Aracılığıyla paylaş

Nasıl yapılır: Türetilen Sınıfların Serileştirmesini Denetleme

XML öğesinin adını değiştirmek için XmlElementAttribute özniteliğini kullanmak, nesne serileştirmeyi özelleştirmenin tek yolu değildir. Ayrıca var olan bir sınıftan türeterek ve örneğe yeni sınıfın nasıl seri hale getirileceğini bildirerek XmlSerializer XML akışını özelleştirebilirsiniz.

Örneğin, belirtilen bir Book sınıfı, bu sınıftan türetilen ve oluşturma bir ExpandedBook birkaç daha fazla özellik sınıf. Ancak, seri hale getirilirken veya seri durumdan çıkarılırken türetilmiş türü kabul etmesi için XmlSerializer'a talimat vermeniz gerekir. Bu, bir XmlElementAttribute örnek oluşturup Type özelliğini türetilmiş sınıf türüne ayarlayarak yapılabilir. XmlElementAttribute öğesini bir XmlAttributes örneğe ekleyin. Ardından, geçersiz kılınan türü ve türetilen sınıfı kabul eden üyenin adını belirterek XmlAttributes öğesini bir XmlAttributeOverrides örneğe ekleyin. Bu, aşağıdaki örnekte gösterilir.


Public Class Orders  
    public Books() As Book  
End Class
Public Class Book  
    public ISBN As String
End Class  
Public Class ExpandedBook  
    Inherits Book  
    public NewEdition As Boolean  
End Class  
Public Class Run  
    Shared Sub Main()  
        Dim t As Run = New Run()  
    End Sub  
    Public Sub SerializeObject(filename As String)  
        ' Each overridden field, property, or type requires
        ' an XmlAttributes instance.
        Dim attrs As XmlAttributes = New XmlAttributes()  
        ' Creates an XmlElementAttribute instance to override the
        ' field that returns Book objects. The overridden field  
        ' returns Expanded objects instead.  
        Dim attr As XmlElementAttribute = _  
        New XmlElementAttribute()  
        attr.ElementName = "NewBook"  
        attr.Type = GetType(ExpandedBook)  
        ' Adds the element to the collection of elements.  
        ' Creates the XmlAttributeOverrides.  
        Dim attrOverrides As XmlAttributeOverrides = _  
        New XmlAttributeOverrides()  
        ' Adds the type of the class that contains the overridden
        ' member, as well as the XmlAttributes instance to override it
        ' with, to the XmlAttributeOverrides instance.
        attrOverrides.Add(GetType(Orders), "Books", attrs)  
        ' Creates the XmlSerializer using the XmlAttributeOverrides.  
        Dim s As XmlSerializer  = _  
        New XmlSerializer(GetType(Orders), attrOverrides)  
        ' Writing the file requires a TextWriter instance.  
        Dim writer As TextWriter = New StreamWriter(filename)  
        ' Creates the object to be serialized.  
        Dim myOrders As Orders = New Orders()  
        ' Creates an object of the derived type.  
        Dim b As ExpandedBook = New ExpandedBook()  
        b.ISBN= "123456789"  
        b.NewEdition = True  
        myOrders.Books = New ExpandedBook(){b}  
        ' Serializes the object.  
    End Sub  
    Public Sub DeserializeObject(filename As String)  
        Dim attrOverrides As XmlAttributeOverrides = _  
        New XmlAttributeOverrides()  
        Dim attrs As XmlAttributes = New XmlAttributes()  
        ' Creates an XmlElementAttribute to override the
        ' field that returns Book objects. The overridden field  
        ' returns Expanded objects instead.
        Dim attr As XmlElementAttribute = _  
        New XmlElementAttribute()  
        attr.ElementName = "NewBook"  
        attr.Type = GetType(ExpandedBook)  
        ' Adds the XmlElementAttribute to the collection of objects.  
        attrOverrides.Add(GetType(Orders), "Books", attrs)  
        ' Creates the XmlSerializer using the XmlAttributeOverrides.  
        Dim s As XmlSerializer = _  
        New XmlSerializer(GetType(Orders), attrOverrides)  
        Dim fs As FileStream = New FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open)  
        Dim myOrders As Orders = CType( s.Deserialize(fs), Orders)  
        ' The difference between deserializing the overridden
        ' XML document and serializing it is this: To read the derived
        ' object values, you must declare an object of the derived type
        ' and cast the returned object to it.
        Dim expanded As ExpandedBook
        Dim b As Book  
        for each b  in myOrders.Books  
            expanded = CType(b, ExpandedBook)  
    End Sub  
End Class  
public class Orders  
    public Book[] Books;  
public class Book  
    public string ISBN;  
public class ExpandedBook:Book  
    public bool NewEdition;  
public class Run  
    public void SerializeObject(string filename)  
        // Each overridden field, property, or type requires
        // an XmlAttributes instance.  
        XmlAttributes attrs = new XmlAttributes();  
        // Creates an XmlElementAttribute instance to override the
        // field that returns Book objects. The overridden field  
        // returns Expanded objects instead.  
        XmlElementAttribute attr = new XmlElementAttribute();  
        attr.ElementName = "NewBook";  
        attr.Type = typeof(ExpandedBook);  
        // Adds the element to the collection of elements.  
        // Creates the XmlAttributeOverrides instance.  
        XmlAttributeOverrides attrOverrides = new XmlAttributeOverrides();  
        // Adds the type of the class that contains the overridden
        // member, as well as the XmlAttributes instance to override it
        // with, to the XmlAttributeOverrides.  
        attrOverrides.Add(typeof(Orders), "Books", attrs);  
        // Creates the XmlSerializer using the XmlAttributeOverrides.  
        XmlSerializer s =
        new XmlSerializer(typeof(Orders), attrOverrides);  
        // Writing the file requires a TextWriter instance.  
        TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filename);  
        // Creates the object to be serialized.  
        Orders myOrders = new Orders();  
        // Creates an object of the derived type.  
        ExpandedBook b = new ExpandedBook();  
        b.ISBN= "123456789";  
        b.NewEdition = true;  
        myOrders.Books = new ExpandedBook[]{b};  
        // Serializes the object.  
    public void DeserializeObject(string filename)  
        XmlAttributeOverrides attrOverrides =
            new XmlAttributeOverrides();  
        XmlAttributes attrs = new XmlAttributes();  
        // Creates an XmlElementAttribute to override the
        // field that returns Book objects. The overridden field  
        // returns Expanded objects instead.  
        XmlElementAttribute attr = new XmlElementAttribute();  
        attr.ElementName = "NewBook";  
        attr.Type = typeof(ExpandedBook);  
        // Adds the XmlElementAttribute to the collection of objects.  
        attrOverrides.Add(typeof(Orders), "Books", attrs);  
        // Creates the XmlSerializer using the XmlAttributeOverrides.  
        XmlSerializer s =
        new XmlSerializer(typeof(Orders), attrOverrides);  
        FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open);  
        Orders myOrders = (Orders) s.Deserialize(fs);  
        // The difference between deserializing the overridden
        // XML document and serializing it is this: To read the derived
        // object values, you must declare an object of the derived type
        // and cast the returned object to it.  
        ExpandedBook expanded;  
        foreach(Book b in myOrders.Books)
            expanded = (ExpandedBook)b;  
            expanded.ISBN + "\n" +

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