
Create a native assembly

You can easily modify native assemblies that contain pre-configured native creative asset specifications or create your own from scratch.

  1. Select a pre-configured native assembly or create your own by doing one of the following:

    • Click the Select button from one of the corresponding pre-configured assemblies.


      We offer a variety of pre-configured native assembly types such as carousel and video. You can filter by creative asset specification to find a specific pre-configured native assembly.

    • Click the Select button from the Create From Scratch tile.

    The Native Assembly > Setup screen displays.

  2. Enter a new name for the native assembly.

  3. Associate placements with the native assembly by doing the following:

    1. If you would like to search for and associate placements under a specific publisher, select the Filter placements by publisher checkbox.

      If you would like to search for and associate placements across multiple publishers, leave the Filter placements by publisher checkbox deselected and proceed to substep d.

    2. Enter a publisher in the Select a publisher to filter placement options search field.

    3. Select the corresponding publisher from the search results that display.

      Only placements that are available for these specific publishers will display when searching and associating placements. You must associate the native assembly to a placement in order for it to go live. For more information, see Create a Placement.

    4. Enter a placement name or ID in the Choose placements search field.

      Search results will automatically display.

    5. Select any of the checkboxes for the corresponding placements that display.

      The selected placements will display under the Choose placements search field.

    6. Enter a Main Image Floor Price for each placement if applicable.

    7. Enter a Video Floor Price for each placement if applicable.

      For more information about floor prices, see Floor Prices and Deal Auction Mechanics.

  4. Click the Additional Specifications menu in the Creative Asset Specifications section to add and configure creative asset specifications for the native assembly.


    For the best Microsoft Advertising marketplace performance, third-party ad server publishers should refrain from adding video assets and any custom native assets to their native assemblies.

    All pre-configured native assemblies contain preset creative asset specifications. Although these are recommended configurations, they can be modified. For example, if you want to only serve creatives that contain a particular asset specification, set it to Required, which may limit your demand. Otherwise, set the creative asset specification to Optional. You can also remove any creative asset specification at any time by clicking the X.


    If you remove a creative asset specification, the HTML code on the Renderer tab won't automatically reflect this change, so you'll have to manually remove the corresponding HTML from the HTML text box.

  5. Click the Renderer tab to add or update the HTML, CSS, and Javascript in the designated text boxes.

    To ensure that you're following our native assembly renderer best practices, see Native Assembly Renderer Best Practices.

  6. Use the Preview window on the right to ensure that no additional changes are needed.

  7. Use the Preview Settings to:

    • resize the Preview window.


      Changing the Preview window size doesn't affect the renderer code.

    • specify which asset specifications should appear in the Preview window by clicking one of the following buttons if you've selected the video and image asset specifications from the Creative Asset Specifications section:

      • Video and Text: Only the sample video and text, such as the title, will display in the Preview window when this button is selected.
      • Main Image and Text: Only the sample main image and text, such as the title, will display in the Preview window when this button is selected.
      • Text Only: Only sample text, such as the title, will display in the Preview window when this button is selected.
      • All: All sample assets (video, main image, and any text) will display in the Preview window when this button is selected.
    • specify whether the AdChoices icon should appear in the Preview window by clicking one of the following buttons from the Privacy URL Specifications subsection:

      • With Privacy URL: The AdChoices icon will be appended to the creative in the Preview window when this button is selected.
      • Without Privacy URL: The AdChoices icon won't be appended to the creative in the Preview window when this button is selected.


    Since various combinations of native assets can serve on the same placement when using a flexible renderer, it's important to preview your asset specifications to see how the renderer will handle your placements and native assets.

  8. Do one of the following:

    1. Save all changes by clicking the Save button.
    2. Save all changes and duplicate the native assembly by clicking the arrow next to the Save button and clicking Save and duplicate.

    The native assembly is now available from the Native Assembly Gallery screen. If you've duplicated the native assembly, the current screen refreshes so that you can make the necessary updates. Use steps 2 - 7 outlined above to make the necessary updates.