Aracılığıyla paylaş

ArraySegment<T> Oluşturucular


Yapının yeni bir örneğini ArraySegment<T> başlatır.

Aşırı Yüklemeler


Belirtilen dizideki ArraySegment<T> tüm öğeleri sınırlandıran yapının yeni bir örneğini başlatır.

ArraySegment<T>(T[], Int32, Int32)

Belirtilen dizideki ArraySegment<T> öğelerin belirtilen aralığını sınırlandıran yapının yeni bir örneğini başlatır.


Aşağıdaki kod örneği bir ArraySegment<T> yapıyı bir yönteme geçirir.

using namespace System;

namespace Sample
    public ref class SampleArray  
        static void Work()  

            // Create and initialize a new string array.
            array <String^>^ words = {"The", "quick", "brown",
                "fox", "jumps", "over", "the", "lazy", "dog"};

            // Display the initial contents of the array.
            Console::WriteLine("The first array segment"
                " (with all the array's elements) contains:");

            // Define an array segment that contains the entire array.
            ArraySegment<String^> segment(words);
            // Display the contents of the ArraySegment.
            Console::WriteLine("The first array segment"
                " (with all the array's elements) contains:");

            // Define an array segment that contains the middle five 
            // values of the array.
            ArraySegment<String^> middle(words, 2, 5);
            // Display the contents of the ArraySegment.
            Console::WriteLine("The second array segment"
                " (with the middle five elements) contains:");

            // Modify the fourth element of the first array 
            // segment
            segment.Array[3] = "LION";

            // Display the contents of the second array segment 
            // middle. Note that the value of its second element 
            // also changed.
            Console::WriteLine("After the first array segment"
                " is modified,the second array segment"
                " now contains:");

        static void PrintIndexAndValues(ArraySegment<String^>^ segment)  
            for (int i = segment->Offset; 
                i < (segment->Offset + segment->Count); i++)  
                Console::WriteLine("   [{0}] : {1}", i,

        static void PrintIndexAndValues(array<String^>^ words) 
            for (int i = 0; i < words->Length; i++)  
                Console::WriteLine("   [{0}] : {1}", i,

int main()
    return 0; 

    This code produces the following output.

    The original array initially contains:
    [0] : The
    [1] : quick
    [2] : brown
    [3] : fox
    [4] : jumps
    [5] : over
    [6] : the
    [7] : lazy
    [8] : dog

    The first array segment (with all the array's elements) contains:
    [0] : The
    [1] : quick
    [2] : brown
    [3] : fox
    [4] : jumps
    [5] : over
    [6] : the
    [7] : lazy
    [8] : dog

    The second array segment (with the middle five elements) contains:
    [2] : brown
    [3] : fox
    [4] : jumps
    [5] : over
    [6] : the

    After the first array segment is modified, the second array segment now contains:
    [2] : brown
    [3] : LION
    [4] : jumps
    [5] : over
    [6] : the

using System;

public class SamplesArray  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Create and initialize a new string array.
      String[] myArr = { "The", "quick", "brown", "fox", "jumps", "over", "the", "lazy", "dog" };

      // Display the initial contents of the array.
      Console.WriteLine( "The original array initially contains:" );
      PrintIndexAndValues( myArr );

      // Define an array segment that contains the entire array.
      ArraySegment<string> myArrSegAll = new ArraySegment<string>( myArr );

      // Display the contents of the ArraySegment.
      Console.WriteLine( "The first array segment (with all the array's elements) contains:" );
      PrintIndexAndValues( myArrSegAll );

      // Define an array segment that contains the middle five values of the array.
      ArraySegment<string> myArrSegMid = new ArraySegment<string>( myArr, 2, 5 );

      // Display the contents of the ArraySegment.
      Console.WriteLine( "The second array segment (with the middle five elements) contains:" );
      PrintIndexAndValues( myArrSegMid );

      // Modify the fourth element of the first array segment myArrSegAll.
      myArrSegAll.Array[3] = "LION";

      // Display the contents of the second array segment myArrSegMid.
      // Note that the value of its second element also changed.
      Console.WriteLine( "After the first array segment is modified, the second array segment now contains:" );
      PrintIndexAndValues( myArrSegMid );

   public static void PrintIndexAndValues( ArraySegment<string> arrSeg )  {
      for ( int i = arrSeg.Offset; i < (arrSeg.Offset + arrSeg.Count); i++ )  {
         Console.WriteLine( "   [{0}] : {1}", i, arrSeg.Array[i] );

   public static void PrintIndexAndValues( String[] myArr )  {
      for ( int i = 0; i < myArr.Length; i++ )  {
         Console.WriteLine( "   [{0}] : {1}", i, myArr[i] );

This code produces the following output.

