Calendar.GetMonthsInYear Yöntem


Türetilmiş bir sınıfta geçersiz kılındığında, belirtilen yıldaki ay sayısını döndürür.

Aşırı Yüklemeler


Geçerli dönemde belirtilen yıldaki ay sayısını döndürür.

GetMonthsInYear(Int32, Int32)

Türetilmiş bir sınıfta geçersiz kılındığında, belirtilen dönemde belirtilen yıldaki ay sayısını döndürür.



Geçerli dönemde belirtilen yıldaki ay sayısını döndürür.

 virtual int GetMonthsInYear(int year);
public virtual int GetMonthsInYear (int year);
abstract member GetMonthsInYear : int -> int
override this.GetMonthsInYear : int -> int
Public Overridable Function GetMonthsInYear (year As Integer) As Integer



Yılı temsil eden bir tamsayı.


Geçerli dönemde belirtilen yıldaki ay sayısı.

Özel durumlar

year takvim tarafından desteklenen aralığın dışındadır.


Aşağıdaki kod örneği, sınıfının farklı uygulamalarını Calendar karşılaştırır.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
int main()
   // Creates an instance of every Calendar type.
   array<Calendar^>^myCals = gcnew array<Calendar^>(8);
   myCals[ 0 ] = gcnew GregorianCalendar;
   myCals[ 1 ] = gcnew HebrewCalendar;
   myCals[ 2 ] = gcnew HijriCalendar;
   myCals[ 3 ] = gcnew JapaneseCalendar;
   myCals[ 4 ] = gcnew JulianCalendar;
   myCals[ 5 ] = gcnew KoreanCalendar;
   myCals[ 6 ] = gcnew TaiwanCalendar;
   myCals[ 7 ] = gcnew ThaiBuddhistCalendar;

   // For each calendar, displays the current year, the number of months in that year,
   // and the number of days in each month of that year.
      int i;
   int j;
   int iYear;
   int iMonth;
   int iDay;
   DateTime myDT = DateTime::Today;
   for ( i = 0; i < myCals->Length; i++ )
      iYear = myCals[ i ]->GetYear( myDT );
      Console::WriteLine( " {0}, Year: {1}", myCals[ i ]->GetType(), myCals[ i ]->GetYear( myDT ) );
      Console::WriteLine( "   MonthsInYear: {0}", myCals[ i ]->GetMonthsInYear( iYear ) );
      Console::WriteLine( "   DaysInYear: {0}", myCals[ i ]->GetDaysInYear( iYear ) );
      Console::WriteLine( "   Days in each month:" );
      Console::Write( "      " );
      for ( j = 1; j <= myCals[ i ]->GetMonthsInYear( iYear ); j++ )
         Console::Write( " {0, -5}", myCals[ i ]->GetDaysInMonth( iYear, j ) );
      iMonth = myCals[ i ]->GetMonth( myDT );
      iDay = myCals[ i ]->GetDayOfMonth( myDT );
      Console::WriteLine( "   IsLeapDay: {0}", myCals[ i ]->IsLeapDay( iYear, iMonth, iDay ) );
      Console::WriteLine( "   IsLeapMonth: {0}", myCals[ i ]->IsLeapMonth( iYear, iMonth ) );
      Console::WriteLine( "   IsLeapYear: {0}", myCals[ i ]->IsLeapYear( iYear ) );


This code produces the following output.  The results vary depending on the date.

