Aracılığıyla paylaş

TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds Yöntem


Aşırı Yüklemeler

FromMilliseconds(Int64, Int64)

TimeSpan yapısının yeni bir örneğini belirtilen sayıda milisaniye ve mikrosaniye olarak başlatır.


Belirtilen sayıda milisaniyeyi temsil eden bir TimeSpan döndürür.

FromMilliseconds(Int64, Int64)

TimeSpan yapısının yeni bir örneğini belirtilen sayıda milisaniye ve mikrosaniye olarak başlatır.

public static TimeSpan FromMilliseconds (long milliseconds, long microseconds = 0);
static member FromMilliseconds : int64 * int64 -> TimeSpan
Public Shared Function FromMilliseconds (milliseconds As Long, Optional microseconds As Long = 0) As TimeSpan



Milisaniye sayısı.


Mikrosaniye sayısı.


Belirtilen sayıda milisaniye ve mikrosaniyeyi temsil eden bir TimeSpan döndürür.

Özel durumlar

Parametreler, MinValue'den küçük veya MaxValue büyük bir TimeSpan değeri belirtir

Şunlara uygulanır



Belirtilen sayıda milisaniyeyi temsil eden bir TimeSpan döndürür.

 static TimeSpan FromMilliseconds(double value);
public static TimeSpan FromMilliseconds (double value);
static member FromMilliseconds : double -> TimeSpan
Public Shared Function FromMilliseconds (value As Double) As TimeSpan



Milisaniye cinsinden.


valuetemsil eden bir nesne.

Özel durumlar

value TimeSpan.MinValue veya TimeSpan.MaxValuedeğerinden büyüktür.


value PositiveInfinity.


value NegativeInfinity.

value NaNeşittir.


Aşağıdaki örnek, FromMilliseconds yöntemini kullanarak birkaç TimeSpan nesnesi oluşturur.

// Example of the TimeSpan::FromMilliseconds( double ) method.
using namespace System;
void GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( Double millisec )
   // Create a TimeSpan object and TimeSpan string from 
   // a number of milliseconds.
   TimeSpan interval = TimeSpan::FromMilliseconds( millisec );
   String^ timeInterval = interval.ToString();
   // Pad the end of the TimeSpan string with spaces if it 
   // does not contain milliseconds.
   int pIndex = timeInterval->IndexOf( ':' );
   pIndex = timeInterval->IndexOf( '.', pIndex );
   if ( pIndex < 0 )
      timeInterval = String::Concat( timeInterval, "        " );

   Console::WriteLine( "{0,21}{1,26}", millisec, timeInterval );

int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of TimeSpan::FromMilliseconds( double )\n"
   "generates the following output.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,21}{1,18}", "FromMilliseconds", "TimeSpan" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,21}{1,18}", "----------------", "--------" );
   GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( 1 );
   GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( 1.5 );
   GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( 12345.6 );
   GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( 123456789.8 );
   GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( 1234567898765.4 );
   GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( 1000 );
   GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( 60000 );
   GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( 3600000 );
   GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( 86400000 );
   GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( 1801220200 );

This example of TimeSpan::FromMilliseconds( double )
generates the following output.

     FromMilliseconds          TimeSpan
     ----------------          --------
                    1          00:00:00.0010000
                  1.5          00:00:00.0020000
              12345.6          00:00:12.3460000
          123456789.8        1.10:17:36.7900000
      1234567898765.4    14288.23:31:38.7650000
                 1000          00:00:01
                60000          00:01:00
              3600000          01:00:00
             86400000        1.00:00:00
           1801220200       20.20:20:20.2000000
// Example of the TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds( double ) method.
using System;

class FromMillisecDemo
    static void GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( Double millisec )
        // Create a TimeSpan object and TimeSpan string from 
        // a number of milliseconds.
        TimeSpan    interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds( millisec );
        string      timeInterval = interval.ToString( );

        // Pad the end of the TimeSpan string with spaces if it 
        // does not contain milliseconds.
        int pIndex = timeInterval.IndexOf( ':' );
        pIndex = timeInterval.IndexOf( '.', pIndex );
        if( pIndex < 0 )   timeInterval += "        ";

        Console.WriteLine( "{0,21}{1,26}", millisec, timeInterval );

    static void Main( )
            "This example of TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds( " +
            "double )\ngenerates the following output.\n" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,21}{1,18}", 
            "FromMilliseconds", "TimeSpan" );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,21}{1,18}", 
            "----------------", "--------" );

        GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( 1 );
        GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( 1.5 );
        GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( 12345.6 );
        GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( 123456789.8 );
        GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( 1234567898765.4 );
        GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( 1000 );
        GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( 60000 );
        GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( 3600000 );
        GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( 86400000 );
        GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( 1801220200 );

This example of TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds( double )
generates the following output.

