Aracılığıyla paylaş

ViewCollection.AddAt(Int32, Control) Yöntem


Belirtilen denetimi belirtilen View dizin konumundaki koleksiyona ekler.

 override void AddAt(int index, System::Web::UI::Control ^ v);
public override void AddAt (int index, System.Web.UI.Control v);
override this.AddAt : int * System.Web.UI.Control -> unit
Public Overrides Sub AddAt (index As Integer, v As Control)



Denetimin ekleneceği View dizi dizini.


View Koleksiyona eklenecek denetim.

Özel durumlar

v parametresi bir View denetim belirtmez.


Aşağıdaki kod örneği, denetime program aracılığıyla denetimlerin MultiView nasıl ekleneceğini View gösterir. Her View denetim oluşturulduktan sonra, AddAt denetimi belirtilen dizindeki View denetimin ViewCollection MultiView koleksiyonuna eklemek için yöntemi kullanılır. Dizin Item[] oluşturucu, koleksiyonda ViewCollection depolanan denetimlerin View özelliklerine erişmek ID ve bunları kullanıcıya görüntülemek için kullanılır.

<%@ Page Language="VB"%>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" >
    <title>ViewCollection example</title>
<script runat="server">
        Sub Button1_Click(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
            ' Create a MultiView control.
            Dim MultiView1 As New MultiView

            ' Create a ViewCollection for the View 
            ' controls contained in MultiView1.
            Dim myViewCollection As New ViewCollection(MultiView1)

            ' Create a View control. 
            Dim View1 As New View
            ' Use a helper function to create the view.
            View1 = CreateView("View1")
            ' Add View1 to myViewCollection at index 0.
            myViewCollection.AddAt(0, View1)

            ' Create a second View control and 
            ' add it to myViewCollection at index 1.
            Dim View2 As New View
            View2 = CreateView("View2")
            myViewCollection.AddAt(1, View2)

            ' Create a third View control and 
            ' add it to myViewCollection at index 0.
            ' Inserting View3 at index 0 
            ' causes View1 to move to index 1  
            ' and View2 to move to index 2.
            Dim View3 As New View
            View3 = CreateView("View3")
            myViewCollection.AddAt(0, View3)

            ' Show the contents of myViewCollection on the page.
        End Sub

        ' A function to programmatically create a View control.
        Private Function CreateView(ByVal viewId As String) As View
            ' Create a View control
            Dim myView As New View
            myView.ID = viewId

            ' Create a Panel control.
            Dim Panel1 As New Panel

            ' Set the style properties for Panel1.
            Panel1.Height = New Unit(150)
            Panel1.Width = New Unit(150)
            Panel1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Azure
            Panel1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Double

            ' Add Panel1 to the Controls collection
            ' of the View control.

            ' Create a Label control.
            Dim Label1 As New Label

            ' Set the properties for Label1.
            Label1.Text = "This is " + CStr(myView.ID)

            ' Add Label1 to the Controls collection
            ' of the Panel1 control.

            Return myView
        End Function

        ' A sub-routine to display the contents of myViewCollection.
        Sub DisplayViewCollectionContents(ByVal collection As ViewCollection)
            ' Use the Item property to access the ID of the View
            ' control at the specified index in the collection.
            Label1.Text = "The view at index 0 is " + collection.Item(0).ID
            Label2.Text = "The view at index 1 is " + collection.Item(1).ID
            Label3.Text = "The view at index 2 is " + collection.Item(2).ID
        End Sub


    <form id="Form1" runat="server">

        <h3>ViewCollection example</h3> 

        <asp:Button id="Button2" 
            Text="Show ViewCollection contents" 
        <br /><br />  
        <hr />
        <asp:Label ID="Label1"
        </asp:Label><br /><br /> 

        <asp:Label ID="Label2"
        </asp:Label><br /><br />

        <asp:Label ID="Label3"
        </asp:Label><br /><br /> 


yöntemi yeni AddAt denetimi belirtilen dizin konumundaki koleksiyona ekler. Denetim yalnızca bir View denetimin örneği olabilir.

Sıralı dizin dizisinin sonuna denetim eklemek için yöntemini kullanın Add .

Şunlara uygulanır

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