System::Globalization::GregorianCalendar, Year: 2002
MonthsInYear: 12
DaysInYear: 365
Days in each month:
31    28    31    30    31    30    31    31    30    31    30    31
IsLeapDay:   False
IsLeapMonth: False
IsLeapYear:  False

System::Globalization::HebrewCalendar, Year: 5763
MonthsInYear: 13
DaysInYear: 385
Days in each month:
30    30    30    29    30    30    29    30    29    30    29    30    29
IsLeapDay:   False
IsLeapMonth: False
IsLeapYear:  True

System::Globalization::HijriCalendar, Year: 1423
MonthsInYear: 12
DaysInYear: 355
Days in each month:
30    29    30    29    30    29    30    29    30    29    30    30
IsLeapDay:   False
IsLeapMonth: False
IsLeapYear:  True

System::Globalization::JapaneseCalendar, Year: 14
MonthsInYear: 12
DaysInYear: 365
Days in each month:
31    28    31    30    31    30    31    31    30    31    30    31
IsLeapDay:   False
IsLeapMonth: False
IsLeapYear:  False

System::Globalization::JulianCalendar, Year: 2002
MonthsInYear: 12
DaysInYear: 365
Days in each month:
31    28    31    30    31    30    31    31    30    31    30    31
IsLeapDay:   False
IsLeapMonth: False
IsLeapYear:  False

System::Globalization::KoreanCalendar, Year: 4335
MonthsInYear: 12
DaysInYear: 365
Days in each month:
31    28    31    30    31    30    31    31    30    31    30    31
IsLeapDay:   False
IsLeapMonth: False
IsLeapYear:  False

System::Globalization::TaiwanCalendar, Year: 91
MonthsInYear: 12
DaysInYear: 365
Days in each month:
31    28    31    30    31    30    31    31    30    31    30    31
IsLeapDay:   False
IsLeapMonth: False
IsLeapYear:  False

System::Globalization::ThaiBuddhistCalendar, Year: 2545
MonthsInYear: 12
DaysInYear: 365
Days in each month:
31    28    31    30    31    30    31    31    30    31    30    31
IsLeapDay:   False
IsLeapMonth: False
IsLeapYear:  False

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCalendar  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates an instance of every Calendar type.
      Calendar[] myCals = new Calendar[8];
      myCals[0] = new GregorianCalendar();
      myCals[1] = new HebrewCalendar();
      myCals[2] = new HijriCalendar();
      myCals[3] = new JapaneseCalendar();
      myCals[4] = new JulianCalendar();
      myCals[5] = new KoreanCalendar();
      myCals[6] = new TaiwanCalendar();
      myCals[7] = new ThaiBuddhistCalendar();

      // For each calendar, displays the current year, the number of months in that year,
      // and the number of days in each month of that year.
      int i, j, iYear, iMonth, iDay;
      DateTime myDT = DateTime.Today;

      for ( i = 0; i < myCals.Length; i++ )  {
         iYear = myCals[i].GetYear( myDT );
         Console.WriteLine( "{0}, Year: {1}", myCals[i].GetType(), myCals[i].GetYear( myDT ) );
         Console.WriteLine( "   MonthsInYear: {0}", myCals[i].GetMonthsInYear( iYear ) );
         Console.WriteLine( "   DaysInYear: {0}", myCals[i].GetDaysInYear( iYear ) );
         Console.WriteLine( "   Days in each month:" );
         Console.Write( "      " );

         for ( j = 1; j <= myCals[i].GetMonthsInYear( iYear ); j++ )
            Console.Write( " {0,-5}", myCals[i].GetDaysInMonth( iYear, j ) );

         iMonth = myCals[i].GetMonth( myDT );
         iDay = myCals[i].GetDayOfMonth( myDT );
         Console.WriteLine( "   IsLeapDay:   {0}", myCals[i].IsLeapDay( iYear, iMonth, iDay ) );
         Console.WriteLine( "   IsLeapMonth: {0}", myCals[i].IsLeapMonth( iYear, iMonth ) );
         Console.WriteLine( "   IsLeapYear:  {0}", myCals[i].IsLeapYear( iYear ) );

This code produces the following output.  The results vary depending on the date.

