Aracılığıyla paylaş

Timeline.CurrentTimeInvalidated Olay


Zaman çizelgesinin CurrentTimeClock özelliği güncelleştirildiğinde gerçekleşir.

 event EventHandler ^ CurrentTimeInvalidated;
public event EventHandler CurrentTimeInvalidated;
member this.CurrentTimeInvalidated : EventHandler 
Public Custom Event CurrentTimeInvalidated As EventHandler 

Olay Türü


Aşağıdaki örnekte, olaya nasıl kaydolacakları gösterilmektedir CurrentTimeInvalidated .


   This example shows how to register for the
   CurrentTimeInvalidated event
   using a Timeline. 


using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Navigation;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Input;

namespace Microsoft.Samples.Animation.TimingBehaviors

    public class TimelineCurrentTimeInvalidatedExample : Page {

        private TextBlock currentTimeTextBlock;
        public TimelineCurrentTimeInvalidatedExample()
            // Create a name scope.
            NameScope.SetNameScope(this, new NameScope());
            WindowTitle = "GetAnimationBaseValue Example";
            StackPanel myPanel = new StackPanel();
            myPanel.Margin = new Thickness(20);     
            // Create a rectangle.
            Rectangle animatedRectangle = new Rectangle();
            animatedRectangle.Width = 100;
            animatedRectangle.Height = 50;
            animatedRectangle.Margin = new Thickness(50);
            animatedRectangle.Fill = Brushes.Orange;
            animatedRectangle.Stroke = Brushes.Gray;
            animatedRectangle.StrokeThickness = 2;
            // Create a RotateTransform.
            RotateTransform animatedTransform = new RotateTransform();
            animatedTransform.Angle = 0;
            this.RegisterName("animatedTransform", animatedTransform);
            animatedRectangle.RenderTransform = animatedTransform;
            animatedRectangle.RenderTransformOrigin = new Point(0.5,0.5);
            this.Content = myPanel;

            // Create a TextBlock to show the storyboard's current time.
            currentTimeTextBlock = new TextBlock();
            // Animate the RotateTransform's angle using a Storyboard.
            DoubleAnimation angleAnimation = new DoubleAnimation(0,360, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
            angleAnimation.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever;
            Storyboard.SetTargetName(angleAnimation, "animatedTransform");
                new PropertyPath(RotateTransform.AngleProperty));
            Storyboard theStoryboard = new Storyboard();
            // Register the CurrentTimeInvalidated event.
            // You must register for events before you begin 
            // the storyboard.
            theStoryboard.CurrentTimeInvalidated += 
                new EventHandler(storyboard_CurrentTimeInvalidated);
            // Start the storyboard.
            theStoryboard.Begin(animatedRectangle, true);
        private void storyboard_CurrentTimeInvalidated(object sender, EventArgs e)

            // Sender is the clock that was created for this storyboard.
            Clock storyboardClock = (Clock)sender;
            // Update the TextBlock with the storyboard's current time.
            currentTimeTextBlock.Text = storyboardClock.CurrentTime.ToString();       
'   This example shows how to register for the
'   CurrentTimeInvalidated event
'   using a Timeline. 

Imports System.Windows
Imports System.Windows.Navigation
Imports System.Windows.Media
Imports System.Windows.Media.Animation
Imports System.Windows.Shapes
Imports System.Windows.Controls
Imports System.Windows.Input

Namespace Microsoft.Samples.Animation.TimingBehaviors

    Public Class TimelineCurrentTimeInvalidatedExample
        Inherits Page

        Private currentTimeTextBlock As TextBlock
        Public Sub New()

            ' Create a name scope.
            NameScope.SetNameScope(Me, New NameScope())

            WindowTitle = "GetAnimationBaseValue Example"
            Dim myPanel As New StackPanel()
            myPanel.Margin = New Thickness(20)

            ' Create a rectangle.
            Dim animatedRectangle As New Rectangle()
            With animatedRectangle
                .Width = 100
                .Height = 50
                .Margin = New Thickness(50)
                .Fill = Brushes.Orange
                .Stroke = Brushes.Gray
                .StrokeThickness = 2
            End With

            ' Create a RotateTransform.
            Dim animatedTransform As New RotateTransform()
            animatedTransform.Angle = 0
            Me.RegisterName("animatedTransform", animatedTransform)
            animatedRectangle.RenderTransform = animatedTransform
            animatedRectangle.RenderTransformOrigin = New Point(0.5, 0.5)
            Me.Content = myPanel

            ' Create a TextBlock to show the storyboard's current time.
            currentTimeTextBlock = New TextBlock()

            ' Animate the RotateTransform's angle using a Storyboard.
            Dim angleAnimation As New DoubleAnimation(0, 360, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5))
            angleAnimation.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever
            Storyboard.SetTargetName(angleAnimation, "animatedTransform")
            Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(angleAnimation, New PropertyPath(RotateTransform.AngleProperty))

            Dim theStoryboard As New Storyboard()

            ' Register the CurrentTimeInvalidated event.
            ' You must register for events before you begin 
            ' the storyboard.
            AddHandler theStoryboard.CurrentTimeInvalidated, AddressOf storyboard_CurrentTimeInvalidated

            ' Start the storyboard.
            theStoryboard.Begin(animatedRectangle, True)

        End Sub

        Private Sub storyboard_CurrentTimeInvalidated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

            ' Sender is the clock that was created for this storyboard.
            Dim storyboardClock As Clock = CType(sender, Clock)

            ' Update the TextBlock with the storyboard's current time.
            currentTimeTextBlock.Text = storyboardClock.CurrentTime.ToString()
        End Sub

    End Class

End Namespace


Zaman çizelgesinin CurrentStateInvalidatedClock güncelleştirilirken CurrentTime bildirim almak istediğinizde olayı kullanın.

Object Olay işleyicisinin EventHandler parametresi zaman çizelgesinin Clockparametresidir.

Bu olay işleyicisi bir zaman çizelgesiyle ilişkilendirilmiş gibi görünse de, aslında bu zaman çizelgesi için oluşturulan ile Clock kaydeder. Daha fazla bilgi için bkz . Zamanlama Olaylarına Genel Bakış.

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