Aracılığıyla paylaş

CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider Oluşturucular


CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider sınıfının yeni bir örneğini başlatır.

Aşırı Yüklemeler


Geçerli iş parçacığını CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider kullanarak CurrentCulture sınıfının yeni bir örneğini başlatır.


Belirtilen CultureInfokullanarak sınıfının yeni bir örneğini CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider başlatır.



Geçerli iş parçacığını CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider kullanarak CurrentCulture sınıfının yeni bir örneğini başlatır.

public CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider ();
Public Sub New ()


Aşağıdaki kod örneği büyük/küçük harfe duyarlı karma tablosu ve büyük/küçük harfe duyarlı olmayan karma tablo oluşturur ve her ikisi de aynı öğeleri içerse bile davranışlarındaki farkı gösterir.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Globalization;
int main()
   // Create a Hashtable using the default hash code provider and the default comparer.
   Hashtable^ myHT1 = gcnew Hashtable;
   myHT1->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
   myHT1->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
   myHT1->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
   // Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
   // based on the culture of the current thread.
   Hashtable^ myHT2 = gcnew Hashtable( gcnew CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider,gcnew CaseInsensitiveComparer );
   myHT2->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
   myHT2->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
   myHT2->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
   // Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
   // based on the InvariantCulture.
   Hashtable^ myHT3 = gcnew Hashtable( CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider::DefaultInvariant,CaseInsensitiveComparer::DefaultInvariant );
   myHT3->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
   myHT3->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
   myHT3->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
   // Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
   // based on the Turkish culture (tr-TR), where "I" is not the uppercase version of "i".
   CultureInfo^ myCul = gcnew CultureInfo( "tr-TR" );
   Hashtable^ myHT4 = gcnew Hashtable( gcnew CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider( myCul ),gcnew CaseInsensitiveComparer( myCul ) );
   myHT4->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
   myHT4->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
   myHT4->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
   // Search for a key in each hashtable.
   Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1->ContainsKey( "first" ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2->ContainsKey( "first" ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3->ContainsKey( "first" ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT4: {0}", myHT4->ContainsKey( "first" ) );

This code produces the following output.  Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: True
first is in myHT4: False

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesHashtable  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Create a Hashtable using the default hash code provider and the default comparer.
      Hashtable myHT1 = new Hashtable();
      myHT1.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
      myHT1.Add("SECOND", "World");
      myHT1.Add("THIRD", "!");

      // Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
      // based on the culture of the current thread.
      Hashtable myHT2 = new Hashtable( new CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider(), new CaseInsensitiveComparer() );
      myHT2.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
      myHT2.Add("SECOND", "World");
      myHT2.Add("THIRD", "!");

      // Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
      // based on the InvariantCulture.
      Hashtable myHT3 = new Hashtable( CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider.DefaultInvariant, CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant );
      myHT3.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
      myHT3.Add("SECOND", "World");
      myHT3.Add("THIRD", "!");

      // Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
      // based on the Turkish culture (tr-TR), where "I" is not the uppercase version of "i".
      CultureInfo myCul = new CultureInfo( "tr-TR" );
      Hashtable myHT4 = new Hashtable( new CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider( myCul ), new CaseInsensitiveComparer( myCul ) );
      myHT4.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
      myHT4.Add("SECOND", "World");
      myHT4.Add("THIRD", "!");

      // Search for a key in each hashtable.
      Console.WriteLine( "first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1.ContainsKey( "first" ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2.ContainsKey( "first" ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3.ContainsKey( "first" ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "first is in myHT4: {0}", myHT4.ContainsKey( "first" ) );

This code produces the following output.  Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: True
first is in myHT4: False

Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesHashtable

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Create a Hashtable using the default hash code provider and the default comparer.
      Dim myHT1 As New Hashtable()
      myHT1.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      myHT1.Add("SECOND", "World")
      myHT1.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
      ' based on the culture of the current thread.
      Dim myHT2 As New Hashtable(New CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider(), New CaseInsensitiveComparer())
      myHT2.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      myHT2.Add("SECOND", "World")
      myHT2.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
      ' based on the InvariantCulture.
      Dim myHT3 As New Hashtable(CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider.DefaultInvariant, CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant)
      myHT3.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      myHT3.Add("SECOND", "World")
      myHT3.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
      ' based on the Turkish culture (tr-TR), where "I" is not the uppercase version of "i".
      Dim myCul As New CultureInfo("tr-TR")
      Dim myHT4 As New Hashtable(New CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider(myCul), New CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCul))
      myHT4.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      myHT4.Add("SECOND", "World")
      myHT4.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Search for a key in each hashtable.
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1.ContainsKey("first"))
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2.ContainsKey("first"))
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3.ContainsKey("first"))
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT4: {0}", myHT4.ContainsKey("first"))

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.  Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.
'first is in myHT1: False
'first is in myHT2: True
'first is in myHT3: True
'first is in myHT4: False


CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider Örnek bu oluşturucu kullanılarak oluşturulduğunda, Thread.CurrentCulture geçerli iş parçacığının kaydedilir. Karşılaştırma yordamları büyük/küçük harf kurallarını belirlemek için kaydedilmiş kültürü kullanır; Bu nedenle, karma kod karşılaştırmaları kültüre bağlı olarak farklı sonuçlara sahip olabilir. Kültüre özgü karşılaştırmalar hakkında daha fazla bilgi için bkz System.Globalization . ad alanı ve Genelleştirme ve Yerelleştirme.

Ayrıca bkz.

Şunlara uygulanır



Belirtilen CultureInfokullanarak sınıfının yeni bir örneğini CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider başlatır.

 CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider(System::Globalization::CultureInfo ^ culture);
public CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider (System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture);
new System.Collections.CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider : System.Globalization.CultureInfo -> System.Collections.CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider
Public Sub New (culture As CultureInfo)



CultureInfo yeni CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvideriçin kullanılacak .

Özel durumlar

culture, null değeridir.


Aşağıdaki kod örneği büyük/küçük harfe duyarlı karma tablosu ve büyük/küçük harfe duyarlı olmayan karma tablo oluşturur ve her ikisi de aynı öğeleri içerse bile davranışlarındaki farkı gösterir.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Globalization;
int main()
   // Create a Hashtable using the default hash code provider and the default comparer.
   Hashtable^ myHT1 = gcnew Hashtable;
   myHT1->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
   myHT1->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
   myHT1->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
   // Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
   // based on the culture of the current thread.
   Hashtable^ myHT2 = gcnew Hashtable( gcnew CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider,gcnew CaseInsensitiveComparer );
   myHT2->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
   myHT2->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
   myHT2->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
   // Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
   // based on the InvariantCulture.
   Hashtable^ myHT3 = gcnew Hashtable( CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider::DefaultInvariant,CaseInsensitiveComparer::DefaultInvariant );
   myHT3->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
   myHT3->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
   myHT3->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
   // Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
   // based on the Turkish culture (tr-TR), where "I" is not the uppercase version of "i".
   CultureInfo^ myCul = gcnew CultureInfo( "tr-TR" );
   Hashtable^ myHT4 = gcnew Hashtable( gcnew CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider( myCul ),gcnew CaseInsensitiveComparer( myCul ) );
   myHT4->Add( "FIRST", "Hello" );
   myHT4->Add( "SECOND", "World" );
   myHT4->Add( "THIRD", "!" );
   // Search for a key in each hashtable.
   Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1->ContainsKey( "first" ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2->ContainsKey( "first" ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3->ContainsKey( "first" ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "first is in myHT4: {0}", myHT4->ContainsKey( "first" ) );

This code produces the following output.  Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: True
first is in myHT4: False

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesHashtable  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Create a Hashtable using the default hash code provider and the default comparer.
      Hashtable myHT1 = new Hashtable();
      myHT1.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
      myHT1.Add("SECOND", "World");
      myHT1.Add("THIRD", "!");

      // Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
      // based on the culture of the current thread.
      Hashtable myHT2 = new Hashtable( new CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider(), new CaseInsensitiveComparer() );
      myHT2.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
      myHT2.Add("SECOND", "World");
      myHT2.Add("THIRD", "!");

      // Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
      // based on the InvariantCulture.
      Hashtable myHT3 = new Hashtable( CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider.DefaultInvariant, CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant );
      myHT3.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
      myHT3.Add("SECOND", "World");
      myHT3.Add("THIRD", "!");

      // Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
      // based on the Turkish culture (tr-TR), where "I" is not the uppercase version of "i".
      CultureInfo myCul = new CultureInfo( "tr-TR" );
      Hashtable myHT4 = new Hashtable( new CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider( myCul ), new CaseInsensitiveComparer( myCul ) );
      myHT4.Add("FIRST", "Hello");
      myHT4.Add("SECOND", "World");
      myHT4.Add("THIRD", "!");

      // Search for a key in each hashtable.
      Console.WriteLine( "first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1.ContainsKey( "first" ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2.ContainsKey( "first" ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3.ContainsKey( "first" ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "first is in myHT4: {0}", myHT4.ContainsKey( "first" ) );

This code produces the following output.  Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.

first is in myHT1: False
first is in myHT2: True
first is in myHT3: True
first is in myHT4: False

Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesHashtable

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Create a Hashtable using the default hash code provider and the default comparer.
      Dim myHT1 As New Hashtable()
      myHT1.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      myHT1.Add("SECOND", "World")
      myHT1.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
      ' based on the culture of the current thread.
      Dim myHT2 As New Hashtable(New CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider(), New CaseInsensitiveComparer())
      myHT2.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      myHT2.Add("SECOND", "World")
      myHT2.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
      ' based on the InvariantCulture.
      Dim myHT3 As New Hashtable(CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider.DefaultInvariant, CaseInsensitiveComparer.DefaultInvariant)
      myHT3.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      myHT3.Add("SECOND", "World")
      myHT3.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Create a Hashtable using a case-insensitive code provider and a case-insensitive comparer,
      ' based on the Turkish culture (tr-TR), where "I" is not the uppercase version of "i".
      Dim myCul As New CultureInfo("tr-TR")
      Dim myHT4 As New Hashtable(New CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider(myCul), New CaseInsensitiveComparer(myCul))
      myHT4.Add("FIRST", "Hello")
      myHT4.Add("SECOND", "World")
      myHT4.Add("THIRD", "!")

      ' Search for a key in each hashtable.
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT1: {0}", myHT1.ContainsKey("first"))
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT2: {0}", myHT2.ContainsKey("first"))
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT3: {0}", myHT3.ContainsKey("first"))
      Console.WriteLine("first is in myHT4: {0}", myHT4.ContainsKey("first"))

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.  Results vary depending on the system's culture settings.
'first is in myHT1: False
'first is in myHT2: True
'first is in myHT3: True
'first is in myHT4: False


Karşılaştırma yordamları, büyük/küçük harf kurallarını belirlemek için belirtilen System.Globalization.CultureInfo öğesini kullanır. Karma kod karşılaştırmaları, kültüre bağlı olarak farklı sonuçlara sahip olabilir. Kültüre özgü karşılaştırmalar hakkında daha fazla bilgi için bkz System.Globalization . ad alanı ve Genelleştirme ve Yerelleştirme.

Ayrıca bkz.

Şunlara uygulanır