
Microsoft Monetize - Create an advertiser

Creating an advertiser object is the first step before you can start running ad campaigns and serving creatives on behalf of an advertiser.

Step 1. Start a new advertiser

On the Advertisers screen, click the + New button.

This opens the Create New Advertiser screen, where you define all relevant details for your advertiser.


You can expand or collapse each section of the screen. To expand or collapse all sections at once, click the Expand All or Collapse All link in the upper right.

Step 2. Fill out basic setup

In the Basic Setup section, enter the basic details for the advertiser.

  • Name - Enter the advertiser's name.

  • Legal Entity Name - Enter the name of the legal entity on whose behalf the advertisement is being displayed and who is covering the cost of the advertiser's ad. Advertisers who wish to deliver their ads to users in the EU should populate this field, since certain publishers need it in order to comply with the Digital Services Act. Since the end users see the legal entity name alongside the ad creative, it must be readable by humans. Your campaigns may have a limited reach or experience delivery problems if you do not supply a legitimate legal entity name.


The Deal Line Items linked to this Advertiser are unaffected by this field. Only managed campaigns and campaigns serving on external inventory are eligible to access this information, and publishers must use it in accordance with the Digital Services Act.

  • External Code - If you want to report on the advertiser using an external code (rather than the internal ID that Microsoft Advertising assigns automatically), enter the code here.

  • State - Set the state of the advertiser. "Active" means child insertion orders and line items will be eligible to serve. To avoid accidental spending, you should set the state to "Inactive" until everything related to the buy has been set up and verified.

  • Time Zone - Select the advertiser's time zone.


    To apply a time zone change to child objects, make sure the checkbox is selected. If it is not selected, the time zone change made to the advertiser will not apply to its child objects, resulting in a child object's budget being reset to a different time zone than the advertiser.

  • Currency - Select the currency for the advertiser. Typically, this defines the billing currency. This currency will be assigned to all new insertion orders and line items under the advertiser unless a different currency is set on the insertion order or line item level. For more information, see Currency Support.

  • Political Advertising - If you are releasing advertisements related to an election, ballot initiative, or political candidate in the United States, you must specify that here. You must also certify that all such advertising has been paid for, or will be paid for, with U.S. currency from financial institutions in the United States, and that no portion of the payment is provided by foreign nationals or foreign principals.

    If you select I'm running political advertising on all IOs under this advertiser, then all insertion orders will have the Political Advertising section enabled by default. You can optionally disable this on an individual insertion order.

    If you select Use political advertising details template, then all insertion orders with political advertising enabled will automatically use the political advertising details from the template you will create on the insertion order. You can optionally modify these details on an individual insertion order.

    You will be asked to specify more details about your political advertisements when you Create an Insertion Order. For more information about political advertising, see Political Advertising.

Step 3. Create a political advertising details template (optional)


The Political Advertising Details Template is only enabled when you have specified that you are running political advertising and that you would like to create a political advertising details template.

The political advertising details entered here will automatically populate all new political advertising insertion orders that require this information. You can modify the details for an individual insertion order at any time. You must still certify that the details you have entered are correct for each individual insertion order.

What you enter here will not affect any insertion orders that have already been created.


Templates are typically used when all or most of your political advertising is paid for by a single political organization.

This section contains the details of the person or organization that is purchasing ads on Microsoft Advertising. For example, a candidate, an agency, or a political consultant.

The required fields must be filled out for any state or local political advertising that will or could serve in California, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Virginia, or Washington, or for political advertising at the federal level that will or could serve in Washington State. If your political ad will not be served in any of those states, you may enter "N/A”. For more information on political advertising, see Political Advertising.

We reserve the right to implement additional screening at any time.

Field Name Description
Address Address of the person, group, organization, or business that is advertising.
City City of the person, group, organization, or business that is advertising.
Country Country of the person, group, organization, or business that is advertising.
Independent Expenditure Committee Select this if any ads are being paid for by an independent expenditure committee: a political committee that makes only independent expenditures; that is, it spends money on political communications that expressly advocate the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate and does not coordinate with a candidate, a candidate’s authorized committee, or an agent of the candidate.
Organization Name Name of the person, group, organization, or business that is paying you to advertise on Microsoft Advertising.
Payment Method How the political organization pays you. Options are:
- Bank account (direct deposit)
- Check
- Credit or debit card
- Other - If this is selected, you must specify details.
Phone Phone number of the person, group, organization, or business that is advertising.
State Registration Form New York and New Jersey require copies of state registration forms from independent expenditure committees making purchases. Creatives won't serve in those states until the form is uploaded.
State, Province, or Region State, province, or region of the person, group, organization, or business that is advertising.
Subject of the Ads The candidate or ballot initiative that is supported or opposed.
Treasurer Name Treasurer for the committee purchasing the ads, or the person whose role mostly closely resembles a treasurer.
U.S. FEC ID Optional. ID number assigned by the U.S. Federal Election Committee.
ZIP or Postal Code ZIP or postal code of the person, group, organization, or business that is advertising.

Step 4. Enter advanced settings

In the Advanced Settings section, enter any optional advanced settings that are useful.

  • Frequency & Recency - Set caps for frequency (how many times a user may see ads from this advertiser) and/or recency (how much time must elapse before the user may see another ad from this advertiser). For more information, see Frequency and Recency Caps.

  • Reporting Labels - Associate a Salesperson, Account Manager, or Advertiser Type to the advertiser. This enables you to report on performance by these labels in Network reporting. For example, you might associate an Account Manager with each advertiser and then run a report grouped by Account Manager to find out which managers are responsible for which advertisers or compare advertiser performance across managers.

  • Billing Information - Change the information that appears in advertiser and/or insertion order-specific invoices. By default, your member billing information will appear in the "Bill To" section of those invoices.

    • To show your advertiser's name and address in the "Bill To" section instead, complete the fields in the Billing Information section. The Billing Name field may contain a maximum of 50 characters.

    • To show just the advertiser's name with the member's address, enter the name but leave the rest of the fields blank. For more about receiving advertiser- and/or insertion order-specific invoices, see Understanding Your Invoice.


      You may also choose to include a billing code on your insertion order-specific invoices. For more details, see Create an Insertion Order.

  • Brand Settings - You can set a default brand and offer category to be assigned to all creatives added under this advertiser. If you submit a creative for Microsoft Advertising audit, the audit team will validate and, when necessary, alter these settings.

  • Exclusions - for publishers using Monetize's AST - Managed publishers can conduct a single auction for multiple ad slots on a page. Competitive exclusions ensure that creatives from competitive brands (e.g., Coke and Pepsi) and competitive offer categories never serve alongside each other. You can define up to 25 brand exclusions and up to 25 offer category exclusions.

  • Insertion Orders - Select this check box to ensure that all line items under this advertiser also have an insertion order (Advertiser > Insertion Order > Line Items). Insertion orders allow you to better represent your financial relationship with an advertiser. This check box must be selected if you want to use Working with Insertion Orders and/or the Augmented Line Items (ALI).


Regarding preexisting line items:

If you select this option, and you have already created line items before enabling this setting, those line items will stop spending. To allow those line items to continue spending, create an insertion order and associate them with it. All newly created line items will require an insertion order.

Step 5. Save the advertiser

To finish adding the advertiser to the platform, click the Save button. On the Advertiser Details screen, you can continue to set up more objects required to buy inventory for the advertiser.

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