Aracılığıyla paylaş

UrlMapping(String, String) Oluşturucu


UrlMapping sınıfının yeni bir örneğini başlatır.

 UrlMapping(System::String ^ url, System::String ^ mappedUrl);
public UrlMapping (string url, string mappedUrl);
new System.Web.Configuration.UrlMapping : string * string -> System.Web.Configuration.UrlMapping
Public Sub New (url As String, mappedUrl As String)



Kullanıcıya görüntülenecek URL.


Web uygulamanızda bulunan bir URL.


Aşağıdaki örnek, iki URL'yi eşlemek için Web.config dosyasını kullanır UrlMappingsSection ve ek bir URL için eşleme ekler. Web.config dosyasını değiştirip kaydettiğinizde uygulamanız yeniden başlatılır.

<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.Configuration" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 

<script runat="server">
    int showVal = 0;

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Get the parameter value from the QueryString
        if (Request.Params["show"] != null)
            showVal = Int32.Parse(Request.Params["show"]);

        // Show a page depending on the parameter value
        NoShowPanel.Visible = (showVal == 0);
        ShowHomePage.Visible = (showVal == 1);
        ShowProductsPage.Visible = (showVal == 2);
        ShowEventsPage.Visible = (showVal == 3);

        // <Snippet2>
        UrlMapping urlMap = null;
        // Open Web.config
        Configuration config =
        // Get the UrlMappings section
        UrlMappingsSection urlMapSection =
        // Modify UrlMapping in Web.config first time through
        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            // If not already added, add a UrlMapping to the section
            if (urlMapSection.UrlMappings.Count == 2)
                urlMap = new UrlMapping("~/events.aspx", 
                // This line assumes permission to write to disk

        if (showVal > 0)
            // <Snippet4>
            urlMap = (UrlMapping)urlMapSection.UrlMappings[showVal - 1];
            realURL.Text = urlMap.MappedUrl;
            // </Snippet4>
        // </Snippet2>


<html xmlns="" >
<head runat="server">
    <title>UrlMapping Example</title>
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
    <asp:Panel ID="NoShowPanel" runat="server" Visible="true">
        <h2>Show no page</h2>
        <p><a href="home.aspx">Home.aspx</a></p>
        <p><a href="products.aspx">Products.aspx</a></p>
        <p><a href="events.aspx">Events.aspx</a></p>
    <asp:Panel ID="ShowHomePage" runat="server" Visible="false">
        <h2>Home Page</h2>
        <p><a href="products.aspx">Products.aspx</a></p>
        <p><a href="events.aspx">Events.aspx</a></p>
    <asp:Panel ID="ShowProductsPage" runat="server" Visible="false">
        <h2>Products Page</h2>
        <p><a href="home.aspx">Home.aspx</a></p>
        <p><a href="events.aspx">Events.aspx</a></p>
    <asp:Panel ID="ShowEventsPage" runat="server" Visible="false">
        <h2>Events Page</h2>
        <p><a href="home.aspx">Home.aspx</a></p>
        <p><a href="products.aspx">Products.aspx</a></p>
    <p>The real URL for this page is 
        <asp:Label ID="realURL" runat="server">[None]</asp:Label></p>

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.Configuration" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 

<script runat="server">
    Dim showVal As Integer

    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        ' Get the parameter value from the QueryString
        If Not IsNothing(Request.Params("show")) Then
            showVal = Int32.Parse(Request.Params("show"))
            showVal = 0
        End If
        ' Show a page depending on the parameter value
        NoShowPanel.Visible = (showVal = 0)
        ShowHomePage.Visible = (showVal = 1)
        ShowProductsPage.Visible = (showVal = 2)
        ShowEventsPage.Visible = (showVal = 3)

        ' <Snippet2>
         dim urlMap as UrlMapping

        Dim config As Configuration
        ' Open Web.config
        config = _
        ' Get the UrlMappings section
        Dim urlMapSection As UrlMappingsSection
        urlMapSection = _
           CType(config.GetSection( _
               "system.web/urlMappings"), UrlMappingsSection)
        ' Modify UrlMapping in Web.config first time through
        If (Not Page.IsPostBack) Then
            ' If not already added, add a UrlMapping to the section
            If urlMapSection.UrlMappings.Count = 2 Then
                urlMap = New UrlMapping("~/events.aspx", _
                ' This line assumes permission to write to disk
            End If
        End If
        If showVal > 0 Then
            urlMap = CType(urlMapSection.UrlMappings(showVal - 1), UrlMapping)
            realURL.Text = urlMap.MappedUrl
        End If
        ' </Snippet2>
    End Sub


<html xmlns="" >
<head id="Head1" runat="server">
    <title>UrlMapping Example</title>
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
    <asp:Panel ID="NoShowPanel" runat="server" Visible="true">
        <h2>Show no page</h2>
        <p><a href="home.aspx">Home.aspx</a></p>
        <p><a href="products.aspx">Products.aspx</a></p>
        <p><a href="events.aspx">Events.aspx</a></p>
    <asp:Panel ID="ShowHomePage" runat="server" Visible="false">
        <h2>Home Page</h2>
        <p><a href="products.aspx">Products.aspx</a></p>
        <p><a href="events.aspx">Events.aspx</a></p>
    <asp:Panel ID="ShowProductsPage" runat="server" Visible="false">
        <h2>Products Page</h2>
        <p><a href="home.aspx">Home.aspx</a></p>
        <p><a href="events.aspx">Events.aspx</a></p>
    <asp:Panel ID="ShowEventsPage" runat="server" Visible="false">
        <h2>Events Page</h2>
        <p><a href="home.aspx">Home.aspx</a></p>
        <p><a href="products.aspx">Products.aspx</a></p>
    <p>The real URL for this page is 
        <asp:Label ID="realURL" runat="server">default.aspx</asp:Label></p>



Oluşturucu UrlMapping öncelikle ASP.NET tarafından iç kullanıma yöneliktir. Bu sınıftan türetmeniz gerekmez ve Web.config dosyasını değiştirmek için kullanılabildiğinden, büyük olasılıkla kodda kullanmanıza gerek yoktur.

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