The original array initially contains:
   [0] : The
   [1] : quick
   [2] : brown
   [3] : fox
   [4] : jumps
   [5] : over
   [6] : the
   [7] : lazy
   [8] : dog

The first array segment (with all the array's elements) contains:
   [0] : The
   [1] : quick
   [2] : brown
   [3] : fox
   [4] : jumps
   [5] : over
   [6] : the
   [7] : lazy
   [8] : dog

The second array segment (with the middle five elements) contains:
   [2] : brown
   [3] : fox
   [4] : jumps
   [5] : over
   [6] : the

After the first array segment is modified, the second array segment now contains:
   [2] : brown
   [3] : LION
   [4] : jumps
   [5] : over
   [6] : the

open System

// Print functions.
let printIndexAndValues (myArr: string []) =
    for i = 0 to myArr.Length - 1 do
        printfn $"   [{i}] : {myArr[i]}"
    printfn ""

let printIndexAndValuesSeg (arrSeg: ArraySegment<string>) =
    for i = arrSeg.Offset to arrSeg.Offset + arrSeg.Count - 1 do
        printfn $"   [{i}] : {arrSeg.Array[i]}"
    printfn ""

// Create and initialize a new string array.
let myArr = [| "The"; "quick"; "brown"; "fox"; "jumps"; "over"; "the"; "lazy"; "dog" |]

// Display the initial contents of the array.
printfn "The original array initially contains:"
printIndexAndValues myArr

// Define an array segment that contains the entire array.
let myArrSegAll = ArraySegment<string>(myArr)

// Display the contents of the ArraySegment.
printfn "The first array segment (with all the array's elements) contains:"
printIndexAndValuesSeg myArrSegAll

// Define an array segment that contains the middle five values of the array.
let myArrSegMid = ArraySegment<string>(myArr, 2, 5)

// Display the contents of the ArraySegment.
printfn "The second array segment (with the middle five elements) contains:"
printIndexAndValuesSeg myArrSegMid

// Modify the fourth element of the first array segment myArrSegAll.
myArrSegAll.Array[3] <- "LION"

// Display the contents of the second array segment myArrSegMid.
// Note that the value of its second element also changed.
printfn "After the first array segment is modified, the second array segment now contains:"
printIndexAndValuesSeg myArrSegMid

This code produces the following output.

The original array initially contains:
   [0] : The
   [1] : quick
   [2] : brown
   [3] : fox
   [4] : jumps
   [5] : over
   [6] : the
   [7] : lazy
   [8] : dog

The first array segment (with all the array's elements) contains:
   [0] : The
   [1] : quick
   [2] : brown
   [3] : fox
   [4] : jumps
   [5] : over
   [6] : the
   [7] : lazy
   [8] : dog

The second array segment (with the middle five elements) contains:
   [2] : brown
   [3] : fox
   [4] : jumps
   [5] : over
   [6] : the

After the first array segment is modified, the second array segment now contains:
   [2] : brown
   [3] : LION
   [4] : jumps
   [5] : over
   [6] : the

Public Class SamplesArray

    Public Shared Sub Main()

        ' Create and initialize a new string array.
        Dim myArr As String() =  {"The", "quick", "brown", "fox", "jumps", "over", "the", "lazy", "dog"}

        ' Display the initial contents of the array.
        Console.WriteLine("The original array initially contains:")

        ' Define an array segment that contains the entire array.
        Dim myArrSegAll As New ArraySegment(Of String)(myArr)