System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar, Year: 2002
   MonthsInYear: 12
   DaysInYear: 365
   Days in each month:
       31    28    31    30    31    30    31    31    30    31    30    31
   IsLeapDay:   False
   IsLeapMonth: False
   IsLeapYear:  False

System.Globalization.HebrewCalendar, Year: 5763
   MonthsInYear: 13
   DaysInYear: 385
   Days in each month:
       30    30    30    29    30    30    29    30    29    30    29    30    29
   IsLeapDay:   False
   IsLeapMonth: False
   IsLeapYear:  True

System.Globalization.HijriCalendar, Year: 1423
   MonthsInYear: 12
   DaysInYear: 355
   Days in each month:
       30    29    30    29    30    29    30    29    30    29    30    30
   IsLeapDay:   False
   IsLeapMonth: False
   IsLeapYear:  True

System.Globalization.JapaneseCalendar, Year: 14
   MonthsInYear: 12
   DaysInYear: 365
   Days in each month:
       31    28    31    30    31    30    31    31    30    31    30    31
   IsLeapDay:   False
   IsLeapMonth: False
   IsLeapYear:  False

System.Globalization.JulianCalendar, Year: 2002
   MonthsInYear: 12
   DaysInYear: 365
   Days in each month:
       31    28    31    30    31    30    31    31    30    31    30    31
   IsLeapDay:   False
   IsLeapMonth: False
   IsLeapYear:  False

System.Globalization.KoreanCalendar, Year: 4335
   MonthsInYear: 12
   DaysInYear: 365
   Days in each month:
       31    28    31    30    31    30    31    31    30    31    30    31
   IsLeapDay:   False
   IsLeapMonth: False
   IsLeapYear:  False

System.Globalization.TaiwanCalendar, Year: 91
   MonthsInYear: 12
   DaysInYear: 365
   Days in each month:
       31    28    31    30    31    30    31    31    30    31    30    31
   IsLeapDay:   False
   IsLeapMonth: False
   IsLeapYear:  False

System.Globalization.ThaiBuddhistCalendar, Year: 2545
   MonthsInYear: 12
   DaysInYear: 365
   Days in each month:
       31    28    31    30    31    30    31    31    30    31    30    31
   IsLeapDay:   False
   IsLeapMonth: False
   IsLeapYear:  False

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCalendar   

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates an instance of every Calendar type.
      Dim myCals(7) As Calendar
      myCals(0) = New GregorianCalendar()
      myCals(1) = New HebrewCalendar()
      myCals(2) = New HijriCalendar()
      myCals(3) = New JapaneseCalendar()
      myCals(4) = New JulianCalendar()
      myCals(5) = New KoreanCalendar()
      myCals(6) = New TaiwanCalendar()
      myCals(7) = New ThaiBuddhistCalendar()

      ' For each calendar, displays the current year, the number of months in that year,
      ' and the number of days in each month of that year.
      Dim i, j, iYear, iMonth, iDay As Integer
      Dim myDT As DateTime = DateTime.Today

      For i = 0 To myCals.Length - 1
         iYear = myCals(i).GetYear(myDT)
         Console.WriteLine("{0}, Year: {1}", myCals(i).GetType(), myCals(i).GetYear(myDT))
         Console.WriteLine("   MonthsInYear: {0}", myCals(i).GetMonthsInYear(iYear))
         Console.WriteLine("   DaysInYear: {0}", myCals(i).GetDaysInYear(iYear))
         Console.WriteLine("   Days in each month:")
         Console.Write("      ")
         For j = 1 To myCals(i).GetMonthsInYear(iYear)
            Console.Write(" {0,-5}", myCals(i).GetDaysInMonth(iYear, j))
         Next j
         iMonth = myCals(i).GetMonth(myDT)
         iDay = myCals(i).GetDayOfMonth(myDT)
         Console.WriteLine("   IsLeapDay:   {0}", myCals(i).IsLeapDay(iYear, iMonth, iDay))
         Console.WriteLine("   IsLeapMonth: {0}", myCals(i).IsLeapMonth(iYear, iMonth))
         Console.WriteLine("   IsLeapYear:  {0}", myCals(i).IsLeapYear(iYear))
      Next i 

