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Saving Settings

When assessing data in an Analysis Session, you will invariably use the many features that Message Analyzer provides for data manipulation, including the default asset collection Library items, such as view Filters, Aliases, Viewpoints, Charts, Color Rules, viewer Layouts, Pattern Expressions, and so on, that ship with Message Analyzer. However, it is likely that you will want to create your own customized versions of these Library items or create completely new items of your own to facilitate data analysis. If you create new Library items in the previously described categories for data analysis purposes, Message Analyzer enables you to save your settings for future use and for sharing with others through the Message Analyzer Sharing Infrastructure. When you save an item, it becomes part of the particular asset collection Library with which you are working and such items are available to you from the UI whenever you run Message Analyzer. It is these local Library items that you can share with others by making use of the Message Analyzer Sharing Infrastructure.

There are also additional settings that you can save with session data that include default settings that will apply to all live sessions, and other settings that are the result of manipulating trace data following an Analysis Session, as described in Saving Other Settings.

Saving Settings of Library Items

Message Analyzer provides the facilities for saving the settings of your asset collection Library items from the same location where you apply them for data analysis purposes. You can save the settings of the following asset Library item types in the indicated manner:

  • View Filters — to save the settings of a custom view Filter and add it to your local Filter Expression Library, first create one by selecting the New Filter item from the Library drop-down list on the Filtering toolbar. When you make this selection, the Edit Filter dialog displays, from where you can create and save a new Filter Expression based on editing an existing filtering item, or you can create a totally new one by writing a new Filter Expression. You can also specify a filter Name, Description, and a Category to place it in. When you are done with filter configuration, you can save the filter in your local Filter Expression Library by clicking the Save button in the Edit Filter dialog.


As indicated in various locations of this operating guide, your local Filter Expression Library is a centralized repository that contains the same set of filters that you access when selecting a Session Filter, view Filter, or Color Rule filter. You can also create and save a new Filter Expression in the centralized asset collection Library from any of the indicated locations where you select such Filter Expressions.

In addition, if you create and save a Filter Expression that uses an Alias, that filter will appear in the centralized Filter Expression Library as well. For example, this enables you to use such a Filter Expression containing an Alias as a Session Filter, Color Rule filter, or view Filter.

  • Aliases — to save the settings of a custom Alias that you create as a friendly-name substitute for a cryptic field value that might be difficult to work with, and to save it to your Aliases collection, first create an Alias by right-clicking a field value in the Analysis Grid viewer that supports aliasing, such as an IP address, and then select the Create Alias for <’columnName’>… item. The Alias Editor dialog then displays to enable you to provide the input data required to create a new Alias, which consists of Value, Alias name, Description, and Category information. When you are done configuring the Alias, you can save it in your Alias collection by clicking the Save button in the Alias Editor dialog. After you create an Alias, you can manage it along with other Alias collection items from the Aliases drop-down list on the Message Analyzer global toolbar or from the Aliases submenu on the global Message Analyzer Tools menu.

  • Unions — to save the settings of a custom Union that you create to correlate varying field names that have similar values in different data sources, and save it to your Union collection, first create a Union by clicking the New Union button on the global Message Analyzer toolbar or by selecting the New Union item from the Unions drop-down list in the Message Analyzer Tools menu. After you make this selection, the Edit Union dialog displays and enables you to provide the input data required to create a Union, which consists of Name, Category, and Fields information. You can specify the Field information from the Field Chooser dialog that displays when you click the Add button in the Edit Union dialog. When you are done configuring the Union, you can save it to your Union collection by clicking the Save button in the Edit Union dialog. After you create a Union, you can manage it along with other Union collection items from the previously indicated toolbar and locations.

  • Viewpoints — in the current Message Analyzer release, you can apply Viewpoints and manage them, which includes setting Favorites along with importing Viewpoints that are stored on user-defined shares and creating an export configuration that you can expose to other users through the Message Analyzer Sharing Infrastructure. However, you cannot create any custom Viewpoints of your own at this time.

  • Chart Layouts — to save a new Layout for the Chart viewer that customizes your data analysis environment, first create one by selecting the Edit item in the Chart drop-down list that is accessible from the global Message Analyzer Session menu. Note that the Edit command is available only if you have the Chart viewer displayed with a selected Layout and in focus. The Edit command displays the Edit Chart Layout dialog from where you can modify the existing Chart configuration as you wish. Thereafter, to save your changes, you must select the Save Current Layout As command in the Layouts drop-down list that displays after you click the Layout item in the Chart drop-down list in the Session menu. This action adds your new Layout to the Message Analyzer Chart View Layouts asset collection, which displays in the user Library that appears in the New Viewer drop-down list on the global Message Analyzer toolbar, among other places. Note that your new Layout is automatically added to the top-level My Items category of this asset collection, which you can view and manage from the Manage Chart Layout dialog that is accessible from the Session menu while a Chart is being displayed.

