Aracılığıyla paylaş

RetentionPeriodUnits Enum


Enumerates values that specify the units for the retention period.

public enum class RetentionPeriodUnits
public enum RetentionPeriodUnits
type RetentionPeriodUnits = 
Public Enum RetentionPeriodUnits


Days 0

Retention period is specified in days.

Hours 4

Retention period specified in hours.

Minutes 5

Retention period specified in minutes.

Months 2

Retention period is specified in months.

Weeks 1

Retention period is specified in weeks.

Years 3

Retention period is specified in years.


The RetentionPeriodUnits enumeration is used only with merge replication.

This namespace, class, or member is supported only in version 2.0 of the .NET Framework.

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