
Supply Partners - Bid request


We have disabled the Supply Integration (ASI) protocol(formerly AppNexus Supply Integration) for server-side supply integrations beginning on October 1st, 2017. We strongly encourage that you migrate your supply to the OpenRTB protocol. Everything in this section is legacy content.

To send a bid request to Xandr, you POST a JSON-formatted file containing the bid request details to the following endpoint:


For testing in our client-testing environment, you POST to the endpoint:


For guidance on formatting your request, see the Examples at the bottom of the page.

JSON fields

Where fields are available for internal and external values (for example, int_blocked_categories and ext_blocked_categories), include only one of the fields in your JSON-formatted file. If both are included, the internal value will be used.

Field Type Description
an_user_id int The Xandr ID for the user viewing the page. You include this field if you store user ID mappings in your system. For more details, see User ID Mapping.
Required: yes, if ext_user_id is not included.
ext_user_id string The supply partner ID for the user viewing the page. You include this field if you store user ID mappings with Xandr. For more details, see User ID Mapping.
Required: yes, if an_user_id is not included.
ext_auction_id string The supply partner ID for the auction.
Required: yes
width int The width of the placement.
Required: yes
height int The height of the placement.
Required: yes
ad_format enum The format of the creative that should be returned. Possible values: "iframe", "javascript", or "vast".

Note about VAST: The "vast" format is not supported. However, see the VAST bid request in the Examples section of what a bid request for a VAST video creative is likely to look like.

Required: yes
template_id int Not yet supported. For VAST video creatives, you may want Xandr to include custom parameters in the ad_tag field of the bid response. To accomplish this, Xandr can create a "supply template" for you, which you then reference here when requesting VAST video. For more details, see Supply Templates in the Bid Response documentation.
Required: no
ip_address string The IP address for the user viewing the page.
Required: no
is_secure boolean True or false. The supply partner can request an SSL version of the creative by setting this to true.
page_url string The full domain of the bid request (do not pass an encoded URL).
Required: no
position enum The position of the placement on the page. Possible values: "above" (above the fold), "below" (below the fold), or "unknown".
Default: "unknown"
Required: no
ext_pub_code string The supply partner code for the publisher.
Required: no
ext_placement_code string The supply partner code for the placement.
Required: no
an_placement_id int The Xandr ID for the placement. To retrieve placement IDs, use the Placement Service.
Required: no
language int The X ID for the language of the page. To retrieve language IDs, use the Language Service.
Default: 0
Required: no
user_agent string The user agent for the request (i.e., the browser).
Required: no
int_blocked_technical_attributes array of ints The Xandr IDs for the creative technical attributes that are not permitted. To retrieve technical attribute IDs, use the Technical Attribute Service.
Required: no
ext_blocked_technical_attributes array of ints The supply partner IDs for the creative technical attributes that are not permitted.
Required: no
int_blocked_categories array of ints The Xandr IDs for the creative categories that are not permitted. To retrieve category IDs, use the Category Service.
Required: no
ext_blocked_categories array of ints The supply partner IDs for the creative categories that are not permitted.
Required: no
int_content_categories array of ints The Xandr IDs for the content categories applied to the placement. You can use the Content Category Service to view all possible values. This includes custom content categories created by the supply partner under its Xandr member.
Default: 0
Required: no
ext_content_categories array of ints The supply partner IDs for the content categories applied to the placement.
Default: 0
Required: no
blocked_urls array of strings The creative landing page URLs that are not permitted. Up to 20 URLs can be blocked. See Example formatting below.
Required: no
blocked_languages array of ints The creative languages that are not permitted. To retrieve language IDs, use the Language Service.
Required: no
int_blocked_brands array of ints The Xandr IDs for the brands that are not permitted. To retrieve brand IDs, use the Brand Service.
Required: no
age int The age of the user viewing the page.
Default: 0
Required: no
gender enum The gender of the user viewing the page. Possible values: "male", "female", or "unknown".
Default: "unknown"
Required: no
supply_type enum The display environment. Possible values: "web", "mobile_app", "mobile_web", "in-stream-video", or "other".

Tip: The value of supply_type will override the supply type set at the site level.

Note: The "in-stream-video" format is not yet supported.

Default: "web"
Required: no

Example formatting: blocked_urls

"blocked_urls": [

Placement mapping

Xandr will submit a bid only when we can map your request to a placement in Xandr. We are looking up the following in the following sequence:

  1. an_placement_id
  2. ext_placement_code
  3. ext_pub_code (the publisher's default tag)
  4. Your member's default placement (set up for your account by your Technical Account Manager before production login credentials are even assigned).

If none of the above are available, Xandr will not submit a bid. Note that each ext_placement_code can map to only one placement in Xandr, and each ext_pub_code can map to only one publisher in Xandr.


