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DistributionDatabase.HistoryCleanupTaskName Property


Gets the name of the SQL Server Agent job that is responsible for cleaning up replication history tables.

 property System::String ^ HistoryCleanupTaskName { System::String ^ get(); };
public string HistoryCleanupTaskName { get; }
member this.HistoryCleanupTaskName : string
Public ReadOnly Property HistoryCleanupTaskName As String

Property Value

A String value.


The HistoryCleanupTaskName property can only be retrieved by members of the db_owner or replmonitor fixed database role on the distribution database, by users in the publication access list (PAL) of a publication using the distribution database, or by users with SELECT permission on the MSdistributiondbs system table in the distribution database.

Retrieving the HistoryCleanupTaskName property is equivalent to executing sp_helpdistributiondb.

Applies to