     FromMilliseconds          TimeSpan
     ----------------          --------
                    1          00:00:00.0010000
                  1.5          00:00:00.0020000
              12345.6          00:00:12.3460000
          123456789.8        1.10:17:36.7900000
      1234567898765.4    14288.23:31:38.7650000
                 1000          00:00:01
                60000          00:01:00
              3600000          01:00:00
             86400000        1.00:00:00
           1801220200       20.20:20:20.2000000
// Example of the TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds( double ) method.
open System

let genTimeSpanFromMillisec millisec =
    // Create a TimeSpan object and TimeSpan string from 
    // a number of milliseconds.
    let interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds millisec
    let timeInterval = string interval

    // Pad the end of the TimeSpan string with spaces if it 
    // does not contain milliseconds.
    let pIndex = timeInterval.IndexOf ':'
    let pIndex = timeInterval.IndexOf('.', pIndex)
    let timeInterval =
        if pIndex < 0 then timeInterval + "        "
        else timeInterval

    printfn $"{millisec,21}{timeInterval,26}"

printfn "This example of TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds( double )\ngenerates the following output.\n"
printfn "%21s%18s" "FromMilliseconds" "TimeSpan"
printfn "%21s%18s" "----------------" "--------"

genTimeSpanFromMillisec 1
genTimeSpanFromMillisec 1.5
genTimeSpanFromMillisec 12345.6
genTimeSpanFromMillisec 123456789.8
genTimeSpanFromMillisec 1234567898765.4
genTimeSpanFromMillisec 1000
genTimeSpanFromMillisec 60000
genTimeSpanFromMillisec 3600000
genTimeSpanFromMillisec 86400000
genTimeSpanFromMillisec 1801220200

This example of TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds( double )
generates the following output.

     FromMilliseconds          TimeSpan
     ----------------          --------
                    1          00:00:00.0010000
                  1.5          00:00:00.0020000
              12345.6          00:00:12.3460000
          123456789.8        1.10:17:36.7900000
      1234567898765.4    14288.23:31:38.7650000
                 1000          00:00:01
                60000          00:01:00
              3600000          01:00:00
             86400000        1.00:00:00
           1801220200       20.20:20:20.2000000
' Example of the TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds( Double ) method.
Module FromMillisecDemo

    Sub GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( millisec As Double )

        ' Create a TimeSpan object and TimeSpan string from 
        ' a number of milliseconds.
        Dim interval As TimeSpan = _
            TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds( millisec )
        Dim timeInterval As String = interval.ToString( )

        ' Pad the end of the TimeSpan string with spaces if it 
        ' does not contain milliseconds.
        Dim pIndex As Integer = timeInterval.IndexOf( ":"c )
        pIndex = timeInterval.IndexOf( "."c, pIndex )
        If pIndex < 0 Then   timeInterval &= "        "

        Console.WriteLine( "{0,21}{1,26}", millisec, timeInterval )
    End Sub 

    Sub Main( )

        Console.WriteLine( "This example of " & _
            "TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds( Double )" & _
            vbCrLf & "generates the following output." & vbCrLf )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,21}{1,18}", _
            "FromMilliseconds", "TimeSpan" )    
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,21}{1,18}", _
            "----------------", "--------" )    

        GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( 1 )
        GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( 1.5 )
        GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( 12345.6 )
        GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( 123456789.8 )
        GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( 1234567898765.4 )
        GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( 1000 )
        GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( 60000 )
        GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( 3600000 )
        GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( 86400000 )
        GenTimeSpanFromMillisec( 1801220200 )
    End Sub 
End Module 

' This example of TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds( Double )
' generates the following output.
'      FromMilliseconds          TimeSpan
'      ----------------          --------
'                     1          00:00:00.0010000
'                   1.5          00:00:00.0020000
'               12345.6          00:00:12.3460000
'           123456789.8        1.10:17:36.7900000
'       1234567898765.4    14288.23:31:38.7650000
'                  1000          00:00:01
'                 60000          00:01:00
'               3600000          01:00:00
'              86400000        1.00:00:00
'            1801220200       20.20:20:20.2000000


value parametresi değer işaretlerine dönüştürülür ve yeni TimeSpanbaşlatmak için bu sayıda değer işareti kullanılır. Bu nedenle, value yalnızca en yakın milisaniyeye doğru olarak kabul edilir. Double veri türünün duyarlık kaybı nedeniyle, bu dönüştürmenin MinValue veya MaxValuearalığındaki değerler için bir OverflowException oluşturabileceğini unutmayın. Örneğin, bu bir TimeSpan nesnesinin örneğini oluşturmak için aşağıdaki girişimde bir OverflowException neden olur.

// The following throws an OverflowException at runtime
TimeSpan maxSpan = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(TimeSpan.MaxValue.TotalMilliseconds);
// The following throws an OverflowException at runtime
let maxSpan = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds TimeSpan.MaxValue.TotalMilliseconds
' The following throws an OverflowException at runtime
Dim maxSpan As TimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(TimeSpan.MaxValue.TotalMilliseconds)

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