Sending a minimally acceptable bid request

  1. Create a JSON-formatted file including the required fields only. This example uses the an_user_id field, but you could use ext_user_id instead.

    $ cat bid_request |
                   "an_user_id": 1089773736613054100,
                   "ext_auction_id": "395dj2j2j2dd",
                   "width": 300,
                   "height": 250
  2. POST the JSON-formatted file. Be sure to include your member ID in the querystring.

    curl -X POST -d @bid_request 'https://ib.adnxs.com/asi?member_id=123'

Sending a bid request that includes Xandr values only

  1. Create a JSON-formatted file with the fields for Xandr values instead of supply partner values, for example, an_user_id instead of ext_user_id and int_blocked_technical_attributes instead of ext_blocked_technical_attributes.

    "$ cat bid_request"{
       "user_agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100214 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.5.8",
  2. POST the JSON-formatted file. Be sure to include your member ID in the querystring.

    curl -X POST -d @bid_request 'https://ib.adnxs.com/asi?member_id=123'

Sending a bid request that includes external values only

  1. Create a JSON-formatted file with the fields for supply partner values instead of Xandr values, for example, ext_placement_code instead of an_placement_id and ext_blocked_categories instead of int_blocked_categories.

    $ cat bid_request
        "ext_user_id": 1089773736613054100,
        "ext_auction_id": "395dj2j2j2dd",
        "width": 300,
        "height": 250,
        "ad_format": "iframe",
        "ip_address": "",
        "page_url": "publisher.com",
        "position": "above",
        "ext_pub_code": "203pub",
        "ext_site_code": "145site",
        "ext_placement_code": "40placement",
        "language": 1,
        "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100214 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.5.8",
        "ext_blocked_technical_attributes": [
        "ext_blocked_categories": [
        "ext_content_categories": [
        "blocked_urls": [
        "blocked_languages": [
        "age": 25,
        "gender": "male",
        "supply_type": "web"
  2. POST the JSON-formatted file. Be sure to include your member ID in the querystring.

    curl -X POST -d @bid_request 'https://ib.adnxs.com/asi?member_id=123'

Sending a bid request that does not include blocking details

If you set up ad profiles to enforce your publishers' preferences, you do not need to specify blocking details in your bid request.

  1. Create a JSON-formatted file excluding the fields for blocking technical attributes, creative categories, content categories, URLs, and languages.

    $ cat bid_request
        "an_user_id": 1089773736613054100,
        "ext_auction_id": "395dj2j2j2dd",
        "width": 300,
        "height": 250,
        "ad_format": "iframe",
        "ip_address": "",
        "page_url": "publisher.com",
        "position": "above",
        "ext_pub_code": "203pub",
        "ext_site_code": "145site",
        "an_placement_id": "40",
        "language": 1,
        "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100214 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.5.8",
        "age": 25,
        "gender": "male",
        "supply_type": "web"
  2. POST the JSON-formatted file. Be sure to include your member ID in the querystring.

    curl -X POST -d @bid_request 'https://ib.adnxs.com/asi?member_id=123' 

Sending a bid request for a VAST video creative (NOT YET SUPPORTED)

When requesting a VAST video creative:

  • The ad_format must be set to "vast".
  • The width must be set to 1.
  • The height must be set to 1.
  • The request must map to a placement in the Xandr system that allows creatives of the "Video" media type or any combination of the "15-Second VAST", "30-Second VAST", or "Other VAST" media subtypes. If the request maps to a non-video placement, AppNexus will respond with an error (Request ad format does not match the placement format). For details about how we look up the placement to use, see Placement Mapping above.
  • Do not pass int_blocked_technical_attributes or ext_blocked_technical_attributes to define which VAST video durations you want. Instead, as mentioned above, the Xandr placement should define the allowed VAST video duration.
  • If you have asked Xandr to set up a supply template to include custom parameters in the ad_tag field of our bid response, set template_id to the ID of that supply template. For more details, see Supply Templates in the Bid Response documentation.
  1. Create a JSON-formatted file according to the requirements above. This example assumes that there is a specific placement in the Xandr system defined to allow VAST video creatives. The ID of this placement is passed in the an_placement_id field.

    $ cat bid_request
        "an_user_id": 1089773736613054100,
        "ext_auction_id": "395dj2j2j2dd",
        "width": 1,
        "height": 1.
        "an_placement_id": 204,
        "tmpl_id": 4,
        "ip_address": "",
        "page_url": "ibdo.com",
        "position": "unknown",
        "language": 0,
        "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100214 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.5.8",
        "age": 25,
        "gender": "female"
  2. POST the JSON-formatted file. Be sure to include your member ID in the querystring.

    curl -X POST -d @bid_request 'https://ib.adnxs.com/asi?member_id=123'