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FabricErrorCode Enum


Defines error codes that can be associated with a FabricException.

public enum FabricErrorCode
type FabricErrorCode = 
Public Enum FabricErrorCode


AlreadyAuxiliaryReplica 2276458500

The replica already has Auxiliary role.

AlreadyInstance 2276458496

The stateless instance already exists

AlreadyPrimaryReplica 2147949630

The replica already has Primary role.

AlreadySecondaryReplica 2147949631

The replica already has Secondary role.

AlreadyStopped 2147949662

The node is already in a stopped state

ApplicationAlreadyExists 2147949532

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the application already exists.

ApplicationAlreadyInTargetVersion 2147949575

The application is already in the target version specified by an application upgrade request.

ApplicationNotFound 2147949533

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the application does not exist.

ApplicationNotUpgrading 2147949574

The application is not currently being upgraded and the request is only valid during upgrade.

ApplicationTypeAlreadyExists 2147949529

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the application type already exists.

ApplicationTypeInUse 2147949531

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the application type is in use.

ApplicationTypeNotFound 2147949530

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the application type was not found.

ApplicationTypeProvisionInProgress 2147949528

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the application type is currently being provisioned.

ApplicationUpdateInProgress 2147949648

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the application is currently being updated.

ApplicationUpgradeInProgress 2147949534

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the application is currently being upgraded.

ApplicationUpgradeValidationError 2147949535

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the application upgrade validation failed.

AsyncOperationNotComplete 2147949512

Async operation is not completed.

AuxiliaryFeatureDisabled 2276458501

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the Auxiliary replica feature disabled.

BackupDirectoryNotEmpty 2147949632

The backup directory is not empty.

BackupEnabled 2147949684

Indicates that there is a backup protection enablement

BackupInProgress 2147949624

A backup is currently in progress.

BackupNotEnabled 2147949683

Indicates that the backup protection is not enabled

BackupNotFound 2276458504

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that Backup is not found for the Partition.

BackupPolicyAlreayExists 2147949686

Indicates the Backup Policy is already Exists

BackupPolicyDoesNotExist 2147949685

Indicates the Backup Policy does not Exist

CentralSecretServiceGenericError 2147949702

Indicates generic error happens in central secret service

ChaosAlreadyRunning 2147949656

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that an instance of Chaos is already running.

CMOperationFailed 2147949653

Creation or deletion terminated due to persistent failures after bounded retry.

CodePackageNotFound 2147949563

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the code package was not found.

CommunicationError 2147949500

A FabricErrorCode that indicates a communication error has occurred.

ComposeDeploymentAlreadyExists 2147949677

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the compose deployment already exists.

ComposeDeploymentNotFound 2147949678

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the compose deployment is not found.

ComposeDeploymentNotUpgrading 2147949707

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the compose deployment is not upgrading. Call System.Fabric.FabricClient.ComposeDeploymentClient.GetComposeDeploymentUpgradeProgressAsync(System.String) to get more information.

ConfigUpgradeFailed 2147949669

Indicates that the config upgrade fails.

ConfigurationPackageNotFound 2147949561

A FabricErrorCode that configuration package was not found.

ConfigurationParameterNotFound 2147949540

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the configuration parameter was not found.

ConfigurationSectionNotFound 2147949539

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the configuration section was not found.

ConnectionDenied 2147949635

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the connection was denied by the remote side.

ConstraintKeyUndefined 2147949637

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the specified constraint key is undefined.

ConstraintNotSatisfied 2147949646

The service's and cluster's configuration settings would result in a constraint-violating state if the operation were executed.

ContainerNotFound 2147949690

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the container is not found.

CopyAborted 2276458499

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the Copy has been aborted.

CorruptedImageStoreObjectFound 2147949573

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the image store object was corrupted.

DatabaseMigrationInProgress 2147949701

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the service is undergoing database migration and writes are currently not available.

DataPackageNotFound 2147949562

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the data package was not found.

DecryptionFailed 2147949560

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the decryption failed.

