories are passed in bid requests.
- "all" - All custom categories are passed in bid requests.
- "list" - The custom categories listed in the custom_categories array are passed in bid requests.
custom_categories array of objects The custom content categories that the seller passes in bid requests, if expose_custom_categories is "list".
url_exposure enum The visibility of impression urls in the seller's bid requests. Possible values:
- "full" - Full URLs are passed in bid requests.
- "domain" - Only domains of URLs are passed in bid requests.
- "hidden" - URLs are not passed in bid requests. Note that you may still receive the seller's default URL, if the seller has one configured.


View information about member 74

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies 'https://api.appnexus.com/platform-member?id=74'
    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "platform-member": {
            "id": 74,
            "name": "PubMatic",
            "description": null,
            "primary_type": "seller",
            "platform_exposure": "public",
            "email": null,
            "daily_imps_verified": 200168000,
            "daily_imps_self_audited": 200168000,
            "daily_imps_unaudited": 168582133,
            "daily_imps_any_audit_status": 885677200,
            "daily_imps_appnexus_reviewed": 557187900,
            "daily_imps_appnexus_seller_reviewed": 557187900,
            "is_iash_compliant": false,
            "has_resold": false,
            "visibility_rules": {
                "expose_publishers": true,
                "expose_tags": true,
                "expose_age": true,
                "expose_gender": true,
                "expose_universal_categories": true,
                "url_exposure": "full",
                "expose_custom_categories": "none"
            "bidder": {
                "id": "0",
                "name": "internal bidder"
            "seller_type": "partner",
            "contact_info": [
                    "name": "PubMatic RTB Team",
                    "title": null,
                    "email": "RTB@pubmatic.com",
                    "phone": null,
                    "address": null,
                    "address_2": null,
                    "city": "New York",
                    "country": "USA",
                    "region": "NY",
                    "postal_code": null,
                    "additional_info": "PubMatic can significantly increase the reach of your media buy, increase the efficiency of acquiring new publishers, and strengthen your publisher relationships. Contact us to learn how we can work together.",
                    "website_url": null,
                    "types": [
            "active": true,
            "last_modified": "2013-06-21 17:48:49",
            "default_discrepancy_pct": 1
        "count": 1,
        "start_element": 0,
        "num_elements": 100

View information about all members that have exposed their information

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies 'https://api.appnexus.com/platform-member'
    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "platform-members": [
                "id": 3,
                "name": "MikeOnAds",
                "description": null,
                "primary_type": "seller",
                "platform_exposure": "public",
                "email": null,
                "daily_imps_verified": 100,
                "daily_imps_self_audited": 100,
                "daily_imps_unaudited": 0,
                "daily_imps_any_audit_status": 2800,
                "daily_imps_appnexus_reviewed": 2600,
                "daily_imps_appnexus_seller_reviewed": 2600,
                "is_iash_compliant": false,
                "has_resold": true,
                "visibility_rules": {
                    "expose_publishers": true,
                    "expose_tags": true,
                    "expose_age": true,
                    "expose_gender": true,
                    "expose_universal_categories": true,
                    "url_exposure": "full",
                    "expose_custom_categories": "none"
                "bidder": {
                    "id": "2",
                    "name": "DisplayWords"
                "seller_type": "partner",
                "active": true,
                "last_modified": "2013-06-18 10:10:51",
                "default_discrepancy_pct": null
                "id": 7,
                "name": "Adify",
                "description": null,
                "primary_type": "network",
                "platform_exposure": "public",
                "email": null,
                "daily_imps_verified": null,
                "daily_imps_self_audited": null,
                "daily_imps_unaudited": null,
                "daily_imps_any_audit_status": null,
                "daily_imps_appnexus_reviewed": null,
                "daily_imps_appnexus_seller_reviewed": null,
                "is_iash_compliant": true,
                "has_resold": true,
                "visibility_rules": {
                    "expose_publishers": true,
                    "expose_tags": true,
                    "expose_age": true,
                    "expose_gender": true,
                    "expose_universal_categories": true,
                    "url_exposure": "full",
                    "expose_custom_categories": "none"
                "bidder": {
                    "id": "0",
                    "name": "internal bidder"
                "seller_type": "partner",
                "active": false,
                "last_modified": "2012-09-13 13:13:39",
                "default_discrepancy_pct": null
                "id": 8,
                "name": "Ning",
                "description": null,
                "primary_type": "network",
                "platform_exposure": "public",
                "email": null,
                "daily_imps_verified": null,
                "daily_imps_self_audited": null,
                "daily_imps_unaudited": null,
                "daily_imps_any_audit_status": null,
                "daily_imps_appnexus_reviewed": null,
                "daily_imps_appnexus_seller_reviewed": null,
                "is_iash_compliant": false,
                "has_resold": true,
                "visibility_rules": {
                    "expose_publishers": true,
                    "expose_tags": true,
                    "expose_age": true,
                    "expose_gender": true,
                    "expose_universal_categories": true,
                    "url_exposure": "full",
                    "expose_custom_categories": "none"
                "bidder": {
                    "id": "0",
                    "name": "internal bidder"
                "seller_type": "platform",
                "active": false,
                "last_modified": "2012-09-13 13:13:39",
                "default_discrepancy_pct": null
        "count": 335,
        "start_element": 0,
        "num_elements": 100