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NameObjectCollectionBase.BaseSet Yöntem


Örnekteki bir girdinin NameObjectCollectionBase değerini ayarlar.

Aşırı Yüklemeler

BaseSet(Int32, Object)

Girdinin değerini örneğin belirtilen dizininde NameObjectCollectionBase ayarlar.

BaseSet(String, Object)

Bulunursa örnekte belirtilen anahtara sahip ilk girdinin NameObjectCollectionBase değerini ayarlar; aksi takdirde, örneğe belirtilen anahtar ve değere NameObjectCollectionBase sahip bir girdi ekler.


Aşağıdaki kod örneği, belirli bir öğenin değerini ayarlamak için kullanır BaseSet .

#using <System.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Collections::Specialized;

public ref class MyCollection : public NameObjectCollectionBase  {

   // Gets or sets the value at the specified index.
   property Object^ default[ int ]  {
      Object^ get(int index)  {
         return( this->BaseGet( index ) );
      void set( int index, Object^ value )  {
         this->BaseSet( index, value );

   // Gets or sets the value associated with the specified key.
   property Object^ default[ String^ ]  {
      Object^ get(String^ key)  {
         return( this->BaseGet( key ) );
      void set( String^ key, Object^ value )  {
         this->BaseSet( key, value );

   // Gets a String array that contains all the keys in the collection.
   property array<String^>^ AllKeys  {
      array<String^>^ get()  {
         return( this->BaseGetAllKeys() );

   // Adds elements from an IDictionary into the new collection.
   MyCollection( IDictionary^ d )  {
      for each ( DictionaryEntry^ de in d )  {
         this->BaseAdd( (String^) de->Key, de->Value );


public ref class SamplesNameObjectCollectionBase  {

   static void Main()  {

      // Creates and initializes a new MyCollection instance.
      IDictionary^ d = gcnew ListDictionary();
      d->Add( "red", "apple" );
      d->Add( "yellow", "banana" );
      d->Add( "green", "pear" );
      MyCollection^ myCol = gcnew MyCollection( d );
      Console::WriteLine( "Initial state of the collection:" );
      PrintKeysAndValues2( myCol );

      // Sets the value at index 1.
      myCol[1] = "sunflower";
      Console::WriteLine( "After setting the value at index 1:" );
      PrintKeysAndValues2( myCol );

      // Sets the value associated with the key "red".
      myCol["red"] = "tulip";
      Console::WriteLine( "After setting the value associated with the key \"red\":" );
      PrintKeysAndValues2( myCol );


   static void PrintKeysAndValues2( MyCollection^ myCol )  {
      for each ( String^ s in myCol->AllKeys )  {
         Console::WriteLine( "{0}, {1}", s, myCol[s] );

int main()

This code produces the following output.

Initial state of the collection:
red, apple
yellow, banana
green, pear

After setting the value at index 1:
red, apple
yellow, sunflower
green, pear

After setting the value associated with the key "red":
red, tulip
yellow, sunflower
green, pear

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;

public class MyCollection : NameObjectCollectionBase  {

   // Gets or sets the value at the specified index.
   public Object this[ int index ]  {
      get  {
         return( this.BaseGet( index ) );
      set  {
         this.BaseSet( index, value );

   // Gets or sets the value associated with the specified key.
   public Object this[ String key ]  {
      get  {
         return( this.BaseGet( key ) );
      set  {
         this.BaseSet( key, value );

   // Gets a String array that contains all the keys in the collection.
   public String[] AllKeys  {
      get  {
         return( this.BaseGetAllKeys() );

   // Adds elements from an IDictionary into the new collection.
   public MyCollection( IDictionary d )  {
      foreach ( DictionaryEntry de in d )  {
         this.BaseAdd( (String) de.Key, de.Value );

public class SamplesNameObjectCollectionBase  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates and initializes a new MyCollection instance.
      IDictionary d = new ListDictionary();
      d.Add( "red", "apple" );
      d.Add( "yellow", "banana" );
      d.Add( "green", "pear" );
      MyCollection myCol = new MyCollection( d );
      Console.WriteLine( "Initial state of the collection:" );
      PrintKeysAndValues2( myCol );

      // Sets the value at index 1.
      myCol[1] = "sunflower";
      Console.WriteLine( "After setting the value at index 1:" );
      PrintKeysAndValues2( myCol );

      // Sets the value associated with the key "red".
      myCol["red"] = "tulip";
      Console.WriteLine( "After setting the value associated with the key \"red\":" );
      PrintKeysAndValues2( myCol );

   public static void PrintKeysAndValues2( MyCollection myCol )  {
      foreach ( String s in myCol.AllKeys )  {
         Console.WriteLine( "{0}, {1}", s, myCol[s] );

This code produces the following output.