DeleteBackupFileFailed 2147949649

Deletion of backup files/directory failed. Currently this can happen in a scenario where backup is used mainly to truncate logs.

DirectoryNotFound 2147949569

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the directory was not found.

DnsNameInUse 2147949676

Indicates that service DNS name is in use by another service.

DnsServiceNotFound 2147949674

Indicates that DnsService is not enabled on the cluster.

DuplicateBackups 2147949659

Indicates that backup-chain in specified restore directory contains duplicate backups.

DuplicateServiceNotificationFilterName 2147949625

Indicates that a service notification filter has already been registered at the specified name by the current Fabric Client.

DuplicateWaitObject 2148734249

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that an object appears more than once in an array of synchronization objects.

EncryptionFailed 2147949589

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the encryption has failed.

EndpointNotReferenced 2147949711

A FabricErrorCode

EndpointResourceNotFound 2147949564

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the endpoint resource was not found.

EntryPointNotFound 2148734242

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the entry point was not found. This happens when type loading failures occur.

EnumerationCompleted 2147949527

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the enumeration completed.

FabricAlreadyInTargetVersion 2147949580

The Service Fabric cluster is already in the target code or Cluster Manifest version specified by the upgrade request.

FabricCannotConnect 2147949644

A FabricErrorCode that indicates there was a connection failure.

FabricConnectionClosedByRemoteEnd 2147949650

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the connection was closed by the remote end.

FabricDataRootNotFound 2147949657

Fabric Data Root is not defined on the target machine.

FabricEndpointNotFound 2147949647

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the specified endpoint was not found.

FabricHealthEntityNotFound 2147949591

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the health entity is not found in the Health Store. Returned when Health Store has no reports from a Service Fabric system component on the entity or on one of the hierarchical parents. This can happen if the entity or one of its parents doesn�t exist in the Service Fabric cluster, or the reports didn�t yet arrive at the health store.

FabricHealthMaxReportsReached 2147949584

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the FabricClient.HealthClient has reached the maximum number of health reports that can accept for processing. More reports will be accepted when progress is done with the currently accepted reports. By default, the FabricClient.HealthClient can accept 10000 different reports.

FabricHealthStaleReport 2147949585

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the report is stale. Returned when FabricClient.HealthClient has a HealthReport for the same entity, SourceId and Property with same or higher SequenceNumber.

FabricMessageTooLarge 2147949645

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the message is too large.

FabricNotUpgrading 2147949581

The Service Fabric cluster is not currently being upgrade and the request is only valid during upgrade.

FabricUpgradeInProgress 2147949582

The Service Fabric Cluster is currently begin upgraded and the request is not valid during upgrade.

FabricUpgradeValidationError 2147949583

An error in the Service Fabric cluster upgrade request was discovered during pre-upgrade validation of the upgrade description and Cluster Manifest.

FabricVersionAlreadyExists 2147949579

The specified code or Cluster Manifest version has already been provisioned in the system.

FabricVersionInUse 2147949578

The specified code or Cluster Manifest version cannot be unprovisioned because it is either being used by the cluster or is the target of a cluster upgrade.

FabricVersionNotFound 2147949577

The specified code or Cluster Manifest version cannot be unprovisioned or used as the target of an upgrade because it has not been provisioned.

FaultAnalysisServiceNotEnabled 2147949689

Indicates the Restore cannot be triggered as Fault Analysis Service is not running

FileNotFound 2147949568

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the file was not found.

ForceNotSupportedForReplicaControlOperation 2147949633

The replica belongs to a self-activated service. The ForceRemove option is not supported for such replicas

GatewayNotReachable 2147949641

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the gateway could not be reached. This is a transient error.

ImageBuilderAccessDeniedError 2147949603

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the ImageBuilder hit an AccessDeniedException when using the ImageStore.

ImageBuilderInvalidMsiFile 2147949604

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the MSI file being provisioned is not valid.

ImageBuilderReservedDirectoryError 2147949654

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the path passed by the user starts with a reserved directory.

