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RibbonDropDown.SizeString Property


Gets or sets a string that determines the size of the RibbonDropDown.

 property System::String ^ SizeString { System::String ^ get(); void set(System::String ^ value); };
public string SizeString { get; set; }
member this.SizeString : string with get, set
Public Property SizeString As String

Property Value

A string, the length of which determines the size of this RibbonDropDown.


When you set the SizeString property in the Ribbon Designer, Visual Studio tries to size the RibbonDropDown so that it will be large enough to display the entire string. Although Visual Studio allows a string of up to 1024 characters in length, in practice the usable string length might be much shorter.

This property can be set at run time only under certain conditions. For more information, see Ribbon Object Model Overview.

Applies to