  • Color Rules — to save the settings of a custom Color Rule, the filtering criteria it contains, and to add it to your local Color Rule user Library, first create one by selecting the New Color Rule item from the Color Rules drop-down list on the Analysis Grid viewer toolbar. When you make this selection, the Edit Color Rule dialog displays, from where you can create and save a new Color Rule.

  • Layouts — to save the settings of a custom view Layout for the Analysis Grid viewer and add it to the local Layout user Library, first use the Field Chooser Tool Window to add new data columns that will expose the values of message fields that are of critical importance to solving a specific problem. For an example of a built-in column arrangement that focuses on TCP analysis, see the TCP Deep Packet Analysis with ABSOLUTE Sequence Number Flat view Layout. When you arrive at a useful configuration, you can save it as a new Layout that becomes part of the Message Analyzer View Layouts asset collection that you can access from your local Layout Library on the Analysis Grid toolbar, thus enabling you to apply the new Layout to the Analysis Grid viewer at any time. You can save your new Layout by clicking the Save Current Layout As... item from the Layout drop-down list on the Analysis Grid viewer toolbar. This action displays the Edit Item dialog, from where you can specify a Name and Description for the new Layout and add it to the default My Items category, or you can specify a new Category.

    You can also specify any Layout you choose to be the default column layout configuration for the Analysis Grid viewer, by selecting the Save Current As Default User Layout item in the Manage Layouts submenu. If you modify your default user Layout configuration and you need to restore it to the original version, you can do so by selecting the Load Default User Layout item in the same submenu. However, if you need to restore the default Layout that ships with Message Analyzer, you can do so by selecting the Restore Application Default Layout item, which is also a Manage Layouts submenu item.


You can also save the settings of Layouts that you create for the Grouping viewer.

  • Pattern Expressions — to save the settings of a custom Pattern Expression, first build one by using the features of the Pattern Editor, the user interface for which displays when you click the Create Pattern button on the Pattern Match viewer after you open this viewer from the New Viewer drop-down list. When you are done using the Quick or Free Form tab to create your Pattern Expression, click the Save Pattern button on the Pattern Editor dialog toolbar to add your new Pattern Expression to the My Items category of the AVAILABLE PATTERNS list that appears in the Pattern Match viewer. This action also adds your new Pattern Expression to the Message Analyzer Sequence Expressions asset collection, which comprises a user Library that appears as the indicated patterns list. You also have the option to manage and share Pattern Expressions by selecting the Manage Patterns command from the Pattern Match drop-down list in the global Message Analyzer Session menu.

  • Trace Scenarios — to save the settings of a custom Trace Scenario, first configure one from the New Session dialog, which displays when you click the New Session button on the Message Analyzer Start Page. From the dialog, you can specify the message providers you want to use in addition to the target host/s, filtering, viewer, and parsing level you want to use. You can even customize one of the built-in Trace Scenarios to your own design before saving your settings by clicking the Save Scenario button on the ETW Providers toolbar in the New Session dialog. When you save a customized Trace Scenario, it is automatically added to the Message Analyzer Trace Scenarios asset collection, which appears as the user Library in the Select Scenario drop-down list in the New Session dialog. Your new Trace Scenario and all its settings are stored in the My Items category of this drop-down under a subcategory name that you specify. As with all other Message Analyzer asset collections, you can manage and share Trace Scenario assets from the Manage Trace Scenario dialog, which displays when you click the Manage Trace Scenarios command in the Select Scenario drop-down list.

Saving Other Settings

Other items that you can save for Analysis Sessions consist of the following. This includes default settings that you specify in the global Options dialog that is accessible from the global Message Analyzer Tools menu:

  • Comments — you can add one or more comments to any message that you choose in the Analysis Grid viewer. To add comments, you will need to display the Comments Tool Window, which is accessible from the Windows submenu of the global Message Analyzer Tools menu. Thereafter, you can specify a Title for each comment, an Author name and date-time, and of course the comment text itself. After you configure a comment, you have the option to edit or delete it. When you want to view comments that you previously configured in a set of trace results, you can perform a forward or backward search by clicking the Next and Previous buttons on the Comments tool bar, respectively. As you do this, the messages for which you configured comments are highlighted in the Analysis Grid viewer, so you can quickly return to commented messages of interest. Any comments that you specify are saved with the Analysis Grid viewer trace results, provided that you save the trace as a native .matp file.

  • Bookmarks — you can add bookmark settings to any message that you choose in the Analysis Grid viewer. You can also add bookmarks to messages in the Pattern Match viewer. To add bookmarks, you will need to display the Bookmarks Tool Window, which is accessible from the Windows submenu of the Message Analyzer Tools menu. Thereafter, you can specify a bookmark Name, add a Category for a bookmark, and configure a color-coded Flag that indicates a user-defined condition. By selecting a bookmark message row in the Bookmarks window, you can highlight the corresponding messages in the Analysis Grid viewer to quickly return to one or more book-marked messages of interest. Any bookmark settings that you specify are saved with Analysis Grid viewer trace results, providing that you save the trace as a native .matp file and that you save all messages. If you save selected messages only or a filtered message set, bookmarks are not saved in the trace file.