ImageBuilderTimeoutError 2147949602

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the ImageBuilder was not able to perform the operation in the specified timeout.

ImageBuilderUnexpectedError 2147949576

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the ImageBuilder hit an unexpected error.

ImageBuilderValidationError 2147949542

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the image builder validation error as occurred.

ImageStoreAcquireFileLockFailed 2147949634

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the operation failed to acquire a lock.

ImageStoreIOException 2147949572

A FabricErrorCode that indicates there was an ImageStoreIOEception.

IncompatibleRunToCompletion 2276458502

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that RunToCompletion is incompatible with SharedProcess.

InstanceIdMismatch 2147949616

FabricErrorCode that indicates that the instance identifier doesn�t match.

InsufficientClusterCapacity 2147949619

FabricErrorCode that indicates that the cluster capacity is insufficient.

InvalidAddress 2147949501

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the address was invalid.

InvalidAllowedCommonNameList 2147949558

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the format of common name list string is invalid. It should be a comma separated list

InvalidAtomicGroup 2147949590

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the atomic group is invalid.

InvalidBackup 2147949665

Indicates that backup provided for restore is invalid.

InvalidBackupChain 2147949660

Indicates that backup-chain in specified restore directory has one or more missing backups.

InvalidBackupSetting 2147949622

Invalid backup setting. E.g. incremental backup option is not set upfront etc.

InvalidConfiguration 2147949541

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the configuration was invalid.

InvalidCredentials 2147949559

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the credentials are invalid.

InvalidCredentialType 2147949550

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the credential type is invalid.

InvalidDnsName 2147949675

Indicates that service DNS name is invalid.

InvalidDuration 2147949667

The provided duration is invalid.

InvalidForStatefulServices 2147949679

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the operation is only valid for stateless services.

InvalidForStatelessServices 2147949680

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the operation is only valid for stateful services.

InvalidInstanceId 2147949666

The provided instance id is invalid.

InvalidNameUri 2147949502

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the URI is invalid.

InvalidOperation 2147949565

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that operation is invalid.

InvalidPackageSharingPolicy 2147949620

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the package sharing policy is incorrect.

InvalidPartitionKey 2147949503

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the partition key is invalid.

InvalidPartitionOperation 2147949629

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the partition operation is invalid.

InvalidPartitionSelector 2147949672

Indicates that the partition selector is invalid.

InvalidProtectionLevel 2147949555

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the protection level is invalid.

InvalidReplicaOperation 2147949626

Cannot restart a replica of a volatile stateful service or an instance of a stateless service

InvalidReplicaSelector 2147949673

Indicates that the replica selector is invalid.

InvalidReplicaStateForReplicaOperation 2147949627

The replica is currently transitioning (closing or opening) and the operation cannot be performed at this time

InvalidRestoreData 2147949658

Indicates that restore metadata present in supplied restore directory in invalid.

InvalidServiceScalingPolicy 2147949696

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the scaling policy specified for the service is invalid. Verify that every ScalingTriggerDescription and ScalingMechanismDescription is valid in the context of the kind and metrics of the service.

InvalidServiceType 2147949601

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the ServiceType was not defined in the service manifest.

InvalidSubjectName 2147949557

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the subject name is invalid.

InvalidTestCommandState 2147949651

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that this API call is not valid for the current state of the test command.

InvalidUploadSessionId 2147949682

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the upload session ID is invalid. Plesea use GUID as upload session ID.

InvalidX509FindType 2147949551

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the X509FindType is invalid.

InvalidX509Store 2147949556

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the X509 certificate store cannot be opened.

InvalidX509StoreLocation 2147949552

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the X509 store location is invalid.

InvalidX509StoreName 2147949553

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the X509 store name is invalid.

InvalidX509Thumbprint 2147949554

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the X509 certificate thumbprint string is invalid.

KeyNotFound 2147949587

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the key cannot be found.

KeyTooLarge 2147949586

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the key is too large.

