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Microsoft Graph Data Connect integration with PAM


Microsoft Graph Data Connect integration with Privileged Access Management (PAM) is deprecated. For details, see Microsoft Graph Data Connect onboarding experience.

Microsoft Graph Data Connect relies on Privileged Access Management (PAM) to allow Microsoft 365 administrators to approve data movement requests. Data Connect pipelines must be approved by a member of the data access request approver group specified by the Microsoft 365 administrator during enablement. To set up the approver group, see Set up your Microsoft 365 tenant and enable Microsoft Graph Data Connect.

Approval request emails are sent to each member of the approver group to notify them when copy activities request access to extract Microsoft 365 data. Approvers can approve or deny these requests, specify a user group that should be scrubbed out of extracted data, or revoke a previously approved request. Approvals persist for six months, and one approval is needed per copy activity in the Azure Synapse or Azure Data Factory pipeline.

Each request always includes the following details about the dataset and the users about whom data is being extracted:

  • Requestor: The user who requested the pipeline.
  • Duration: If approved, how long the approval persists, which is always 4320 hours (6 months).
  • Reason: Reason for the request, typically "An app installed for your organization requires approval for access to Office 365 Data."
  • Requested at: The DateTime of the request.
  • Request id: The ID of the request, used for approval purposes.
  • DataTable: The data set being extracted (for example, Sent Items).
  • Columns: The list of columns being extracted from the data table (for example, SentDateTime).
  • AllowedGroups: The group or groups of users against whom the pipeline is extracting data. If the list of groups is empty, the pipeline is requesting access to data from all users in the tenant.
  • User Scope Query: The predicate used to filter out users. This only applies if the request is for all users in the tenant. If this is empty, no filter is applied.
  • OutputUri: The output path in which the extracted data is stored.
  • SourceTenantId: The tenant ID from which data is being extracted.
  • InstallerIdentity: The identity of the app installer.

The following fields in the request are available only in some cases:

  • Application Name and the Marketplace URI (available only for applications installed from the Azure Marketplace).
  • Links to the application's privacy policy and terms of service (available only if the application provides it).
  • The compliance policies that the application enforces, such as data encryption at rest in the output storage location (available only if the application provides it and if the application is installed from the Azure Marketplace).
  • Deny List: The user group that can be scrubbed out of the extracted data. This field is empty as a part of the request for datasets that support privacy scrubbing of extracted data. It can be populated by the member of the approver group who approves the request at approval time.

Approving requests

Microsoft Graph Data Connect pipelines must be approved by a member of a data access request approver group. Approvers can approve, deny, or revoke pipelines by using the Exchange Online PowerShell module or the PAM user experience.

Approve, deny, and revoke requests by using PowerShell

Use the following steps to interact with a request by using the Exchange Online PowerShell module:

  1. Install the Exchange Online PowerShell module. For installation instructions, see Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell using multi-factor authentication.

  2. Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell by using multi-factor authentication (MFA). For instructions, see Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell using multi-factor authentication.


    Note: You do not need to enable multi-factor authentication for your organization to use these steps while connecting to Exchange Online PowerShell. Connecting with MFA creates an OAuth token that is used by PAM for signing your requests.

  3. Sign in with your account. You must be part of the configured data access approver group to be able to approve, deny, or revoke requests. Guest users cannot approve requests, even if they are in the approver group.

  4. Find all pending requests.


    The value in the Identity property is used to identify and approve or deny the request. Note this value and use it in the -RequestId parameter.

    Get-ElevatedAccessRequest | ?{$_.RequestStatus -eq 'Pending'}
  5. Take a closer look at the context field of the request that you are interested in.


    The context field of the data access request describes the parameters and properties of the copy activity.

    Get-ElevatedAccessRequest -RequestId ($requestId).Context | ConvertFrom-Json

    You get a response similar to the following:

    Key                          Value
    ---                          -----
    ComplianceStatus             [{"Timestamp":"2018-05-02T18:29:21.5705664Z","RequirementName":"adlsEncryption","PolicyComplianceState":"Compliant","Violations":0},{"Timestamp":"2018-05-02T...
    OutputUri                    adl://myadlserumvrroyspmq.azuredatalakestore.net/targetFolder/Event
    ApplicationPrivacyPolicyUri  http://www.wkw.com/privacy
    ApplicationTermsOfServiceUri http://www.wkw.com/tos
    InstallerIdentity            a89885c3-4b0e-499e-86ed-14d7ed9147c2@942229f8-4656-4fb0-828b-e938dad4019a
    SourceTenantId               942229f8-4656-4fb0-828b-e938dad4019a
    UserScopeQuery               tenant in (942229f8-4656-4fb0-828b-e938dad4019a)
    DataTable                    Calendar Events
    DestinationTenantId          942229f8-4656-4fb0-828b-e938dad4019a
    Columns                      Subject:string, HasAttachments:bool, End:DateTime, Start:DateTime, ResponseStatus:string, Organizer:Object, Attendees:string, Importance:string, Sensitivity:...
  6. Approve/deny the request by using the value for Identity for the -RequestId parameter.