  • Time Shifts — you have the option to save any Time Shift settings that you applied to a set of trace results. However, you must save your trace results data in the .matp file format. A Time Shift enables you to adjust for machine skew or time zone changes so that you can sync up two or more data sources.

  • Time Display — you have the option to set the Time Zone and Date and time format that Message Analyzer will use for all displayed messages in any session where Timestamps are used. Formats consist of date and time, or time only. You can specify the Time Display option that you want on the Display tab of the global Options dialog, which is accessible from the Message Analyzer Tools menu.

  • Live Trace Message Buffer — includes options for saving the message buffer Size limit and the Contiguous Drop Percentage rate for the PEF Runtime, which together specify the rate at which packets are dropped when the live buffer size setting is exceeded. You can change these settings in the Live Trace Message Buffer pane on the General tab of the Options dialog, which is accessible from the Message Analyzer Tools menu. If you change the default values for these options, you will automatically save them when you click OK to exit the Options dialog. These options are global in that they apply to all Live Trace Sessions.

  • Session Viewer Defaults — Message Analyzer enables you to set the default viewer in which your message data will display, whether you are capturing data in a Live Trace Session or if you are loading data into Message Analyzer through a Data Retrieval Session. The Default Viewer drop-down list on the Profiles tab of the Options dialog enables you to make a default selection from among all data viewers that are available to Message Analyzer. The Default Viewer drop-down list contains the same data viewers that exist in the New Viewer drop-down list on the global Message Analyzer toolbar and in the Session Explorer Tool Window context menu, with the exception of a default Chart item (without additional Layouts) that exists in the indicated Default Viewer drop-down list and the Start With drop-down list in the New Session dialog. The data viewer that you choose as the default is saved when you click OK to exit the Options dialog. The selected viewer will then be used by default for any session that you run, unless you specifically change it from the Start With drop-down menu of the New Session dialog, in which case, the selected viewer applies to the current session only.

  • Text Log Files — if you select an item from the Default text log configuration drop-down list on the Text Log Files pane of the General tab in the Options dialog and save it by clicking OK to exit the dialog, it becomes the default configuration file for all text logs from which you load data into Message Analyzer. This setting is saved across Message Analyzer restarts.

  • Binary Values — by selecting one of the following options on the Display tab of the Options dialog, you determine the default format in which Message Analyzer displays binary values, for example, in the Payload field of the Details Tool Window:

    • Display as ASCII

    • Display as Hex

    • Display as Decimal


This setting is persisted across Message Analyzer restarts, just as all settings that you specify in the Options dialog are persisted.

  • Decryption Options — you can add one or more server certificates and passwords in the Certificates pane on the Decryption tab of the Options dialog, to enable Message Analyzer to decrypt traffic that is encrypted with the Transport Layer Security (TLS) or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) security protocols. You automatically save these items in the Message Analyzer certificate store when you click the OK button to exit the Options dialog. Thereafter, you can load a saved trace file or start a Live Trace Session to retrieve the target encrypted traffic and Message Analyzer attempts to decrypt as many messages as possible. Server certificates are saved across Message Analyzer restarts; however, for security purposes, you must manually re-enter passwords after a Message Analyzer restart, prior to decrypting a trace.

  • Session results — when you save the results of an Analysis Session, you have the option to save all session messages, subsets of a message collection that result from the application of various data manipulation items such as Viewpoints and view Filters. The Save/Export Session dialog that is accessible by clicking the Save item in the global Message Analyzer File menu provides options to save data in this manner, which includes the All Messages, Filtered Messages, or Selected Messages options. For example, a subset of a message collection might reflect the application of a Time Filter or view Filter, which you would save under the Filtered Messages option. You can also save specifically selected messages with the Save Selected Messages context menu command in the Analysis Grid viewer. You can save your session results in the .matp (parsed) or .cap file format only.


If you save your trace results as a .cap file, Comments, Bookmarks, and Time Shift settings are not saved.

  • Parsing Levels — if you set a Parsing Level when configuring a New Session that you run, thereafter when you save the message set that displays in a data viewer such as the Analysis Grid, the applied Parsing Level and its effects will be reflected in the saved file. Note that you must use the Open File feature on the Start Page or the Open and From File Explorer commands on the File menu, rather than loading one or more files through a New Session, to retrieve the data with the original Parsing Level applied.

See Also

Applying and Managing Filters
Using and Managing Message Analyzer Aliases
Configuring and Managing Message Analyzer Unions
Applying and Managing Viewpoints
Using and Managing Color Rules
Managing Chart Viewer Layouts
Applying and Managing Analysis Grid Viewer Layouts
Using the Pattern Editor
Creating and Managing Custom Trace Scenarios
Setting the Session Parsing Level
Parsing Input Text Log Files
Using the Field Chooser
Saving Message Data
Annotation Windows
Setting Time Shifts
Applying a Time Filter to Session Results