Aracılığıyla paylaş

DataProtector.ProviderProtect(Byte[]) Yöntem


Temel sınıftaki yöntemin geri çağıracağı türetilmiş sınıftaki Protect(Byte[]) temsilci yöntemini belirtir.

 abstract cli::array <System::Byte> ^ ProviderProtect(cli::array <System::Byte> ^ userData);
protected abstract byte[] ProviderProtect (byte[] userData);
abstract member ProviderProtect : byte[] -> byte[]
Protected MustOverride Function ProviderProtect (userData As Byte()) As Byte()



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Aşağıdaki örnekte yönteminin bir uygulaması gösterilmektedir ProviderProtect . Sınıfı için daha büyük bir kod örneğinin DataProtector bir parçasıdır.

// To allow a service to hand out instances of a DataProtector we demand unrestricted DataProtectionPermission
// in the constructor, but Assert the permission when ProviderProtect is called.  This is similar to FileStream
// where access is checked at time of creation, not time of use.
[DataProtectionPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, ProtectData = true)]
protected override byte[] ProviderProtect(byte[] userData)

    // Delegate to ProtectedData
    ProtectedMemory.Protect(userData, Scope);
    return userData;
' To allow a service to hand out instances of a DataProtector we demand unrestricted DataProtectionPermission 
' in the constructor, but Assert the permission when ProviderProtect is called.  This is similar to FileStream
' where access is checked at time of creation, not time of use.
<SecuritySafeCritical(), DataProtectionPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, ProtectData:=True)> _
Protected Overrides Function ProviderProtect(ByVal userData() As Byte) As Byte()

    ' Delegate to ProtectedData
    ProtectedMemory.Protect(userData, Scope)
    Return userData

End Function 'ProviderProtect

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