    Approve-ElevatedAccessRequest -RequestId $requestId -Comment "Yay!!"
    Deny-ElevatedAccessRequest -RequestId $requestId -Comment "Nay!!"

You can also approve the request with a deny list to ensure data from certain users is not included. To do so, you need to modify the context of the request to add the object Id of the group that you want to omit, and then approve the request.

$request = Get-ElevatedAccessRequest -RequestId
$hash = $request.Context
$hash["DenyList"] = <Object ID of denied user group>;
Approve-ElevatedAccessRequest -RequestId $requestId -Comment "Yay!!" -RequestContext $hash
Deny-ElevatedAccessRequest -RequestId $requestId -Comment "Nay!!"

You can also revoke requests that were previously approved. Similar to approving requests, the value for Identity is what is required in the -RequestId parameter.

Revoke-ElevatedAccessAuthorization -Comment "Revoking this request!" -RequestId $requestId

You get a response similar to the following:

AuthorizedBy          : user@contoso.com
Type                  : Task
AuthorizedAccess      : Data Access Request
StartTimeUtc          : 7/24/2018 6:02:42 PM
EndTimeUtc            : 10/22/2018 6:02:42 PM
Revoked               : True
RevocationDateTimeUtc : 7/24/2018 9:12:55 PM
RevokedBy             : NAMPR00A001.prod.outlook.com/Microsoft Exchange Hosted  Organizations/contoso.com/user
RevocationComment     : Revoking this request!
Identity              : bda75607-0d87-43cb-bdf1-284b18446b34
DateCreatedUtc        : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
DateUpdatedUtc        : 7/24/2018 9:12:55 PM

Approve, deny, and revoke requests by using the PAM user experience

Use the following steps to interact with a request by using the PAM user experience:

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft 365 admin portal by using admin credentials, and then go to the Privileged Access Management approval user experience page. This page shows you all the access requests (pending/approved/expired/denied).

  2. On the resulting page, select the request that you're interested in. To select a deny list for privacy scrubbing, select the DenyList dropdown, select the group that needs to be scrubbed, and then select Approve.

  3. To revoke a previously approved request, select the approved request that needs to be revoked, and then choose Revoke. The next attempt to move data by using that approval fails.

Approval behavior

Microsoft Graph Data Connect approval requests have particular characteristics that you should be aware of:

  • Approval requests are based on the Azure Synapse or Azure Data Factory, pipeline, and copy activity names. Every copy activity run verifies that the Microsoft 365 admin has approved the copy activity's request to access Office data, and validates the important parameters of the copy activity run against the parameters of the approval.
  • Under certain conditions, a new approval request is automatically triggered. A Data Connect approver must approve the new request before the copy activity can access Microsoft 365 data.
  • If the parameters of the copy activity run changes, a new approval request is triggered.
  • A new approval request is triggered if the Azure Synapse or Azure Data Factory pipeline or copy activity's name change. For example, a new approval is required if the data table or set of columns that the copy activity is accessing changes.
  • Copy activities must be approved once every six months. If the original approval was approved six months ago, a new approval request is automatically triggered.
  • If a Microsoft 365 data access approver has denied an approval request or revoked a previously approved request, the copy activity fails continually. Work with the approver to understand the reason for the denial or revocation, and fix the parameters of the copy activity accordingly. To trigger a new request for approval, a new copy activity must be deployed or the name of the existing copy activity must be changed.
  • An approval request expires in 24 hours unless a Microsoft 365 data access approver acts on the request. A new request is submitted once every 24 hours for approval. If you see your copy activity waiting for approval (in the Consent Pending stage), work with a Microsoft 365 data access approver to get your request approved.

Privacy scrubbing

The member of the approver group who approves the request can specify the name of one user group whose data would be scrubbed out of extracted data. The rows containing email addresses corresponding to the members of the denied group are scrubbed out of extracted data. Groups nested within the denied group are expanded, and only users are scrubbed out. Refer to the approving requests section of this article for details about how to apply the deny list during approval through either PowerShell or the PAM user experience.

The following table shows the names of the datasets and the columns for which the contents are checked for privacy scrubbing.

Dataset name Columns used for deny list-based scrubbing
Sender, From, ToRecipients, CcRecipients, BccRecipients
Sender, From, ToRecipients, CcRecipients, BccRecipients
Organizer, Attendees
BasicDataSet_v0.CalendarView_v0 Organizer, Attendees