        ' Display the contents of the ArraySegment.
        Console.WriteLine("The first array segment (with all the array's elements) contains:")

        ' Define an array segment that contains the middle five values of the array.
        Dim myArrSegMid As New ArraySegment(Of String)(myArr, 2, 5)

        ' Display the contents of the ArraySegment.
        Console.WriteLine("The second array segment (with the middle five elements) contains:")

        ' Modify the fourth element of the first array segment myArrSegAll.
        myArrSegAll.Array(3) = "LION"

        ' Display the contents of the second array segment myArrSegMid.
        ' Note that the value of its second element also changed.
        Console.WriteLine("After the first array segment is modified, the second array segment now contains:")

    End Sub

    Public Shared Sub PrintIndexAndValues(arrSeg As ArraySegment(Of String))
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = arrSeg.Offset To (arrSeg.Offset + arrSeg.Count - 1)
            Console.WriteLine("   [{0}] : {1}", i, arrSeg.Array(i))
        Next i
    End Sub

    Public Shared Sub PrintIndexAndValues(myArr as String())
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To (myArr.Length - 1)
            Console.WriteLine("   [{0}] : {1}", i, myArr(i))
        Next i
    End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'The original array initially contains:
'   [0] : The
'   [1] : quick
'   [2] : brown
'   [3] : fox
'   [4] : jumps
'   [5] : over
'   [6] : the
'   [7] : lazy
'   [8] : dog
'The first array segment (with all the array's elements) contains:
'   [0] : The
'   [1] : quick
'   [2] : brown
'   [3] : fox
'   [4] : jumps
'   [5] : over
'   [6] : the
'   [7] : lazy
'   [8] : dog
'The second array segment (with the middle five elements) contains:
'   [2] : brown
'   [3] : fox
'   [4] : jumps
'   [5] : over
'   [6] : the
'After the first array segment is modified, the second array segment now contains:
'   [2] : brown
'   [3] : LION
'   [4] : jumps
'   [5] : over
'   [6] : the


Belirtilen dizideki ArraySegment<T> tüm öğeleri sınırlandıran yapının yeni bir örneğini başlatır.

 ArraySegment(cli::array <T> ^ array);
public ArraySegment (T[] array);
new ArraySegment<'T> : 'T[] -> ArraySegment<'T>
Public Sub New (array As T())



Kaydıracak dizi.

Özel durumlar

array, null değeridir.


Bu oluşturucu, öğesinin tüm öğelerini arraysınırlandıran bir ArraySegment<T> oluşturur. Yani, özelliğinin Offset ArraySegment<T> 0 ve Count özelliği uzunluğudur array. Dizinin yalnızca bir ArraySegment<T> bölümünü sınırlandıran bir oluşturmak için oluşturucuyu ArraySegment<T>(T[], Int32, Int32) kullanın.

Özgün dizi tek boyutlu olmalı ve sıfır tabanlı dizine sahip olmalıdır.

Birden çok ArraySegment<T> örnek aynı özgün diziye başvurabilir ve çakışabilir.

Ayrıca bkz.

Şunlara uygulanır

ArraySegment<T>(T[], Int32, Int32)

Belirtilen dizideki ArraySegment<T> öğelerin belirtilen aralığını sınırlandıran yapının yeni bir örneğini başlatır.

 ArraySegment(cli::array <T> ^ array, int offset, int count);
public ArraySegment (T[] array, int offset, int count);
new ArraySegment<'T> : 'T[] * int * int -> ArraySegment<'T>
Public Sub New (array As T(), offset As Integer, count As Integer)



Sınırlanması gereken öğe aralığını içeren dizi.


Aralıktaki ilk öğenin sıfır tabanlı dizini.


Aralıktaki öğelerin sayısı.

Özel durumlar

array, null değeridir.

offset veya count 0'dan küçüktür.

offset ve count içinde arraygeçerli bir aralık belirtmeyin.


Özgün dizi tek boyutlu olmalı ve sıfır tabanlı dizine sahip olmalıdır.

Birden çok ArraySegment<T> örnek aynı özgün diziye başvurabilir ve çakışabilir.

Ayrıca bkz.

Şunlara uygulanır