MissingFullBackup 2147949623

Incremental backups can only be done after an initial full backup.

MultithreadedTransactionsNotAllowed 2147949638

FabricErrorCode that indicates that one transaction can't be used by multiple threads simultaneously.

NameAlreadyExists 2147949504

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the Service Fabric Name already exists.

NameNotEmpty 2147949506

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the Service Fabric Name is not empty: there are entities such as child Names, Service or Properties associated with it.

NameNotFound 2147949505

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the Service Fabric Name was not found.

NetworkInUse 2147949710

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the network is currently in use.

NetworkNotFound 2147949709

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the network is not found.

NodeHasNotStoppedYet 2147949618

FabricErrorCode that indicates that the node has not stopped yet.

NodeIsDown 2147949663

The node is down (not stopped).

NodeIsUp 2147949508

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the node is up when it is expected to be down.

NodeNotFound 2147949507

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the node was not found.

NodeTransitionInProgress 2147949664

Node transition in progress

NodeTypeNotFound 2276458497

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the node type or node type information was not found.

NotPrimary 2147949510

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the replica is not the primary.

NotReadable 2147949692

Indicates the partition is not readable.

NotReady 2147949511

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the code is not ready.

NoWriteQuorum 2147949509

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the service partition does not have write quorum.

ObjectClosed 2147949566

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the object was closed.

ObjectDisposed 2147949691

Indicates that the operation is performed on a disposed object.

OnlyValidForStatefulPersistentServices 2147949681

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the operation is only valid for stateful persistent services.

OperationCanceled 2147500036

Operation was canceled by the system and should be retried by the client.

OperationNotComplete 2147949512

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the operation did not completed.

OperationNotSupported 2147949706

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the operation is not supported.

OperationTimedOut 2147949567

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the operation timed out.

PartitionNotFound 2147949543

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the partition was not found.

PathTooLong 2147949571

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the path is too long.

PLBNotReady 2147949628

The Cluster Resource Balancer is not yet ready to handle the operation.

PreDeploymentNotAllowed 2147949621

Predeployed of application package on Node not allowed. Predeployment feature requires ImageCache to be enabled on node.

ProcessAborted 2147949548

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the process aborted.

ProcessDeactivated 2147949547

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the process got deactivated.

PropertyCheckFailed 2147949525

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the a Check PropertyBatchOperation has failed.

PropertyNotFound 2147949513

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the property was not found.

PropertyValueEmpty 2147949524

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the value of the property was empty.

ReconfigurationPending 2147949514

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the reconfiguration is currently in pending state.

ReliableSessionAlreadyExists 2147949594

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the reliable session already exists.

ReliableSessionCannotConnect 2147949595

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the reliable session cannot connect.

ReliableSessionInvalidTargetPartition 2147949613

FabricErrorCode that indicates that the reliable session has invalid target partition.

ReliableSessionManagerAlreadyListening 2147949598

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the reliable session manager is already listening.

ReliableSessionManagerExists 2147949596

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the reliable session manager already exists.

ReliableSessionManagerNotFound 2147949599

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the reliable session manager was not found.

ReliableSessionManagerNotListening 2147949600

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the reliable session manager is not listening.

ReliableSessionNotFound 2147949609

FabricErrorCode that indicates that the reliable session cannot be found.

ReliableSessionQueueEmpty 2147949610

FabricErrorCode that indicates that the reliable session queue is empty.

ReliableSessionQuotaExceeded 2147949611

FabricErrorCode that indicates that the reliable session quota exceeded.

ReliableSessionRejected 2147949597

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the reliable session was rejected.

ReliableSessionServiceFaulted 2147949612

FabricErrorCode that indicates that the reliable session service was faulted.

ReliableSessionTransportStartupFailure 2147949593

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the reliable session transport startup has failed.

RepairTaskAlreadyExists 2147949607

FabricErrorCode that indicates that the repair task already exists.

RepairTaskNotFound 2147949608

FabricErrorCode that indicates that the repair task was not found.