Initial state of the collection:
red, apple
yellow, banana
green, pear

After setting the value at index 1:
red, apple
yellow, sunflower
green, pear

After setting the value associated with the key "red":
red, tulip
yellow, sunflower
green, pear

Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Specialized

Public Class MyCollection
   Inherits NameObjectCollectionBase

   ' Gets or sets the value at the specified index.
   Default Public Property Item(index As Integer) As [Object]
         Return Me.BaseGet(index)
      End Get
         Me.BaseSet(index, value)
      End Set
   End Property

   ' Gets or sets the value associated with the specified key.
   Default Public Property Item(key As [String]) As [Object]
         Return Me.BaseGet(key)
      End Get
         Me.BaseSet(key, value)
      End Set
   End Property

   ' Gets a String array that contains all the keys in the collection.
   Public ReadOnly Property AllKeys() As [String]()
         Return Me.BaseGetAllKeys()
      End Get
   End Property

   ' Adds elements from an IDictionary into the new collection.
   Public Sub New(d As IDictionary)
      Dim de As DictionaryEntry
      For Each de In  d
         Me.BaseAdd(CType(de.Key, [String]), de.Value)
      Next de
   End Sub

End Class

Public Class SamplesNameObjectCollectionBase   

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates and initializes a new MyCollection instance.
      Dim d = New ListDictionary()
      d.Add("red", "apple")
      d.Add("yellow", "banana")
      d.Add("green", "pear")
      Dim myCol As New MyCollection(d)
      Console.WriteLine("Initial state of the collection:")

      ' Sets the value at index 1.
      myCol(1) = "sunflower"
      Console.WriteLine("After setting the value at index 1:")

      ' Sets the value associated with the key "red".
      myCol("red") = "tulip"
      Console.WriteLine("After setting the value associated with the key ""red"":")

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub PrintKeysAndValues2(myCol As MyCollection)
      Dim s As [String]
      For Each s In  myCol.AllKeys
         Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", s, myCol(s))
      Next s
   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'Initial state of the collection:
'red, apple
'yellow, banana
'green, pear
'After setting the value at index 1:
'red, apple
'yellow, sunflower
'green, pear
'After setting the value associated with the key "red":
'red, tulip
'yellow, sunflower
'green, pear

BaseSet(Int32, Object)


Girdinin değerini örneğin belirtilen dizininde NameObjectCollectionBase ayarlar.

 void BaseSet(int index, System::Object ^ value);
protected void BaseSet (int index, object value);
protected void BaseSet (int index, object? value);
member this.BaseSet : int * obj -> unit
Protected Sub BaseSet (index As Integer, value As Object)



Ayarlanacağı girişin sıfır tabanlı dizini.


Object Ayarlanacağı girişin yeni değerini temsil eden değeri. Değer olabilir null.

Özel durumlar

Koleksiyon salt okunurdur.

index koleksiyon için geçerli dizin aralığının dışındadır.


Bu yöntem bir O(1) işlemidir.

Ayrıca bkz.

Şunlara uygulanır

BaseSet(String, Object)


Bulunursa örnekte belirtilen anahtara sahip ilk girdinin NameObjectCollectionBase değerini ayarlar; aksi takdirde, örneğe belirtilen anahtar ve değere NameObjectCollectionBase sahip bir girdi ekler.

 void BaseSet(System::String ^ name, System::Object ^ value);
protected void BaseSet (string name, object value);
protected void BaseSet (string? name, object? value);
member this.BaseSet : string * obj -> unit
Protected Sub BaseSet (name As String, value As Object)



String Ayarlanacağı girişin anahtarı. Anahtar olabilir null.


Object Ayarlanacağı girişin yeni değerini temsil eden değeri. Değer olabilir null.

Özel durumlar

Koleksiyon salt okunurdur.


Koleksiyon belirtilen anahtara sahip birden çok giriş içeriyorsa, bu yöntem yalnızca ilk girişi ayarlar. Sonraki girişlerin değerlerini aynı anahtarla ayarlamak için numaralandırıcıyı kullanarak koleksiyonda yineleme yapın ve anahtarları karşılaştırın.

Bu yöntem bir O(1) işlemidir.

Ayrıca bkz.

Şunlara uygulanır