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.  The results vary depending on the date.
'System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar, Year: 2002
'   MonthsInYear: 12
'   DaysInYear: 365
'   Days in each month:
'       31    28    31    30    31    30    31    31    30    31    30    31   
'   IsLeapDay:   False
'   IsLeapMonth: False
'   IsLeapYear:  False
'System.Globalization.HebrewCalendar, Year: 5763
'   MonthsInYear: 13
'   DaysInYear: 385
'   Days in each month:
'       30    30    30    29    30    30    29    30    29    30    29    30    29   
'   IsLeapDay:   False
'   IsLeapMonth: False
'   IsLeapYear:  True
'System.Globalization.HijriCalendar, Year: 1423
'   MonthsInYear: 12
'   DaysInYear: 355
'   Days in each month:
'       30    29    30    29    30    29    30    29    30    29    30    30   
'   IsLeapDay:   False
'   IsLeapMonth: False
'   IsLeapYear:  True
'System.Globalization.JapaneseCalendar, Year: 14
'   MonthsInYear: 12
'   DaysInYear: 365
'   Days in each month:
'       31    28    31    30    31    30    31    31    30    31    30    31   
'   IsLeapDay:   False
'   IsLeapMonth: False
'   IsLeapYear:  False
'System.Globalization.JulianCalendar, Year: 2002
'   MonthsInYear: 12
'   DaysInYear: 365
'   Days in each month:
'       31    28    31    30    31    30    31    31    30    31    30    31   
'   IsLeapDay:   False
'   IsLeapMonth: False
'   IsLeapYear:  False
'System.Globalization.KoreanCalendar, Year: 4335
'   MonthsInYear: 12
'   DaysInYear: 365
'   Days in each month:
'       31    28    31    30    31    30    31    31    30    31    30    31   
'   IsLeapDay:   False
'   IsLeapMonth: False
'   IsLeapYear:  False
'System.Globalization.TaiwanCalendar, Year: 91
'   MonthsInYear: 12
'   DaysInYear: 365
'   Days in each month:
'       31    28    31    30    31    30    31    31    30    31    30    31   
'   IsLeapDay:   False
'   IsLeapMonth: False
'   IsLeapYear:  False
'System.Globalization.ThaiBuddhistCalendar, Year: 2545
'   MonthsInYear: 12
'   DaysInYear: 365
'   Days in each month:
'       31    28    31    30    31    30    31    31    30    31    30    31   
'   IsLeapDay:   False
'   IsLeapMonth: False
'   IsLeapYear:  False


Örneğin, içinde HebrewCalendarGetMonthsInYear ortak bir yıl için 12 veya artık yıl için 13 döndürür.

Ayrıca bkz.

Şunlara uygulanır

GetMonthsInYear(Int32, Int32)


Türetilmiş bir sınıfta geçersiz kılındığında, belirtilen dönemde belirtilen yıldaki ay sayısını döndürür.

 abstract int GetMonthsInYear(int year, int era);
public abstract int GetMonthsInYear (int year, int era);
abstract member GetMonthsInYear : int * int -> int
Public MustOverride Function GetMonthsInYear (year As Integer, era As Integer) As Integer



Yılı temsil eden bir tamsayı.


Çağı temsil eden bir tamsayı.


Belirtilen dönemde belirtilen yıldaki ay sayısı.

Özel durumlar

year takvim tarafından desteklenen aralığın dışındadır.


era takvim tarafından desteklenen aralığın dışındadır.


Örneğin, içinde HebrewCalendarGetMonthsInYear ortak bir yıl için 12 veya artık yıl için 13 döndürür.

Uygulayanlara Notlar

Türetilmiş sınıf, parametre olarak era geçirildiğinde desteklenmelidirCurrentEra. Desteklemenin CurrentEra bir yolu, takvimin geçerli döneminin değeri olan içinde Eras[0]depolanan değerle değiştirmektir.

Ayrıca bkz.

Şunlara uygulanır