ReplicaDoesNotExist 2147949544

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the replica does not exist.

ReplicationOperationTooLarge 2147949615

FabricErrorCode that indicates that the replication operation is too large.

ReplicationQueueFull 2147949515

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the replication queue is full.

RestoreAlreadyInProgress 2147949687

Indicates that a partition is already has a restore in progress

RestoreSafeCheckFailed 2147949668

Indicates that backup provided for restore has older data than present in service.

RestoreSourceTargetPartitionMismatch 2147949688

Indicates that the source from where restore is requested has a properties mismatch with target partition

SecretInvalid 2147949703

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the secret is invalid

SecretVersionAlreadyExists 2147949704

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the secret version already exists

SequenceNumberCheckFailed 2147949588

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the sequence number check failed. This usually happens when there is a conflicting operation executed on the same object which modifies the sequence number.

ServerAuthenticationFailed 2147949636

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the authentication failed.

ServiceAffinityChainNotSupported 2147949520

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the service affinity chain is not supported.

ServiceAlreadyExists 2147949516

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the service already exists.

ServiceGroupAlreadyExists 2147949545

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the service group already exists.

ServiceGroupNotFound 2147949546

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the service group was not found.

ServiceManifestNotFound 2147949592

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the service manifest was not found.

ServiceMetadataMismatch 2147949519

Two ResolvedServicePartition objects cannot be compared using CompareVersion(ResolvedServicePartition) because they describe different replica sets.

ServiceNotFound 2147949517

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the service was not found.

ServiceOffline 2147949518

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the service is offline.

ServiceTemplateNotFound 2147949538

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the service template was not found.

ServiceTooBusy 2147949605

A FabricErrorCode that indicates Service Fabric service is too busy to accept requests at this time. This is a transient error.

ServiceTypeAlreadyRegistered 2147949521

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the service type was already registered.

ServiceTypeMismatch 2147949537

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that there is a mismatch in the service type.

ServiceTypeNotFound 2147949536

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the service type was not found.

ServiceTypeNotRegistered 2147949522

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the service type was not registered.

SingleInstanceApplicationAlreadyExists 2147949697

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the single instance application already exists.

SingleInstanceApplicationNotFound 2147949698

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the single instance application is not found.

SingleInstanceApplicationUpgradeInProgress 2147949705

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the single instance application's upgrade is in progress.

SkipRestoreOperation 2276458505

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that Auto Restore operation needs to be skipped.

StopInProgress 2147949661

An operation is already in progress.

TestCommandOperationIdAlreadyExists 2147949652

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that this test command operation id (Guid) is already being used.

TransactionAborted 2147949643

FabricErrorCode that indicates that the transaction was aborted.

TransactionNotActive 2147949606

FabricErrorCode that indicates that the transaction is not active because it has already been committed or rolled back.

TransactionTooLarge 2147949614

FabricErrorCode that indicates that the transaction is too large, which typically results when the transaction either contains too many operations or the size of the data being written is too large.

Unknown 0

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that there was an unknown error.

UpgradeDomainAlreadyCompleted 2147949617

FabricErrorCode that indicates that the upgrade domain was already completed.

UploadSessionIdConflict 2147949671

Indicates that the upload session ID is existed for a different image store relative path.

UploadSessionRangeNotSatisfiable 2147949670

Indicates that the upload session range will overlap or are out of range.

UserRoleClientCertificateNotConfigured 2147949642

Indicates that certificate for user role (User) FabricClient is not setup.

ValueTooLarge 2147949523

A FabricErrorCode that indicates the property value is too large.

VersionStoreOutOfMemory 2276458503

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the version store has reached it's maximum allowed memory usage. Version Store Size can be configured with LocalEseStoreSettings.MaxVerPages.

VolumeAlreadyExists 2147949699

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the volume already exists.

VolumeNotFound 2147949700

A FabricErrorCode that indicates that the volume is not found.

WriteConflict 2147949526

A FabricErrorCode that indicates there was a write conflict.

Applies to